
Research Papers/Topics Engineering

Finite Element Analysis Of A Transient 2-Dimensional Heat Conduction Problem

ABSTRACT The analysis of a transient 2-Dimensional heat conduction problem by the Finite Element Method is hereby presented.

Modelling and Simulation of Groundwater Flow and Radionuclide Transport in Aquifers of Dahomeyan System of the Accra Plains in Ghana

ABSTRACT Locating a suitable radioactive waste disposal site in the Dahomeyan System of the Accra Plains has become necessary in isolating radionuclide waste from the biosphere to reduce risk to human and environment. Radionuclide as leaked from canister into the groundwater is carried by groundwater through fractured domain in space and time lead to groundwater contamination that poses threat to humans and the environment. Previous researches carried out in the study area modelled radionucli...


Abstract The objective of the study was to determine the most appropriate methods of initial land preparations in Afram Plains based on their effect on selected soil physical properties such as dry bulk density, porosity, hydraulic conductivity and available water content. The study also sought to estimate the cost of preparing farm lands in the Afram Plains. The study was conducted in Odumesua in the Afram Plains District sampling soil from fields prepared with three identified and categoriz...

Effects of Injection Pipe Orientation on Mixing Behavior in Contributing to Thermal Fatigue in a T-junction of a Pipe

ABSTRACT  The thesis dealt with the temperature fluctuation in a T-junction with two fluid streams of different temperature. This phenomenon is of crucial importance in many engineering applications such as Nuclear Power Plants, because temperature fluctuation leads to thermal fatigue and subsequently might result in failure of structural material. In mixing areas of a Nuclear Power Plant where piping structure is exposed to unavoidable temperature differences in a bid to maintain plant oper...

Effects of Wall Roughness on Flow Stability Analysis of Supercritical Heated Channel

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study The world‟s population growth is increasing rapidly and requires a corresponding growth in electric energy production. The current worldwide electricity sources, consists of approximately coal 41%, gas 20%, oil 6%, nuclear 15%, and hydro and renewable together 18% [1]. For the world to support its population there must be an increase in the use of energy supplies that are clean, safe and cost-effective. Prominent among these supplies i...

Environmental Implications Of Oil And Gas Activities On Livelihoods Of Citizens In Akyinkyin In The Western Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The development of Ghana requires adequate revenue generation from the oil and gas sector. In the country’s quest to generate revenue for its development, a number of damages are caused to both the livelihoods of people in the oil producing areas and the environment. The research examined the environmental implications of oil and gas activities on the livelihoods of citizens in Akyinkyin in the western region of Ghana. Both the probability and non-probability methods of research we...

A Survey Of News Consumption Patterns Of Students Of The University Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study sought to find out the news consumption patterns of University of Ghana students. Specifically, it was to ascertain whether the advent of the internet was discouraging students from accessing the traditional media. Also in consideration were the news sources of students and their motivations for accessing those news media. A survey was employed to gather the required data. A sample of 148 was drawn from Commonwealth Hall, Volta Hall and Legon Hall. Among the respondents, t...

Effect Of Biochar On Soil Physical Properties, Water Use Efficiency, And Growth Of Maize In A Sandy Loam Soil

ABSTRACT There has been claims that biochar improves water retention in soil and aid in improved crop productivity. Hence, recent conservation practices in the area of agricultural lands have focused research attention on the performance mechanism of biochar. In this study, the effect of corn cob biochar particle sizes ( FBP (

Composting Of Organically Amended/Treated Hardwood And Softwood Sawdust

ABSTRACT Sawdust is a major waste produced by the wood industry. Adding value to sawdust through composting is one of the surest means by which environmental pollution could be minimized. About 500 kg of softwood and hardwood sawdust were separately mixed with mucuna leaves and kitchen waste in the ratio of 3:1:1 on weight basis and heaped using effluent from abattoir to develop composts. Objectives of the study were to monitor changes in the physico-chemical properties, NH4 + ‒ N, NO3 ‒ ...

Press Coverage Of Cybercrime Issues In Ghana: A Content Analysis Of The Daily Graphic And Daily Guide

ABSTRACT The media is often referred to as the mirror of society, reflecting events and issues that occur in society. This study examined the nature of coverage the press in Ghana gave to cybercrime issues through a content analysis of sampled editions of the Daily Graphic and the Daily Guide in 2011. The study set out to examine the view that the structure of ownership of a medium determines the content it turns out. Specifically, it tested the view that a state-owned newspaper such as the D...

A Tool For The Simulation Of Stream Processing Tasks On Two Dimensional Processor Arrays

ABSTRACT A tool for the simulation of stream processing tasks on two dimensional processor arrays is developed in this work. The tool, a Many-core Energy and Latency Estimator (MELE) has provided abstractions from the many design constraints facing application developers on Many-core platforms. A set of models have been designed to improve the programmer’s ability to iteratively map data flow applications to the target machine. Included in the model set are; an application model, which pr...

A Novel Approach For Estimating Critical Rate And Horizontal Well Placement In Oil Rim Reservoirs

ABSTRACT Coning tendencies in oil rim reservoirs pose serious hindrance to optimizing oil production in the thin oil beds as unwanted fluids tend to replace the oil in the production stream, which invariably limits the ultimate oil recovery. In this study, a semi-analytical method of estimating critical production rate (qoc) and optimum horizontal well placement (hopt) was developed for reservoirs with thin oil zones sandwiched between gas cap and bottom water. Also, proxy models was genera...

Strengths and Sorption Properties Of Cement Bonded Composites Made From Calamus Deeratus And Laccosperma Secundiflorum Canes

ABSTRACT Two layered rattan cement composite were made from Calamus Deeratus and Laccosperma Secundiflorum particles using cement:

Evaluation Of Three Methods For Estimating Leaf Area Index Of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata)

ABSTRACT Leaf Area Index (LAI) is a concept that cuts across agricultural sciences and agricultural engineering with an encapsulating feature in environmental engineering. It is one of the most difficult 10 quantify properly owing to large spatial and temporal variability.

A Facility Maintenance Scheduling Model Incorporating Opportunity And Inflationary Costs

ABSTRACT This paper deals with facility maintenance scheduling model which incorporates opportunity and inflationary costs.

1921 - 1935 Of 3408 Results