
Research Papers/Topics Engineering

Green Synthesis Of Tio2 Nps Using Ximenia Caffra Leaf Extract And Their Application In Poultry Feeds As An Antibacterial Agent.

BSTRACT Phytosynthesis of TiO2 NPs from Ximenia Caffra leaf extract and their application in poultry feeds as an antibacterial agent was done. Reaction time and pH effect for the synthesis of TiO2 NPs were optimized using a single factor method. A Central Composite Design (CCD) was used to determine the effect of linear factors (titanium tetrachloride concentration, temperature and leaf extract volume) and their interactions on the synthesis of TiO2 NPs. A total of twenty experiments formulat...

Quality Of Service Measurement And Evaluation In Telecommunications: A Case Study Of Africom (Private) Limited

Abstract This research work studied the behaviour of Africom’s converged network, measured and evaluated the QoS of service of the network with the various traffic streams. Its objective was to identify and measure the different metrics that affect the delivery of QoS in the network. Parameters for measuring QoS were be identified and measured and the overall performance of the network evaluated. The approach that was adopted was guided by the subscriber concerns as well as the technical pa...

Electrodeposition Of Zinc Oxide Nano Particles On Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Modified Glassy Carbon Electrodefor Simultaneous Detection Of Acetaminophen And Caffeine

ABSTRACT A new simple novel electrochemical sensing platform based onelectrodeposition ofnano zinc oxide ontomultiwalled carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode was constructed. The modified electrode was characterized by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance in a redox probe.The electrode surface area after modification was 0.15 cm2, which was twice large that of a bare glassy carbon electrode. The new fabricated sensor was applied for individual and simultaneous determi...

A Critical Analysis Of Prisons As Discourse Communities: An Examination Of Whawha Prison Complex.

ABSTRACT This research looks at the prison community as a discourse community. The study also provides a sociolinguistic analysis of the language used at Whawha Medium Offenders Prison. Through the analysis of language the study also explores certain aspects of prison life at Whawha prison complex. The study uses the ‘sociolinguistics theory’. The research examines Whawha Prison Complex as a discourse community, investigates how the inmates at Whawha Prison Complex use language in a pecul...

Public Transport Inventory Monitoring System for Developing Countries

ABSTRACT This report serves to give an account for a research on a Public Transport Inventory Monitoring System for Developing Countries. The research is based on the current situation in Zimbabwe where the public transport industry is dominated by the informal sector. In this document there is a discussion of the transport industry in Zimbabwe, identification of the problem of accountability of inventory in the current industry, a methodology to help solve the problem and the results of usin...


ABSTRACT The research focused into the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based technologies in the teaching and learning at Early Childhood Education (ECE) level settings in the context of the new curriculum in Bulawayo Urban schools. The study was conducted at Riverside Stimulation Centre in Imbizo District in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province. Ten ECE teachers formed the sample. Questionnaires were used to gather information from teachers. Focus groups interviews were us...

Kinetic Modelling Of Complex Reforming Reaction Networks On Platinum – Alumina And Silica - Alumina Catalysts.

ABSTRACT The kinetic analysis of three complex reaction networks of catalytic reforming reaction systems has been studied. The complex systems of reaction networks were first fashioned into a system of single reactions. Each single reaction is then delineated into a sequence of elementary reaction steps. The principles of rate determining step, steady state approximations and microscopic reversibility were then involved for necessary simplifications Kinetic and equilibrium parameters for mode...

Electrocatalytic detection of herbicide, amitrole on the platform modified with polyaniline cobalt phthalocyaninato doped with cobalt oxide nanoparticles

ABSTRACT An electrochemical sensor based on polyaniline cobalt phtahlocyanito doped with cobalt oxide nanoparticles was developed for the electrocatalytic oxidation of amitrole.FTIR, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and Bode plots were used in the characterization of the synthesized modifiers CoTCPc, PANI, Co2O3NPs and to ascertain the chemical linkage between CoTCPc and PANI while cyclic voltammetry, linear sweep, chronoamperometry and differential pulse voltammetry were used to ...

A Hybrid Virtual Force Field Model For Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation

ABSTRACT This work improves upon the Potential Field Method (PFM) for the navigation of autonomous mobile robots, through the introduction of a new Hybrid Virtual Force Field (HVFF) concept. The HVFF concept integrates the virtual force field (VFF), which is based on the principles of artificial attractive and repulsive potentials, with the virtual obstacle concept (VOC) and the virtual goal concept (VGC). In particular, the specific challenges resolved by the HVFF include the local minimal p...

Heat Transfer By Steady Laminar Free Convection In Triangular Enclosures

ABSTRACT Two Dimensional Laminar Free Convection in a fluid contained in a long horizontal right triangular enclosure has been investigated using numerical techniques and an experimental study. The geometry of the enclosure is such that the base is assumed horizontal while the vertical height is adiabatic. Motion in the region is set up by heating the hypotenuse while cooling the horizontal wall. This model simulates heat transfer problems associated with pitched-roofs with suspended ceilings...

Design and construction of a low cost solar TV transmitter

Abstract In Zimbabwe television (ZTV) transmission coverage is approximately 55% nationwide and is mainly confined to urban areas. The dissertation overviews activities of the author’s design of a solar tv transmitter prototype which will act as gap filler in remote areas where there is no television coverage. Due to recent progress in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in industry particularly for control and data processing, the same goal can be achieved in television broadcastin...

Critical Study Of Bandwidth Management Strategies For Internet Services [Case Study Midlands State University]

ABSTRACT The internet has become a key resource at Midlands State University for research and communication. The institution is also experiencing high students‟ population which in turn has led to more demand for bandwidth. The high students‟ population makes the overall available bandwidth shrink leading to slow internet connection making internet an ineffective academic resource. The institution has been responding to slow internet connection by buying more bandwidth which is so unecono...


ABSTRACT An electrochemical sensor based on nickel tetraamine phthalocyanine and nitrogen doped grapheme oxide (NITAPC-NDGONS (mix)) nanoparticles was developed for the simultaneous electrocatalytic oxidation of vanillin and ascorbic acid. FTIR (Fourier Transimition Infrared), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and Bode plots were used in the characterization of the synthesized modifiers (NITAPC), (GONS-NITAPC) and NITAPC-NDGONS (mix)). Cyclic voltammetry, linear sweep, chronoampero...

Photocatalytic Degradation Of Methyl Orange Dye By Zno/Tio2/Cofe2o4 Trapped In Alginate Beads

ABSTRACT Azo dyes have become an immerging and difficult pollutant to the environment. Industrial activities have resulted in disposal of these toxic dyes in effluent and among them is methyl orange (MO) dye. Proper effluent treatment schemes have become a necessity so as to be able to reduce the potential toxicity issues regarding plant and animal life due to the rise in demand for clean and safe water. Several methods have been applied for the removal and degradation of MO dye but have prov...

Mobile Phone Based Scada System

ABSTRACT Monitoring is very important in Industrial Automation to bring out reliability and accuracy thus the use of a SCADA system. SCADA is an acronym for “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.” This systems are widely used in industry for supervisory control and data acquisition of industrial processes. A Android-enabled mobile phone can be used as a client in a SCADA application in order to display and supervise an industrial refrigeration system. The project presents an actual im...

1441 - 1455 Of 3416 Results