
Research Papers/Topics Engineering

Prediction Of Sugar Yield From Sugar Cane Using Process Modeling

ABSTRACTA study was undertaken to developed a model that will be used to predict sugar and theby-products from sugar cane. The model developed from MATLAB was used to predictthe sugar, bagasse, filter cake and molasses yield from sugar cane. The predicted valuesfrom the model were compared to yield data obtained from the production of sugar canefrom the Savannah Sugar Company, Numan, Nigeria for 90 days. The analysis ofvariance (ANOVA) at p ≤ 0.01 was used to determine if there were signifi...

An Algorithm For Mobile Location Estimation In A 3g Network

ABSTRACT Locating the position of a mobile user with a high degree of accuracy is a trending research interest. It holds the key to a breakthrough in many service challenges faced by operators in the wireless communication industry. With a success in this field, it will be possible for call rates in mobile phones to be charged based on the location a subscriber is calling from; fighting crimes and delivering emergency services through the mobile network’s ability to detect the caller’s po...

Development Of Software For Life Cycle Cost Analysis Of Solar Photovoltaic And Diesel Generator Systems In Nigeria

ABSTRACT In making a choice of solar Photovoltaic or diesel generator system as an alternative for power generation, life cycle costs (LCC) analysis are considered to be potentially important to such a decision. It incorporates all costs arising from owning, operating, maintaining and ultimately disposing of a project. In this study, a software computer program is developed to determine life cycle cost of solar Photovoltaic and diesel generator systems in Nigeria. The software is developed th...

Bearing Capacity and Critical Normal Stress Distribution of Soils by Method of Variational Calculus

ABSTRACT A ma thema t i c a l t-echnique is h e r e b y advanced f 01: i n v e s t i - c j ; ~ t - it13 the bearing c a p a c i t y and a s s o c i a t e d normal stress t l I :-; tLribut.ion il t- C a i l . u r e of s o i l f o u n d a t i o n s . 'I'hc stab1 1 i t.y e q u a t i o n s are o b t a i n e d using the L i m i l: i,:clu.i l i b r i u m ( 1,E) c o n d i t i o n s . The c o n d i t i o n s of v e r t i c n 1 , I I ~ J J - i z o n t aal .n d r o t a t i o n a l e q u i l i b r i a a...


STRACT Global warming is a serious problem facing the world today as well as the world in the future if left unchecked. In order to stop or avert this problem, our today’s society must change her ways, by learning how to alter what they do or use in order to be less harmful to the environment. Making our buildings and general structural facilities “green” would greatly impact this problem. There are many ways for this to be done and more ways are being developed rapidly. As these new de...

Modelling And Simulation Of Leakage-Induced Pressure Drops Along Oil And Gas Pipelines

ABSTRACT This research work on “Modelling and Simulation of Leakage-Induced Pressure drops along oil and gas pipelines tends to develop flow equations that can detect and localize leakages in oil and gas pipelines by modifying the Darcy-weisbach equation for liquid/oil flow, and the Panhandle B equation for natural gas flow in pipelines. These modified equations were simulated using matlab to show how flow rate values for the oil and gas pipelines vary when; the pipeline is working at full ...

Designing A Continuous Quality Improvement Framework For Improving Electrowinning Current Efficiency

ABSTRACT The use of quality control techniques such as Statistical Process Control (SPC) has become essential for any business to thrive in the modern industry. Statistical quality control is one of the reasons why the Japanese had a significant advantage over their competitors. However, many organizations are still not yet applying this powerful quality control technique (Ben & Jiju, 2000; Helm, 2018). In addition to that, although substantial research has been done to improve electrowinnin...

Assessment Of Atmospheric Dispersion Of Fly Ash Within The Vicinity Of Van Eck Coal-Fired Power Station, Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT Increase in population led to the growth of industrialisation which has stimulated the development of alternatives to produce electricity, including the use of coal. Coal-fired power plants produce an abundant amount of electricity, addressing the ever-increasing electricity demand. Power plants produce fly ash as a result of coal combustion for electric power generation. The Van Eck Power Station is the oldest and only coal-fired plant in Namibia that is located at the outskirts of ...

Adsorptive Potential Of Maize Tassel-Ethyl Acrylate Biopolymer Embedded Magnetic Nanohybrid Towards The Removal Of Cd(Ii) From Aqueous Solution: An Experimental Design Methodology

ABSTRACT A novel maize tassel-ethyl acrylate biopolymer embedded magneticnanohybrid(MTEA-MN)was designed for the adsorption of Cd (II) in batch experiments.Copolymerization parameters such as solvent amount, initiator concentration, monomer concentration, temperature and reaction time on grafting percentage were optimized.Characterization of the adsorbent was byFourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The effect of pH, contact time, initial concentration and adsorbent dosage and their ...

1456 - 1470 Of 3408 Results