Mathematics and Statistics Research Papers/Topics

Mathematical Modelling of Drug Abuse, Unemployment and Mental Stress on Population Dynamics of Mental Ilness

Abstract There has been a rise in the number of reported cases of mental illness in both High Income Countries (HICs) and Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) seldom make use of mathematical modeling. This research suggests eight first-order differential equations to form the basis of a mathematical model for psychiatric disorders. There are eight distinct categories created to reflect the public at large: the vulnerable, the working and jobless, drug add...

Probabilistic Analysis of Covid-19 Transmission In Kenya using Markov Chain

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on global health and has highlighted the importance of understanding the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. This study aimed to construct a COVID-19 transmission matrix in Kenya using the Markov chain and to examine the equilibrium distribution and steady states for COVID-19 transmission in Kenya. The study utilized data from the Ministry of Health in Kenya and other sources to estimate the transition probabilities used in t...

Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Competition for Students’ Population Via Influence And Economic Factors With Holling Type Ii Response

Abstract The increase in Kenyan population attracted the establishment of more schools, both public schools and private schools. This was due to the need to cater for the increasing number of students being enrolled in schools. Moreover, the dynamics of students’ population both in public schools and private schools have created the changes in the schools’ population. This occurs through transfer from one category of school to the other, through completion of the learning period and thro...

Modelling Volatility Of Kes/Usd Exchange Rates Using Time Series Models (A Case Study Of The Kenyan Exchange Rates)

ABSTRACT Research work examines the accuracy and forecasting performance of volatility models for the KES/USD exchange rate return in Kenya using the EGARCH and TARCH. In fitting these models to the daily and monthly exchange rate returns data collected from CBK which extended from the period January 2008 to December 2015, In this study, performance of Time series models ( asymmetric EGARCH and TARCH models) in forecasting the volatility behavior of Kenya FOREX market was examined. Daily FORE...

Application Of Markov Chain Model In Transition Of Girls In Public Secondary Schools; A Case Study Of Kisumu West Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Transition is a very important factor in determining success of a student in secondary school. It forms a basis for implementing poverty reduction strategy by the government through acquisition of basic literal skills to increase opportunities for employment. Girls have not had an efficient transition from form one to the next form in secondary schools because of choices of secondary school types they enroll in. This research uses a Markov chain model to compare and predict the perce...

Application Of Markov Chain Model In Career Progression Of University Academic Staff:A Case Study Of The Moi University - Eldoret, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The use of Mathematical models for manpower planning has increased in recent times for better manpower planning quantitatively both in public and private sectors. In respect of organizational management, numerous previous studies have applied Markov chain models in describing title or level promotions, demotions, recruitment, withdrawals, or changes of different career development paths to confirm the actual manpower needs of an organization or predict the future manpower needs. The ...

A Delayed Vaccination Model For Rotavirus.

ABSTRACT Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe gastroenteritis infection in infants and young children, occurring even with very high standard of hygiene. The disease spreads by contact with infected faeces and might also be transmitted through faecally-contaminated: food, water and respiratory droplets. Rota teq and Rotarix are the two licensed oral vaccine intervention for rotavirus. However, it takes time for the development of vaccineinduced immunity to complete, hence the need to ...

Mathematical Modelling Of Hiv/Aids Co-Infection With Tuberculosis And Pneumonia Incorporating Protection

ABSTRACT The synergistic relationship between HIV/AIDS and respiratory infections, such as tu- berculosis(TB) and pneumonia not only results in high mortality rates but is also a source of economic burden borne by many nations in the sub-saharan Africa. The search for a cure or vaccine for HIV/AIDS has yielded no conclusive results so far. Treatment fail- ure and lack of adherence to treatment schedule which results in the evolution of drug resistant strains of diseases are challenges to grap...

Analysis Of Young People’s Career By Use Of Markov Chains: Case Study Of Kisumu City

ABSTRACT It is the desire of every person to have a career. Not much thought has been taken by young people on how they can arrive at their future careers. The reason is mainly because they are not aware. As much as many people have attained their careers through education, not much consideration has been given to the other factors within education that leads one to his or her career. The study traced one’s career from primary to present position. There are stages one follows to reach the c...

Optimal Investment Strategies Of A Defined Contribution Pension Fund

ABSTRACT The issue that a pension fund manager faces is how to optimize his or her investment strategies. The question we resolved is the optimal design of the minimum guarantee in a defined contribution pension Fund Scheme. We study the optimal asset allocation strategy a given fund manager can adopt to maximize surplus (the difference between the total wealth and the Guarantee) and the payback ratio (ratio between total wealth and Guarantee). Finally, We analyze the impact of the main param...

Constraints Faced By Small And Medium Entreprise In Accessing Bank Finance In Eldoret Town Kenya

ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the economies of developed and developing countries, through creation of new jobs. Access to bank financial resources seems to be a major constraint to the growth of SMEs in the developing context. This study thus, aimed at finding out the constraints faced by SMEs in particular accessing bank financing. The study adopted the adverse selection theory of credit markets. This study adopted an explanatory and descriptive surv...

Difference In Difference Method To Impact Evaluation: A Case Study Of Fruiting Africa Project

ABSTRACT Development programs designed to address particular global challenges are facing increasing pressure to demonstrate their impact on the targeted com munities. The method mostly used to measure impact of development programs is by comparing the changes in outcomes of the program participants over time commonly know as before-and-after comparison. However, in some cases, the treatment and control groups are usually heterogeneous at baseline, making the difference in difference (DiD) me...

Application Of Logistic Regression Model To Determine Factors Causing Maternal Mortality: A Case Study Of Migori County Referral Hospital (2007-2015)

Abstract Kenya is one of the major contributors to the poor maternal health status in Africa with maternal mortality ratio of 488 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births translating to 7,700 maternal deaths annually [23]. There are regional disparities in maternal mortality among the 47 counties with county with the highest maternal mortality has almost 20 times maternal deaths of that with the lowest. Migori County is one of the counties with the highest burden of maternal mortality in the c...

The Analysis Of Gamma Strategies For A Nonlinear Black-Scholes Equation

ABSTRACT There has been a significant growth in research in the field of financial mathematics since the derivation of the standard Black-Scholes-Merton Partial Differential Equation by Black and Scholes, and Merton in 1973. The derivation was done under the assumption that the market is liquid and frictionless (no restrictions on trade and no transaction costs). The nonlinear equation ut + 1 2σ2S2uSS(1 + 2ρSuSS) = 0 for modeling illiquid markets has only been solved analytically using a po...

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum of Fourth Order Di erence Operators With Unbounded Coecients on the Hilbert Space `2(N)

Abstract Sturm-Liouville operators and Jacobi matrices have so far been developed in parallel for many years. A result in one eld usually leads to a result in the other. However not much in terms of spectral theory has been done in the discrete setting compared to the continuous version especially in higher order operators. Thus, we have investigated the deciency indices of fourth order dierence operator generated by a fourth order dierence equation and located the absolutely continuous spect...

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