Microbiology Research Papers/Topics

Assessing the incidence of common bean in Cameroon

In most parts of Cameroon particularly the Menoua Division, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is usually consumed immediately after harvest or after a few months of storage. Contamination of common bean by fungi usually occurs in the field and during storage. It is possible that the incidence of food contamination by fungi varies between field and storage. The study aimed at determining the incidence of common bean infection by fungi during harvest and during storage. Six common bean cultiv...

Culturing, Characterization And Identification Of Candidate Microorganisms In Cattle Ear, Responsible For Producing Volatile Constituents Attractive To The Brown Ear Tick

East Coast Fever is a disease of cattle which results in high animal mortality with corresponding economic losses to farmers and to the nation. The disease is caused by a protozoan agent whose vector is Rhipicephalus appendiculatus (Brown Ear Tick). The tick feeds dominantly inside the cattle ear. Studies have shown that the adults of R. appendiculatus exhibit „pull-push‟ effect that guides them to their preferred feeding site. This is linked to the presence of ear volatiles which attrac...

Effect Of Different Soil Fertility Amendments On The Nodulation And Yield Of Two Soybean Varieties

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is referred to as the golden crop of the future. There is a concern in Kenya on its production due to the fact that the country remains a net importer of this vital food to the tune of 100,000 tons annually yet the country has the potential to produce that capacity locally. The major impediments in local production are singled out as: Expensive farm inputs in form of fertilizers and use of inferior soybean varieties in terms of effective nodulation. The nodu...

Symbiotic Efficiency And Diversity Of Native Rhizobia Isolated From Climbing Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) In Embu And Tharaka Nithi Counties, Kenya

Kenya is the eighth highest producer of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) worldwide with a production of 529,265 tons annually. Climbing beans are highly productive, and can produce yields 2 to 3 times higher than bush beans and is therefore a promising option to increase bean yields in Kenya. However, climbing bean production is greatly affected by the decline in soil fertility, particularly low nitrogen levels in the soil. Replenishment of soil nitrogen using effective rhizobia inoculant...

Evaluation Of Genetic Diversity, Drug Resistance Mutational And Cytokine Patterns On Hepatotoxicity Markers Among Hiv Patients In Northwest Region, Cameroon

Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has been known to cause hepatotoxicity despite its benefit to improve the morbidity and mortality associated with HIV infections. However, the impact of HAART on HIV subtypes, drug resistance mutations and cytokine profiles, is not yet fully elucidated especially in the Northwest Region (NWR) of Cameroon. Therefore, this study was carried out with aim of determining the effect of HIV-1 subtypes, drug resistance mutations, cytokine profiles and ris...

A Comparative Study Of The Physico- Chemical Properties And Bacterial Load Of Greywater In Estates In Homabay Town And Githurai Estate

In recent years concerns over dwindling reserves of ground and surface water resources coupled with an overloaded or costly sewage treatment plants has generated much interest in the reuse or recycling of greywater. Greywater is untreated household wastewater which includes water from; showers, laundry, dishwashers and washing machines. Re-use of greywater offers several advantages that include a reduction in the water bill, reduced wastewater discharge, as well as reduction in the demand on ...

Bacteriological And Physico-chemical Quality Of Water From Various Sources In Samburu District And Efficacy Of Selected Plant Products In Water Purification

Limited access to safe drinking water and information on water quality in sparsely populated arid and semi-arid regions has contributed to frequent outbreaks of diarheal disease. There is therefore urgent need to determine the bacteriological and physico-chemical quality of water in various sources in these regions. This study was undertaken in order to determine water quality in Wamba Division of Samburu District and to asses the efficacy of plan extracts in purifying water. Bacteriolog...

Microbial Contamination Of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) And African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) Fingerlings Reared In Hatchery Tanks At Sagana, Jambo, And Mwea Fish Farms

ABSTRACT In Kenya, aquaculture continues to expand as a source of food production and livelihood in all the counties. Mortality of Nile Tilapia and African Catfish fingerlings constitute the biggest loss in extensive and intensive fish farms. The main objective of this study was to determine contamination by bacteria and fungi in Nile Tilapia and African Catfish fingerlings. The study was carried out from March 2014 to July 2014 in fish farms with different water sources, hatchery systems an...

Association Of Heavy Metal Tolerance With Multiple Antibiotic Resistance In Bacteria Isolated From Wetlands Of Lake Victoria Basin Kenya

ABSTRACT A study was carried out to determine the heavy metal concentrations in the wetlands of Lake Victoria basin and their effect on bacterial resistance to ten commonly used antibiotics. Water and sediment samples for heavy metal analysis and microbiological assays were randomly collected from sewage outfalls and points bordering heavy metal activity settlements. Heavy metal analysis was done using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (F-AAS). The microbiological assays targeted heterotr...

Physico-Chemical And Bacteriological Quality Of Water, And Antimicrobial Susceptibility Of Pathogenic Isolates From Selected Water Sources In Samburu South

ABSTRACT Water is the most critical resource in the Samburu District of Northern Kenya. The region has one permanent river, the Uaso Ng’iro. Use pressure by man, domestic and wild animals is high in all water sources, which include dams, laggas, and dry river bed wells. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the bacteriological and physicchemical quality of water from these sources, so as to shed some light on the causes of perpetual diarrheal diseases and their likely resp...

Efficacy Of Selected Fungicides And Bio-Control Agents In The Management Of Fusarium Wilt Of Passion Fruit

ABSTRACT Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) is an important fruit crop in Kenya for both local and export market. Production of the crop is constrained by many diseases. Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. passiflorae is one of the major disease of purple passion fruit. Yield losses due to wilt have been estimated up to 80 %. Farmers lack appropriate management strategies for the disease and the use of bio-control agents to manage the disease has not been explored. The objec...

Enhancing Cowpea Production Through Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Inoculation And Wide Interspecific Crosses

ABSTRACT  Cowpea is a multipurpose legume crop that serves as human food, livestock fodder, and income source and is widely produced in sub-Saharan Africa. Soil fertility and attack by insect pests and diseases are significant limitations to its production. Although farm inputs such as phosphate-rich fertilizers and pesticides can solve the mentioned constraints, they are costly for resource-poor farmers. This study aimed at determining the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation ...

Determination Of Bacteriological Quality Of Fresh Beef Post- Harvesting In Nyagacho Slum, Kericho, Kenya

ABSTRACT While food borne diseases remain an important public health problem worldwide, one of the most significant food safety hazards is associated with those from animals. Food borne infections and illnesses are a major international health problem with consequent economic reduction and deaths. Meat is considered the most important source of proteins consumed by humans, yet most perishable. For highly perishable foodstuffs such as fresh red meat, the threat of food poisoning is particularl...

Aspergillus Flavus And Aflatoxin Levels In Stored Maize In Eastern Kenya And Antifungal Activity Of Some Plant Extracts

ABSTRACT Maize is the staple crop in Eastern Province of Kenya especially in Makueni, Kangundo, Kibwezi, Machakos and Kitui South Districts. It has been noted that the abiotic and biotic stresses associated with these Districts promote growth of toxigenic fungi that produce mycotoxins in maize in storage. The aflatoxin producing species of Aspergillus are a common phenomenon in maize contamination that has led to frequent outbreaks of aflatoxicoses in these regions. To address this problem, t...

Prevalence, Susceptibility Patterns And Risk Factors Associated With Staphylococcus Aureus Presence In Marketed Milk And Milk Products Within Nairobi City County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Staphylococcus aureus is a major food-borne pathogen that poses a serious threat to public health. In Kenya, with the continuous water shortage, proper sanitary conditions are not sufficiently met and hence pre-disposing the community to S. aureus infections. One of the difficulties of controlling S. aureus food poisoning is that food can contain a very high population of the bacteria without being noticeably identified. It has been suggested that food-borne diseases represent one of...

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