Physics Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT Binary liquid alloys have found wide applications in electronics, communications, automotive and aerospace technologies. The development of new alloys and improvement of existing ones require accurate knowledge of thermodynamic variables of the constituent systems which may not be obtainable experimentally. Hence, there is always the need for theoretical investigation to complement experiment. This study was aimed at theoretical determination of the thermodynamic properties of nine ...

Evaluations of Turonian Limestone Formation Exposed at NIGERCEM-Quarry, Nkalagu, Southeastern Nigeria: A Geochemical Approach.

ABSTRACT A geochemical study of Nkalagu limestone of the Lower Benue Trough as exposed at Nigeria Cement Company (NIGERCEM) was carried out. The study aims at the determination of major oxides and trace elements of the limestone exposed in the quarry using X–Ray Fluorescence Spectrophotometer (XRF) and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) respectively as well as reconstructing the depositional history of the deposit. Petrographic study was also done to enhance the determination of biog...

Analysis of Heavy Metals Concentration in Sediments and Water Samples of Selected Functional Dams in Oyo State, Southwestern Nigeria.

Abstract The quantity as well as the quantity of clean water supply is of vital significance to the welfare of mankind particularly in the developing countries. Therefore, knowing the concentration of heavy metals present in Dams can help us to ascertain the health safety of the populace using the water for drinking and domestic purposes. Ten Dams at Oyo State in the Southwestern Nigeria were studied for the heavy metals concentration contained in the sediments and water of the selected Dams....

Open Land Dumping: An Analysis of Heavy Metals Concentration of an Old Lead-Battery Dumpsite

ABSTRACT Use of open land as dump sites by the manufacturing industries in developing countries without appropriate prevention of environmental hazards has resulted in prominent levels of waste and disposal effluents. This has resulted in the contamination of soil and the exposure of human populations to environmental and health hazards. This study focused on the investigation of soil contamination by heavy metals via waste disposal of a lead battery factory in Lalupon, Oyo State, Nigeria. Co...

Laboratory Investigation of Salt-water Intrusion Through Porous Media

ABSTRACT Flow rate of salt-water and fresh-water through porous media depends on the hydraulic gradient, porosity and hydraulic conductivity of the sand materials and the properties of the fluids such as density and viscosity. This study examined flow rate of salt-water and fresh-water in porous media in a modeled laboratory experiment. Porous materials were filled into the conduit of two arms glass cylindrical tube with valve (control) at the middle. Salt-water and fresh-water were made to ...

Modification of Darcy's Law for Turbulent Flow in Saturated Porous Media

Abstract Darcy's law is an essential equation in determining the permeability of porous media, which is vital tool in seepage and drainage control in soils. However, whenever the aggregate sizes of the porous media and hydraulic gradient are large, the flow in drains will be semi-turbulent to turbulent. This research aims at modifying the true Darcy's permeability determined under small hydraulic gradients that ensure laminar or nearly laminar flow to allow for reduced efficiency caused by t...

The Concentration of Heavy Metals in Selected Clay Samples in Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The presence and possible effect of heavy metal (such as cadmium, zinc, lead, e.t.c) concentration in the clay used in pot making were investigated. Clay samples were collected at three locations where they are used mostly in making pots and other kitchen utensils. The concentrations of heavy metals were determined using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). Results indicate that the concentration Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, As, and Mn falls within the range of the maximum admissible concen...

The Study of Acoustic Effects in Carbon Allotropes

ABSTRACT Acoustic effects such as absorption/amplification of acoustic phonons, Acoustoelectric Effect (AE) and Acoustomagnetoelectric Effect (AME) were studied in Carbon Allotropes. In this thesis, the Carbon Allotropes considered are Graphene Nanoribbon (GNR), 2-dimensional Graphene sheet, and Carbon Nanotubes (CNT). The Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) and the phonon kinetic equation (PKE) were used. All results were analysed numerically and graphically presented. Using BTE for Armchair...


ABSTRACT The study is based on measurements of renal dimensions and related body indices to establish standard reference body and renal parameters, renal volume model, renal and effective dose in relation to patients’ dose optimization procedures. The materials used include: MDCT Machine, Weighing scale, BMI calculator and MVL workstation. Technical parameters were obtained from three groups of randomly selected patients undergoing abdominal CT examinations including: 175 patients of age 20...


ABSTRACT West African rainfall variability plays an essential role in the economies of West African countries it has a major influence on industrial and agricultural production, which is largely, weather dependent. This plays an important role in food security and water availability. This work focuses on the West African Monsoon (WAM) jump and its implication for rain-fed agriculture in the Transition and Coastal Savannah agro-ecological zones of Ghana. In this study, the seasonal rainfall va...

Move-Biased Monte Carlo Simulation Method for Protein Native Structure Prediction

ABSTRACT Proteins are polymers of Amino Acid (AA) which are constructed after translation of genetic code in DNA of organisms, and have functionality that depends on their Native Structure (NS). Experimental methods for protein NS determination are complicated, expensive and timeconsuming. Consequently, Computational Methods (CM), including Monte Carlo (MC), aim to circumvent these challenges. However, the MC is complex and inconsistent in NS Prediction (NSP). This study was designed to deve...

Investigation of Groundwater Development in four Areas of Ido Local Government South-Western, Nigeria Using Electrical Resistivity Method

Abstract This study focuses on the use of geo-electrical sounding for groundwater prospecting in four areas namely Ido Motor Park, (N 07' 18' 40.3", E 003' 50' 29.2") Elere- Apata '(N 07' 18' 40.3", E 003' 50' 29.2") Bakatari (N 07' 18'40.3", E 003'50'29.2'') and Apete Market (N 07' 18' 40.3", E 003'50' 29.2") in Ido local government area Southwestern Nigeria. Two (2) Vertical .electrical soundings (VES) were carried out using Schlumberger configuration at each of the selected area making a ...

Natural Radioactivity and Hazard Assessment of Imported Ceramic Tiles in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The natural radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) content of ceramic wall and floor tiles commonly used in Nigeria have been determined by a gamma ray spectroscopy system using a high purity germanium detector. The activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K ranged from 52 ± 2 to 105 ± 3, 56 ± 1 to 115 ± 2 and 185 ± 9 to 893 ± 17 Bq kg-1 with mean values of 72 ± 14, 84 ± 18 and 629 ± 198 Bq kg-1, respectively for the wall tiles. For the floor tiles, the activity concentra...


ABSTRACT Daily rainfall data from Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) rain gauge network was analysed to identify extreme rainfall events in Ghana. The data was first processed in order to remove all errors in the observational time series prior to analysis. The data was then analysed by excluding all rainfall events, which fell below a pre-determined threshold in order to identify extreme rainfall event days and non-extreme event days. Inter-annual variability and trends of annual precipitati...


ABSTRACT In this thesis, hot carrier relaxation dynamics in semiconductor quantum dots and quantum well structures have been investigated as the basis for improving on the efficiency of conventional solar cells to values between 40% and 60% beyond the Shockley and Queisser detailed balance limit of 30% hitherto. Two schemes have been employed to obtain the shift in efficiency: The first is multiple exciton generation which occurs in semiconductor quantum dots. The output current as a function...

316 - 330 Of 388 Results