Physics Research Papers/Topics

Biological shielding calculations for a 10 MeV Rhodotron electron accelerator facility

Abstract: This thesis focuses on biological shielding calculations for a 10 MeV Rhodotron electron beam accelerator operating in dual mode to produce a 10 MeV primary electron beam and 7.5 MeV secondary X-rays, generated by hitting an optimized tantalum-73 (73Ta) target with the primary electron beam. The first part of this thesis describes the Rhodotron electron accelerator and its oper ating principle. A model is presented for the transverse optics of a TT-100 Rhodotron accelerator. Potent...

Four Pillars of the Green University Soft Infrastructure: Towards a Non-Linear Model of Innovation

Abstract: Universities are isomorphic not because of the effectiveness of their processes but because of the legitimacy assigned by institutional logic. However, sustainable development discourses invoke a novel mission for producing knowledge and innovation for sustainable development. Accordingly, this research collected data from five types of internal stakeholders’ intellections of the four pillars of green university infrastructure. The analysis of data collected from 89 universit...

A surface photovoltage study of surface defects on Co-doped TiO2 thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis

Abstract: Surface photovoltage (SPV) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for studying electronic defects on semiconductor surfaces, at interfaces, and in bulk for a wide range of materials. Undoped and Cobalt-doped TiO 2 (CTO) thin films were deposited on Crystalline Silicon (c-Si) and Flourine doped Tin oxide (SnO 2 :F) substrates by chemical spray pyrolysis at a substrate temperature of 400 °C. The concentration of the Co dopant in the films was determined by Rutherford backscattering spectro...

Loss-tolerant prepare and measure quantum key distribution protocol

Abstract: We propose a modified version of the Bennett–Brassard 1984 quantum key distribution protocol intended to tolerate losses, certain forms of noise, and the so-called photon number splitting attack. These are the issues facing the realization of practical quantum key distribution. The modified protocol is based on quantum non-demolition measure ments for systems using weak coherent pulses. Our scheme ensures that emissions cor responding to zero photon pulses, multi-photon pulses, a...

Long-range memory effects in a magnetized Hindmarsh-Rose neural network

Abstract: We consider a model network of diffusively coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons to study both analytically and numerically, long-range memory effects on the modulational instability phenomenon, chaotic, synchronous and chimera states within the network. The multiple scale method is used to reduce the generic model into a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation. The latter is explored in the linear stability analysis and the instability criterion along with the critical amplitude are der...

Vector dissipative light bullets in optical laser beam

Abstract: The dynamics of light bullets propagating in nonlinear media with linear/nonlinear, gain/loss and coupling described by the (2+1)-dimensional vectorial cubic–quintic complex Ginzburg–Landau (CGL) equations is considered. The evolution and the stability of the vector dissipative optical light bullets, generated from an asymmetric input with respect to two transverse coordinates x and y, are studied. We use the variational method to find a set of differential equations characteri...

Nanotechnology in Electronics

Nano electronics are part of the nanotechnology domain, which deals with the characterization, manipulation and fabrication of the electronic devices at the Nano scale. Nano electronics is one of the major technologies of Nanotechnology. 

Design and Construction of a Smart RFID-based Car Parking System

ABSTRACT In our rapidly advancing world, the integration of automation has become pivotal for modern living particularly in car parking management. Hence, this research project is focused on design and construction of RFID-based Car Parking System while utilizing Arduino technology. Defering from manual check-ins, this system employs RFID technology to seamlessly detect and manage vehicles, reducing congestion and enhancing the overall parking experience. The project's standout features incl...

Physics Discussion Questions

Semiconductors are substances with electrical conductivity characteristics halfway between insulators and conductors. They are the basis for devices like transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits, crucial parts of contemporary electronics. The capacity to conduct electricity under certain circumstances, such as an applied voltage or exposure to light, defines semiconductors. Semiconductors can have their conductivity altered and regulated, unlike conductors, which have high conductivity, a...

Reservoir Characterization and Volumetric Analysis of Lona Field, Niger Delta, Using 3-D Seismic and Well Log Data

ABSTRACT  An integrated 3-D seismic data, checkshot data and a suite of four well log located at the Lona field, Niger Delta were analysed with Petrel software for reservoir characterization and volumetric analysis of the field. The method adopted involves petrophysical analysis, structural analysis, volumetric analysis and reservoir classification. Detailed petrophysical analysis revealed three reservoirs.Average reservoir parameters such as porosity (0.25), gross thickness (27 m), hydrocar...

Effect of Doping Zinc Oxide and Titanium Oxide Cells with (Al, Cd, Co,Li and Mg) on Optical Properties and Efficiency

Abstract In this work the optical properties of two group of samples were studied. In the first group Zinc Oxide was doped by ( Al ,Cd, Co, Li and Mg ). In the second group Titanium Oxide was doped by ( Al ,Cd, Co, Li and Mg ) also . The optical characteristics where investigated by using UV spectrophotometer and some computer programmers . The efficiency of the solar formed from this samples using ITO were found using light current and voltage .The study shows that the absorption peaks of t...

Design Construction and Characterization of Improved Local Pyranometer for the Measurement of Solar Intensity at Nsukka.

CONTENTS CHAPTER Acknowledgement Dedication Abstract INTRODUCTION The b!eed For Harnessing Solar Enera Fundaments 1 Concep t;s of Solar Radia tion Origin of Solar Radiation Ex tra-Terres trial Solar Radiation The So lar Cons tan t Spectral Distribution of Extra -Terres trial Solar Radia tion Terrestrial &am Insola tion Diffuse Solar Radiation Importance of Di f fuse Radiation in Pho to -Vol taic Energy Conversion SOUR RADIATIOZ &EASURIEG IETRUEhiTS Radiation Sensors Measurement of Direct Irra...

Interpretation of High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data over Okigwe and some Adjoining Areas, South Eastern Nigeria.

ABSTRACT  Digitized high resolution total field aeromagnetic data over Okigwe and environ (Sheet 312) was interpreted using the standard 3-D Euler de-convolution and spectral analysis in order to determine depth to the magnetic basement, delineate the basement topography and relief, and delineate the trend of the structural features associated with the basin. The aeromagnetic data were subjected to various data enhancement and transformation routines using the Geosoft Oasis MontajTM software...

Fabrication and Capacitive (C-V) Characteristics of Conjugated Polymer Composite (P-PolyanilineN-Wo3) Heterojunction

Abstract A nanocrystalline and porous p-Polyaniline/n-WO3 dissimilar heterojunction at ambient temperature is reported. The high-quality and well-reproducible conjugated polymer composite films have been fabricated by oxidative polymerization of anilinium ion on predeposited WO3 thin film by chemical bath deposition (CBD). X-ray diffraction analysis of the deposited WO3 films revealed that as-deposited film was amorphous; however, an amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition was observed by ...

Measurements of Radiation Doses of Natural Radioactive Material in Oil fields at West Kourdofan

Abstract Scale, sludge and sand samples were collected and analysed using thallium activated sodium iodide NaI(Tl) spectrometer to determine type, activity concentration, absorbed dose rate and annual effective dose of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) of samples collected from oil fields at West Kourdofan state. Scale radionuclides was found to be, 238U, 232Th and 40K at concentrations ranged from (4106.9 - 358.05) Bq/Kg, (2736.7 - 375.88) Bq/Kg and (9294 - 16.07) Bq/Kg respec...

16 - 30 Of 388 Results