Physics Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT  A drastic change in the perception of electric energy . But at the same time there is misreading of FREE ENERGY. Energy becomes free only at a point after which we don’t have to pay for power generation after hiring the unit. By using the magnetic force of magnets continuous motion (Energy) is made. This magnet also produces a magnetic field, so both the magnetic fields repel each other (like poles repel), which reasons the fins to move. The free Energy Generator was mounted ins...


 ABSTRACT Nuclear Medicine is a medical specialty that allows modern diagnostics and treatments cancer using radio pharmaceuticals original radio-tracers (drugs linked to a radioactive isotope).  Radio-pharmaceuticals are considered a special group of drugs and thus their preparation and use are regulated by a set of policies that have been adopted by individual member of countries. The radio-pharmaceuticals used in diagnostic examinations are administered in very small doses. So...

Estimation of Naturl Radioactivity Levels in Some Food Spices Commonly Used in Nigeria and Its Radiological Risks

A spice is a vegetable substance of indigenous or exotic origin, which has a hot pigment taste that could be used to enhance taste of food or add to food some necessary stimulant ingredients. Knowledge of radioactivity levels in human diet is of particular concern for the estimation of possible radiological hazards to human health. In this study, the radioactivity concentrations of 40K, 238U and 232Th in some selected natural food spices commonly used in Nigeria were determined using gamma sp...

Baseline Studies of Terrestrial Outdoor Gamma Dose Rates of Ten Selected Markets in Port Harcourt Metropolis

In-situ measurement of background ionizing radiation of 10 markets in Port Harcourt metropolis of Rivers State, Nigeria was done using radiation meters and global positioning system. Two portable handheld nuclear radiation monitors (radalert100 and digilert200) to measure exposure dose rate at the various points and a GPS (Germin GPS map 76S for exact positions. The average exposurerates ranged from 0.011 mRh-1 (Mile 1 market) to 0.017 mRh-1 (Rukpokwu international market).The exposure dose r...


ABSTRACT Using basic galvanic cell principles, the ability of tissues to generate electrical current through electrolysis was characterized. Studying Zn/Cu electrolysis in animal organs revealed a fundamental and measurable tissue-specific property – the galvanic apparent internal impedance (GAII), that is most likely related to the salt bridge function of tissues delineated by electrodes. We now report on new fundamental studies on GAII in vegetative matter and on a simple way for signific...

Projecting changes of maize yield based on regional weather parameters using Artificial Neural Network

Maize is one of the largest food crop cultivated in Mubi region. It is produced annually and serves as the source of food and revenue. This work developed, an artificial neural network (ANN) model based on the data collected to forecast Maize yield in terms of weather parameters (Temperature and Rainfall). Predicted yield increased by 0.37 tons, 0.67 tons, 289.48tons and 0.17 tons in 2006, 2011, 2014 and 2015 and reduced by 0.52 tons, 0.32 tons, 5.53 tons, 15.44 tons, 0.45 tons and 0.25 tons ...

Assessing the influence of weather parameters

Rain serves as one of the key components in water cycle and it comes in the form of water droplets that are condensed from atmosphere and then fall on earth surface as rainfall. It has much importance. However, excessive rainfall can cause environmental hazards. This work developed an adaptive neuro – fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to relate certain weather parameters (temperature and relative humidity) with rainfall in order to forecast the amount of rainfall capable of causing River Yazar...

Design and construction of an automatic Battery charger

                                                         ABSTRACT This project describes the design and construction of an automatic Battery charger. Automatic Battery chargers are not particularly cheap, but the protection they afford in protecting batteries against overcharging and possible battery damage is highly desirable. However the work carried out through the construction and design of an inexpensive alternative to the commercially available fully Automat...

Estimation of Global Solar Radiation Flux Over Ibadan

Renewable energy resources are those having a cycling time less than 100 years and are renewed by the nature and their supply exceeds the rate of consumption. Renewable energy systems use resources that are constantly replaced in nature and are usually less polluting. This project work estimates the solar radiation flux over Ibadan, a south-western city in Nigeria. The estimated models for the solar radiation over Ibadan are obtained for the period of ten years (1995 to 2004). The solar radia...

Indoor Gamma Dose Rate Exposure Levels in the Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan

Building materials are one of the potential sources of indoor radioactivity because of the naturally occuring radionuclides in them. Exposure to indoor ionizing radiation, like gamma radiation, results in critical health challenges. This work was designed to assess the indoor gamma dose rate level following the renovations of offices of lecturers in Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan using RDS-30 Survey meter. Measurements were made at 110 locations after renovations and in some selecte...

Performance of Ionex Map at Ilorin

Ionosphere is the region in the upper atmosphere where there are sufficient amount of electrons and ions to influence the propagation of radio wave. For radio wave propagation studies and application, a standard model (model based on data) such as IONEX map model was developed to study the ionospheric parameter i.e. the Total Electron Content. This parameter is used to quantify the level of ionization in the ionosphere. The performance of IONEX map model over Ilorin with station coordina...

Preliminary structural evaluation of an X-Field Onshore in Niger Delta using 3D seismic data

Preliminary structural evaluation of an X-Field Onshore in Niger Delta using 3D seismic data A structural evaluation of a post stack time migrated (PSTM) 3D seismic data over an X–Field in the eastern Niger Delta has been attempted. The objective of the study is to structurally evaluate the field with a view to identifying structural features such as faults, map geologic horizons and analyze reflection characteristics that might be a good lead to probable hydrocarbon accumulations. Results ...


ABSTRACT A derivation of equispaced-level conduction band Hamiltonians using the coordinate-transform based procedure is presented. The procedure start with the effective-mass schrodinger equation (Luttinger and Kohn, 1995), where the local conduction-band edge is interpreted as the potential experienced by and electron in a quantum well (QW). The electron effective mass variation is proportional to the potential variation within the a QW, and the well has equispaced bound state. In semicon...


ABSTRACT: The earth has three layers each consisting solid materials that make them hard and difficult to be penetrated. But, suppose we neglect every other hindrances, where do we expect to go when we dig straight down through the earth passing through all the layers. This paper explains all about what is experienced and the Scientific analysis when/if the earth where to be dug through.

1-D Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation (Simplest derivation) - Alfred Dambe Enu

ABSTRACT: Deriving Schrodinger equation has always been with students. This paper made it easy to students by analysing the steps involve in deriving the equation in the simplest manner. This is the  easiest way to derive, understand and to define the meaning of the equation.

361 - 375 Of 388 Results