Statistics Research Papers/Topics

Statistical Analysis Of Sex Difference In Understanding, Knowledge And Perception Of Mathematics In Nalerigu Senior High School.

Abstract The main purpose of the study was to examine the performance of students in mathematics based on their understanding, knowledge and perception, in Senior High Schools. The study considered all second year students in Nalerigu Senior High School in the East Mamprusi District of the northern region. Well structured questions were administered to 30 males and 30 females through stratified random sampling. Preliminary analysis reported high mean performance for males as compared to fema...

Statistical Analysis Of Water Level, Temperature And Humidity Using Cointegrated Vector Autoregression (Var) Models

ABSTRACT The leading climate factors influencing availability of water are; temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, and evaporation. Water and agricultural production cycles are indisputably influenced by temperature and relative humidity. Temperature and relative humidity projections can therefore proficiently be employed in making decisions when optimal usage of water resources is of interest. Thus, the current study explored both the “long-run” and “short-run” impact of both...

Investment Portfolio Optimization With Garch Models

ABSTRACT Since the introduction of the Markowitz mean-variance optimization model, several extensions have been made to improve optimality. This study examines the application of two models - the ARMA-GARCH model and the ARMA- DCC GARCH model - for the Mean-VaR optimization of funds managed by HFC Investment Limited. Weekly prices of the above mentioned funds from 2009 to 2012 were examined. The funds analysed were the Equity Trust Fund, the Future Plan Fund and the Unit Trust Fund. The retur...

Determinants Of The Promotion Of University Of Ghana Lecturers: A Survival Analysis Approach

ABSTRACT The desire to reach the peak of one’s chosen career makes us curious and hardworking enough to attain positions and ranks. This is no different in the academia where lecturers look forward for promotion. However, there are perceived and actual factors contributing to promotion among University of Ghana lecturers which is examined. The factors contributing to promotion of University of Ghana lecturer and how long it takes a lecturer to earn a first promotion, were the objectives of ...

A Comparative Analysis of Forecast Performance Between Sarima And Setar Models Using Macroeconomic Variables in Ghana

ABSTRACT Most macroeconomic variables such as; inflation, GDP and others have been described by most financial and economic time series analysts to exhibit nonlinear behaviour. Therefore, to cater for this behaviour, the nonlinear class of models have been largely adopted to model and forecast such time series. In this study, the Keenan and Tsay tests for linearity showed inflation and CIC rates follow threshold nonlinear processes. Hence, the two-regime SETAR model was adopted to accommodat...

A Statistical Assessment Of The Role Of Gender In Modulating Episodic Prospection

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess whether gender contributes towards how prospection modulates delay discounting. The relevant data for the study was generated by means of three sets of behavioral experiments; where by equal number of males and females under took inter-temporal tasks involving choosing between instant though smaller reward and deferred yet larger reward, while imaging positive, negative, and neural episodes respectively. In order to test the various hypotheses related to th...

Statistical Analysis of The Impact of The GCNET on Revenue Performance in Ghana: (A Case Study of TEMA Port)

ABSTRACT In most economies of the world, import revenue makes up a significant part of total government revenue (Zhu & Kotz, 2010). Since economic development in a nation is largely driven by the amount of revenue mobilized, import revenue makes an impact on how well an economy develops. This study aims at assessing the contribution of Ghana’s import revenue mobilization to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth and investigate the impact of the implementation of the Ghana Community Network (...

Time Series Modelling For Total Number Of Defective Parts Of Printed Circuit Boards In The Manufacturing Industry In Ghana

ABSTRACT For stochastic time series modelling, an essential property is the underlying statistical model that is assumed to govern the number of defective parts of printed circuit boards in a production process in the manufacturing industries in Ghana. The data was for a period spanning from 2009 to 2014. Considering time series methodology, we specify differences in the data points as a stochastic process assumed to have Markov dependency with respective state transition probabilities matric...

Statistical Modelling of Performance of Teacher Education at Distance And Regular Modes

ABSTRACT This research looked at “Statistically Modeling Performance of pre-service teachers” by finding the differences in performance and perceptions if any, between students in the regular and distance modes of teacher education in university of Cape Coast. Pre-service teachers of Accra College of Education and the College of “Distance Education” at Papafio hills, both of university of Cape Coast were used as the population of the research. Students who were admitted in the year 2...

On Parameter Estimation For International Market Cocoa Prices Modelling And Forecasting

ABSTRACT Time series analysis and forecasting has become a major tool in different applications in business phenomena, such as daily stock prices, weekly interest rates, quarterly sales, monthly supply figures, annual earnings, daily cocoa prices, etc.. It has two goals: perception or modeling random mechanism and prediction of future series quantities according to the past. In this thesis, ARIMA (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average) model has been used for monthly cocoa prices at the ...

Statistical Assessment Of The Relationship Between Stock Prices And Economic Variables;A Case Study For The Gse

ABSTRACT There are several literature on the study of the relationship between macroeconomic variables and stock prices. These studies have focused largely on the developed capital market and carried out in the early 1970s. From literature reviewed,there is no study that have modelled the relationship between stock price and, both macroeconomic and micoeconomic variables in the order to explain their combined effect on stock market returns using Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model at ...

A Methodology For Stochastic Monitoring Of Macro-Economic Variables In Ghana

ABSTRACT The study is based on the stochastic monitoring of Macroeconomic variables in Ghana. The macroeconomic variables that were considered in the study included Inflation rate and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The data covered the period from 2009 to 2017 for the monthly inflation rate and 1961 to 2017 for the GDP. All analyses were done using the R software. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test was used to test the data and the results showed that all the data were stationary after the ...

Modeling Tuberculosis Transmission Dynamics In The Ashanti Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT In attempt to model tuberculosis epidemic in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, SIR and SEIR deterministic and stochastic epidemiological models with demographic characteristics were employed. Both models showed success in modeling the infection dynamics of tuberculosis in the region. These models equilibrium points were established and their stability investigated through the Routh - Hurwitz stability criterion. The models predicted tuberculosis dying out in the entire region (Disease fr...

Time Series Ana Ysis On The Production Of Crude Oil In Nigeria (2011-2016)

ABSTRACT The word is not interested in the storm you encountered but did you bring the ship in? It's is not the time a man spends in planning, it's the faith and confidence he put in his planning that really counts. Investigation has revealed that the economic base of Nigeria base on the crude oil. Hence there is every need to take a critical look into the production pattern of this product as to ascertain the trend direction to enable us understand the progressive or regressive direction of ...

Time Series Analysis On Measles Cases In Nigeria

AB STRACT This research work describes a study that used measles disease data collected through Knoema health surveillance system to evaluate univariate time series method namely; autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA). The data obtained from 1980 to 2016 were used as modeling data and forecasting samples, respectively. The performances were evaluated based on three metrics: mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and mean square error (MSE). A low normaliz...

286 - 300 Of 405 Results