Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Participation of Selected Ngo’s in Conflict Resolution in Mogadish U-Somalia

ABSTRACT This thesis is entitled “Participation of Selected NGOs in Conflict Resolution in Mogadishu, Somalia”. The study had seven objectives; determination of respondents profile; determination of level of NGO participation in conflict resolution; establishing current extent of NGO participation in conflict resolution; extent determination of challenges faced by NGOs in resolving conflict; determination of opportunities available to NGOs in resolving conflict: determination of actions t...

Fiscal Decentralization and Local Revenue Generation in Local Authorities: A Case of Rukungiri District - Uganda

ABSTRACT The study explores the relationship between fiscal decentralization and revenue generation in selected sub-counties and divisions of Rukungiri District Local Government. The objectives of the study include: To establish the implication of fiscal decentralization, the effect of assignment of appropriate revenue and functions and to establish the effect of appropriate Intergovernmental transfer systems of local revenue generation in Rukungiri District Local Government were analyzed. Th...

Value Added Tax and Cost of Living in Selected Divisions of Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT This report presents the approach that was used by the researcher to achieve the objectives of the study. The topic ofthe study was value added tax and cost ofliving in Kampala. The purpose of the study was to establish the degree of effectiveness of value added tax in Kampala. The general objective was broken down into four spec~ic objectives which are: To determine the value of VAT in selected divisions ofKampala, to establish the degree of the cost of living in selected divisions ...

Mobilization of Capital for Mortgage Loans Portfolio Funding at Banque De L’habitat Du Rwanda (Bhr)

ABSTRACT This paper entitled “MobNization of Capit& for Mortgage Loans Portfoho Financing at Banque de VHabitat du Rwanda (BHR)” is a result of research conducted in Rwanda in the above-mentioned bank. The overriding objective of the study was to uncover suited assets-funding tools that bank may embrace in order to raise sufficient loanable funds for the housing sector. Current estimates show dire shortages of housing in Rwanda with supply falling short more than 75 percent of demand. The...

2003 Fisheries Management Act and Compliance of Fishermen in Lake Victoria, Igombe Fishing Village Tanzania

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the 2003 Fisheries’ Management Act and compliance of Fishermen in Lake Victoria, Igombe Fishing Village Tanzania. A comparison was done between various factors to establish reasons for the prevalent trend. Relevant literature was reviewed based on the study objectives. The study was based on descriptive survey method. A total of 150 respondents from the Igombe fishing community gave responses to Questionnaires that had close and ope...

Electronic Banking and Customer Satisfaction in Banking Institutions in Kigali Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study aimed at establishing the relationship between electronic banking and customer satisfaction among banking institutions in Kigali Rwanda. It was guided by three objectives that included; i) examining the effect of ATM usage on customer satisfaction in selected Banking institutions in Kigali , Rwanda; ii) establishing how electronic funds transfer affects customer satisfaction in selected Banking institutions in Kigali , Rwanda; iii) establishing how Telephone banking affect...

Informal Sector Sensitization and Social Security Fund Performance of Rubavu Branch in Rwanda.

ABSTRACT This research study aimed at analyzing the impact that targeting informal sector during sensitization programs has played in enlarging the covered area of social security fund of Rwanda. Area of Rubavu branch of SSFR was selected among other branches as a case study. The research contains findings from 48 SSFR staff whose daily job description intervene mostly with social security and 107 former and actual informal sector members who were targeted during this research. For data colle...

Microfinancing and Women Empowerment in Duterimbere Muhanga Branch, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This research investigated the relationship between degree of micro-financing and extent of women empowerment in Duterimbere, Muhanga in Rwanda. Apart from the profile of respondents, the study investigated the degree of micro-financing, extent of women empowerment and lastly, the significant relationship between the two variables. In the literature review, economic empowerment approach on women subordination to lack of economic power was used to draw a closer understanding into the ...

Improving Tax Compliance with Emphasis On Integrating Social Norms in Tax Collection Practices in Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study focused on improving tax compliance with emphasis on integrating social norms in tax collection practices in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine the relationship between social norms and taxpayers’ morale, to examine the relationship between taxpayers’ morale and tax compliance and to examine the relationship between social norms and tax compliance in Tanzania. Explanatory research design with mixed methods approach was used and incorporated ...

Advertising and Business Prosperity of Telecommunication Companies in Kigali City Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which advertising affects prosperity of telecommunication companies in Kigali City. Therefore, the study was conducted to (I) to determine the profile of respondents, (ii) to determine the level of advertising, (iii) to determine the level of prosperity, (iv) to establish whether there is a significant difference in the level of advertising and prosperity, (v) to establish whether there is a significant relationship in the leve...

Utilization of Approaches and Development of Selected Commercial Enterprises in Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This report is a result of an academic research entitled ~pproaches and development in selected commercial enterprises in Kigali, Rwanda”. The main purpose of this study was to determine the degree of effectiveness of approaches in development of commercial enterprises in Kigali city. The study was guided by the three research questions. i) What is the extent of approaches in commercial enterprises in Kigali city? ii) What is the level of development of commercial enterprises in Ki...

Governance and Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda, A Case Study of Vision Finance Company S.A

ABSTRACT In 2003 Government of Rwanda established a number of micro finance institutions but many of them were closed down since 2006 to date. To find out the causes, a research study was carried out to ascertain the relationship of governance and the performance of microfinance institutions by applying the following objectives: Ascertain financial stability of micro finance institutions and the nature of products and services provided to their clients, establish how microfinance institutions...

Monetary Policy and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of monetary policy on the financial performance of commercial banks in Rwanda. The following objectives guided the study: i) to evaluate the effect of Central Bank’s open market operations on the financial performance of Commercial Banks in Rwanda; ii) to examine the effect of Central Bank Rate (CBR) on the financial performance of Commercial Banks in Rwanda; and iii) to investigate the effect of Reserve Requirement ratio on the financiL~ performa...

Work Behavior and Performance of the Selected Commercial Establishments in Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This research investigated the relationship between work behavior and performance of some selected commercial establishments in Kigali-Rwanda from the year 2008- 2010. Besides the profile of respondents, the study investigated the level of work behavior among employees, level of performance and lastly, the study also investigated the significant relationship between the two variables. In the literature review, concepts, ideas, and opinions from scholars regarding the variables under ...

Working Capital Management and Performance of Business Firms in Rwanda: A Case of Sulforwanda Industries.

ABSTRACT The study focused on the working capital management and performance of business firms in Rwanda taking Sulforwanda industries as the case study. The objectives of the study were to examine the impact of receivables, payable and inventories conversion on the performance of Sulforwanda industries, to establish the level of performance of Sulforwanda industries, evaluate working capital management policies of Sulforwanda industries and its impact on the firm's performance. The research ...

181 - 195 Of 4713 Results