Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Financial Risk Management Strategies Used By Savings And Credit Cooperative Societies Operating Fosa Services In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the risk management strategies used by FOSA SACCOs in Nairobi County. The population of study was the FOSA SACCOs in Nairobi County. The study focused on all 44 FOSA SACCOs. The population of interest was the risk managers or managing directors of the organizations. The research instrument used was questionnaires which were pre-tested to confirm clarity of the questions and their validity and reliability. Questionnaires are typically used t...

The Relationship Between Performance Of Saccos And The Level Of Management Capacity. A Case Of Bureti District.

ABSTRACT Savings and credit societies world-wide provide opportunities to millions of people to grow through access to savings, affordable credit and a chance for a secure tomorrow. From the reviewed literature, SACCOs in rural areas suffer from low management capacity. This low management capacity often results in poor performance of SACCOs (Peck 2006). The study was aimed at finding out whether there was any relationship between performance of SACCOs and level of management. The study adop...

Employee Retention Strategies And Performance Of Selected Commercial Banks In Garissa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Employee retention is vital in all the commercial banks in Kenya. This is because of the fact that worker turnover is high as employees search for jobs somewhere else which have better packages or personnel are head-hunted by rival companies which end up in making the company free professional personnel. Lack of gifted employees effects to a drop in performance therefore companies have to employ better employees retention strategies. The general objective of this study was to invest...

Effects Of Operations Change On Employee Performance In The Kenyan Banking Industry: A Case Of Selected Banks In Embu County

ABSTRACT Organizational change within a company or agency can come about for different reasons. Changes can be made to improve productivity or because of new management. Changes can be initiated by both external forces, factors outside of an agency, or by internal forces, initiated by an agency itself. Due to the importance of change in organisations and in consideration of the varied reactions of employees to change, this study aimed to examine the effects of operations · change on employe...

Organizational culture and strategy implementation by commercial banks in nyeri county, Kenya.

ABSTRACT World over, the operating environment for commercial banks has changed randomly occasioned by regulation and intense competition. This has led to exploration of many strategies in the commercial banks in a bid not only to survive but win competitive advantage. Implementation of these strategies has not always been successful and it has been observed that poor implementation of strategies may have cost the banks dearly in developing economies. The poor implementation status has been ...

An Investigation Of Matatu Insurance Industry In Kenya: The Case Of Nairobi Based Insurance Companies.

Abstract The researcher carried out an investigation of Matatu insurance industry in Kenya United Insurance Company that insured thousands of public service vehicles had collapsed and had been placed under statutory management by the commissioner of insurance. Since then other major Matatu insurers had collapsed. These were Access Insurance, Stallion Insurance and Lake Star Insurance. The collapse of more Matatu insurers could spell doom to Kenya's public transport and the economy in general...

Effects Of Corporate Governance On The Financial Performance Of Companies Listed In The Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT In recent times, interest in corporate governance in the African continent has assumed highest propositions. This is probably due to the great push from the developing countries to the African countries to embrace good governance in order to attract foreign investors and to improve shareholders value. The General objective of the study was to investigate the effect of corporate governance on the financial performance of companies listed in the Nairobi stock Exchange whereas the spec...

Entrepreneurial Competencies And Performance Of Youth Enterprises In Manyatta Constituency, Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Entrepreneurial competencies are generic competencies necessary for the success of self-employment over and above any occupational skills which may be required. They include and not limited to the individual values, beliefs and attitudes, interpersonal skills, decision making, communication skills, and networking skills and realistic awareness of risks and benefits of self-employment. Youth enterprises play an important economic role among the youth in Kenya. However, they face a mix...

Dimensions Of Strategic Intent Execution And Performance Of Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Universities worldwide are facing challenges arising from a high level of competitiveness and pressure to deliver their strategic intents according to their mission and vision statements; however, they lack the capacity to sustain achievement of their full potential. Empirical evidence suggests the existence of performance complexities in universities, but few endeavours have been directed towards understanding the manner in which the execution of strategic intent affects performanc...

An Evaluation Of Management Performance In Private Middle Level Colleges. A Case Of Selected Colleges In Thika Town.

ABSTRACT The contribution of Private Middle Level Colleges in enhancing education opportunities to Kenyans has continued to playa significant role in our economy. They have provided an alternative to those students who have not been able to secure a place in Public universities due to limited chances. Management activities in any organization lead it to either success or failure. Availability of a mission and vision statement in the organization shows a projection into the future. Various fu...

Factors Influencing Dissemination Of Credit Information By Credit Reference Bureaus In Kenya

ABSTRACT This study aimed to establish the challenges of disseminating credit information by credit reference bureaus in Kenya. The information obtained from this study would be useful to both theGovernment, the Central Bank and in particular the Ministry of Finance Kenya to enhance credit information sharing. The study focused purely on licensed Credit Reference Bureaus in Kenya, because credit information sharing facilitated the development of information capital, in the process, it changed...

An Investigation Into The Factors Inhibiting Entrepreneurial Behaviour Among The Subsistence Maize Farmers: . A Case Of Siaya District

ABSTRACT 80% of the Kenyan Population live in the rural areas and are involved in agriculture on a subsistence basis. This represents a lack of enterprise culture that accounts for the poverty in the rural areas. In order to eradicate poverty in the rural areas the subsistence farmers need be made to adopt an enterprise culture by practicing their main economic activity as a business enterprise. GOK,(2005) To attain this the factors that account for the lack of entrepreneurial behaviour amon...

The Relationship Between Non-Financial Rewards And Teacher Retention In Private Schools In Kirinyagasouth District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the relationship between non-financial rewards and teacher retention in private schools in Kirinyaga-South district. The study intended to identify the extent to which non-financial rewards influence retention of teachers in private schools. Non-financial rewards form part and parcel of a reward system. However, they are often overlooked as the financial rewards take centre-stage. The conceptual framework was aimed at trying to establish the relatio...

The Effect Of The Use Of Marketing Communication Tools On Student Enrollment Among Private Middle Level Colleges In Mombasa

ABSTRACT Marketing communication is a systematic relationship between a business and its market in which the marketer assembles a wide variety of ideas, designs, messages, media, shapes, forms and colours, both to communicate ideas and to stimulate a perception of products and services by individual people who have been _aggregated into a target market. Marketing communications are integrated so that a single message is conveyed by all marketing communications tools. There has been a tremend...

Factors That Influence The Processing Of Tax Refunds At Kenya Revenue Authority

ABSTRACT Taxpayers complain that tax refunds process is long and tedious. Delay in tax refunds payment has led to businessmen and traders accusing KRA of being quick to collect tax, but slow in refunding. KRA has in the recent past put in place several measures to ensure that tax refunds are timely processed and paid. These measures are geared to accelerating tax refund processes. However, this has not been the case, and majority of taxpayers have to wait for up to five years before receivin...

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