Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Effectiveness Of Agency Banking In Enhancing Competitive Strategy In Banking Sector: A Case Of Kenya Commercial Bank In Nakuru County, Kenya

This study examined the ways in which the KCB Mtaani (agency banking) has been used as a competitive strategy at KCB through the enhancement of the financial inclusion within Nakuru County. The need for a competitive strategy was informed by the intense competition in terms of profitability and market share of the different banks. The specific objectives of the study included to examine the cost of banking transactions, to determine the efficiency of agency banking in time saving, to investig...

Factors Influencing Motivation Of Employees In Kenya County Governments (A Case Study Of Nakuru County Government Head Office)

It is a fact that success in every organization depends on the quality of its human resources both skilled and unskilled labor. Studies have shown that in today’s competitive business environment, success is increasingly a function of effective human resources management. In the recent past Nakuru County Government faced performance issues. The employees joined forces with the members of county assembly in calling for the Governor’s resignation. This shows dissatisfaction on the part of e...

Selected Factors Influencing Financial Performance Of Savings And Credit Cooperative Societies In Kenya: A Survey Of Deposit Taking Saccos In Kericho County

Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) play an essential role in economic development as part of the financial system. In Kenya, 63% of population benefit from SACCOs. SACCOs are vital instrument embraced by Kenyan Government towards increasing financial inclusion especially now that financial transactions are tending towards a cashless economy. Despite of its success it is faced with a number of challenges with the key being adoption of latest information technology and computeriz...

Effect Of Strategic Entrepreneurial Orientation On Growth Of Selected Kenyan Export Firms

Kenya adopted an export led growth of economic development following the paradigm shift in trade policy, from an inward to an outward approach documented in Sessional Paper No. 1 of 1986 on Economic Management for Renewed Growth. This policy orientation is further justified in Kenya Vision 2030 that foresees trade as a key contributor to economic growth target rate of 10% per year. Despite adoption of the policy, export firms still do not achieve optimal growth and competitive levels that is ...

Effects Of Corporate Governance On The Value Of Selected Firms Quoted At The Nairobi Security Exchange Kenya.

In the  wake of recent corporate scandals. It is observed that the value of the firm keeps on changing for the worse, the question is; could it be as a result of corporate governance? .This study therefore looked at the effects of corporate governance on the value of firms quoted at the Nairobi Security Exchange in Kenya value of the firm. The study adopted diagnostic research design, a sample of 49 quoted companies were selected through stratified and simple sampling designs. Data was analy...

Assessment Of Employee Performance In The Public Service In Kenya

The purpose of this study was to assess employee performance in the public service in Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to examine the role of personal attributes on employee performance in the public service in Kenya, to establish the consequence of leadership style on employee performance in the public service in Kenya, to analyze how team work practices influence employee performance in the public service in Kenya, to investigate the impact of organizational...

An Investigation Of Factors Influencing Global Expansion Of Kenyan Firms

The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors influencing global expansion performance of Kenyan firms. Kenyan firms must ultimately possess the capability to innovate and interact effectively with other firms in more or less tightly connected networks of shared production and innovation, critical capabilities in the current wave of globalisation. The research study used descriptive and inferential design as a chosen design. The researcher used factor analysis and multiple/multi...

Impact Of Working Capital Management On The Profitability Of Kenya Sugar Firms

Working capital management is a key issue in financial decision making since its overall goal is to ensure that a firm is able to continue its operations and that it has sufficient ability to satisfy both maturing short-term debt and upcoming operational expenses which directly affects the liquidity and eventual profitability of the company. Companies can thus use working capital management as an approach to influence their profitability. This project studied the impact of working capital man...

An Assessment Of Challenges Affecting Budget Absorption In County Governments: A Survey Of Selected Counties In Kenya

County governments in Kenya have been consistently accused of poor budget absorption. However, there are no comprehensive studies that have been advanced to assess the challenges cited by the office of controller of budget on absorption rates in county governments. This study sought to assess the challenges affecting budget absorption in the county governments. The study specifically sought to assess the delays in disbursement of funds from national government, manpower capacity, delays in pr...

Effect Of Informal Financial Sector Services On The Performance Of Women Owned Enterprises In Nakuru Town, Kenya

The informal financial sector provides savings and credit facilities for lower income households and small scale enterprises in urban areas. The informal financial sector mobilizes rural savings and small savings from low income urban households. Despite their success in providing monetary services to small businesses that would otherwise lack them, women entrepreneurs still record under performance due to lacking in adequate training, savings and accessibility of loan facilities that would o...

Agency Banking And Non Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya: Evidence From Bank Agents In Nakuru Central Business District

The purpose of this study was to investigate agency banking and its effect on non-financial performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. More specifically, the study sought to establish the extent to which system security, float, agent staff retention and support by banks aspects affect non-financial performance of Commercial Banks in Nakuru CBD. To achieve the objectives of the study, a descriptive research design was adopted where all 136 agents drawn from various commercial banks within town ...

Effect Of Change Management On Adoption Of Ict Systems On Parastatals In Kenya: A Case Of The National Hospital Insurance Fund (Nhif)

Organizations exist and operate in dynamic environments. To survive and remain competitive in the evolving and highly competitive environment, organizations need effective change management strategies to develop the capacity to adapt to the changes. The study was aimed to determine the effect of change management on the adoption of ICT systems in parastatals in Kenya. The study project was based on three objectives: to identify the effect of employee training on the adoption of ICT systems, t...

Effect Of Organizational Culture On Leading Strategic Change In Public Secondary Schools In Nakuru Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of school culture on leading strategic change in public secondary schools especially in Nakuru Sub-County. The specific objectives were to examine the effect of goal orientation, find out the effect of team orientation, assess the effect of customer orientation, and evaluate the effect of cultural strength on leading strategic change in public secondary schools in Nakuru SubCounty. Descriptive survey method was used, targeting six hundre...

Strategies Of Customer Retention Among Commercial Banks In Kenya: A Case Of Bank Of Africa, Kenya

A customer is one of the significant assets for any profit-making firm, hence most profit making firms strive to acquire and retain as many customers as possible so as not to experience nose-diving of profits. While few existing researches have shown that product and or quality of service results in acquisition and retention of business customers, some few researchers with little empirical data also recommend that corporate image and customer loyalty affects acquisition and retention of exist...

Effects Of Internal Audit Practice On Performance Of Public Commissions In Kenya: A Case Of Parliamentary Service Commission Of Kenya

Public Commissions in Kenya are importance arms of the executive in the management of constitutional affairs. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of internal audit on performance of public commissions in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the effect of expertise of the internal auditing staff on the performance of Public Commission in Kenya, to examine the effect of internal audit controls on the performance of Public Commissions in Kenya and ...

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