Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Kampala International University Internal Control Systems And Performance Of Financial Institutions, A Case Study Of Equity Bank Kabalagala Branch

ABSTRACT The topic was based on the Internal Control systems and performance of financial institutions and the case study was Equity Bank Kabalagala branch. The objectives of the study were to find out the relationship between internal control systems and performance of financial institutions to investigate the different guidelines that given to use of internal systems that are in place in equity Bank. The research design descriptive in nature because the study was aimed at describing the per...


ABSTRACTThis project title “causes and effect of labour turnover” with particular reference to okin Biscuit Limited, Iyagbo, Kwara State is to recognise the causes and effects of labour turnover in a business organisation and on the business sales volume.The first chapter, which is an intorduction chapter, it contains statement of the problem, objective of the study, scope of the study, the significance of the study, limitation of the study and definition of terms.Chapter two on the other...


TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle page iCertification iiDedication iiiAcknowledgements ivTable of Contents viCHAPTER ONE1.1 Introduction 1.2 Objective of the study1.3 The scope of the study1.4 The significance of the study1.5 Historical background of the case study1.6 Definitions of key conceptsCHAPTER TWO2.1 Scholars view on personnel management2.2 Benefits of personnel management to an organization 2.3 Functions of personnel managementCHAPTER THREE3.1 Research Methodology3.2 Instruments or T...


TABLE OF CONTENTTitle pageCertificationDedicationAcknowledgementTable of contentsCHAPTER ONE1.0 General Introduction1.1 Statement of the problem1.2 Objectives of the study1.3 Significance of the study1.4 Scope and Limitation of the study1.5 Historical Background of United Bank of Africa1.6 Definition of termsCHAPTER TWO2.0 Literature reviewCHAPTER THREE3.0 Research methodology3.1 Research methods used 3.2 Research instrument used in collecting data3.3 Sampling design procedure3.4 Source ...

The Effect of Online Tax System on the Performance of Small And Medium Enterprises in Makindye Division. A Case Study of Ggaba Village

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of online tax system on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Makindye Division a case study of small and medium enterprises in Ogaba Village. The study was based on three specific objectives; to determine the effect of online tax registration on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Uganda, to find out the impact of online tax payment on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Uganda and to find...

The Impact Of Financial Reporting On Organisation Performance In Public Institution In Rwanda. A Case Study Of Kicukiro District

ABSTRACTThere is uncertainty regarding the quality of financial reporting in Kicukiro district in Rwanda. Kicukiro district experience difficulty in presenting financial reports that reflect the financialcondition and results of operation in rational and meaningful manner. More than often. it is wondered how much information is enough or which information is important. The study wasundertaken with a purpose of examining the relatiomhip between financial reporting and perl'orman...

An Assessment of Loan System on the Productivity of Business Organizations in Apac Town Council, Apac District: Case Study Of Centenary Rural Development Bank.

ABSTRACT This study aimed at an assessment of the loan system on the productivity of business organizations in Apac Town Council Apac District. The methodology the researcher used in executing this work included; focused group discussions, documentation review, questionnaires, interview guide, and observation check list. The objective was to as$ess the loan systems and how it impact on the productivity on business organizations. It analyses the effects of loan disbarment, loan repayment perio...

An .Asseslvient Of The Effect Of Inventory L\1anagelvient On Profitability Of The Business (Case Study: Quality Supermarket)

ABSTRACT  study was carried out to examme the rnventory management, assessmg theprofitability of inventory management on the profitability of quality supermarket store.Three research questions were formulated for the study. The literature related to the studywas reviewed. This reviewed focused on the background to the potential rewards ofholding inventories and the problems associated with the inventory management. Thequestionnaire, interviews and direct observation rnethods of data col...

Examine the Importance of Social Media Among Nigerian Youth

CHAPTER ONE1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Social media as sources of communication and connection across the world. It tends to improve the psychology of event and motivational traits swings among every socialized individual. This is implemented through communication. Communication is a basic human need and for that reason, man has always found a means of meeting those needs. The media which is an umbrella term for various means of communication has show case an integral part of human around and...


  CHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTION To a large extent, the social, economics, and political development of a country depend on the quality of man power that it has at disposal. In commenting on this ‘‘Kuznets’’ said the major man power of an industrially, advanced country is not it’s physical equipment, it is the body of knowledge harnessed from tested findings and discoveries of science and the certainty of training of its population to use the knowledge.The important of manpow...

Risk Management and Performance of Commercial Banks in Ntungamo District. A Case Study of Crane Bank

ABSTRACT The banking sector plays a very important role in the economy and the stability of the sector cannot be over emphasized .Global trends such as Basel framework requires bank to establish risk management systems to measure and mitigate risks. Several theories on risk management have been put across among them financial theory, agency theory, stakeholder theory and new institutional economics. Several studies have been conducted with bias towards tools and techniques adopted by various ...

Corpora Te Social Responsibility And Organisation's Revenue A Case Study Of Mw Aza City Council

TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle PageDedication ......••......•....•.......••...........•........•....•.......•..........•....•••..........•..... iDeclaration ............................................................................................... iiApproval. ............................................................................................... iiiCopyright ............................................................................................. ivAckno...

Internal Auditing and Performance of Public Institutions; A Case Study of Rwanda Revenue Authority (Rra), Rwanda

Abstract The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the internal auditing and the performance of public institutions especially Rwanda revenue authority. In chapter one the researcher covered the background the study, stated the problem statement, the scope of the study and finally the signification of the study. In chapter two, the researcher initially started by defining the internal auditing and the performance of public institutions. In chapter three, the researche...

Record Keeping and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises. A Case of Hariss International Limited Uganda. (Riham)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .........................................................•....................•...... .... 2APPROVAL .............................................................................................................................. 3ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................... 4DEDICATION ........................................................................................................

The Role of Budgetary Process on Service Delivery in Local Government. Case Study: Moyo District Local Government Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was to establish whether MDLG had in place a budgetary process and its role on service delivery. The study was evoked on the fact that LGs have a lot of financial and nonfinancial resources at their disposal, yet some of them are performing poorly. As a result, citizens have feelings that service delivery is weak in all the priority areas. Hence, they are outraged by accessibility to service and the time required to obtain critical services. This study is based on one to f...

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