Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics


The Scientific Nature of Sociology The Relevance of Studying Sociology


Sociology and Anthropology Sociology and Psychology Sociology and Economics Sociology and Political Science History and Development Sociology as a Science The Founding Fathers of Sociology Sociology in Nigeria


1. What year was the 'sociology' coined ________________ 2. Emile Durkheim's primary goal was to get sociology recognized as a ________________ 3. Socius means ________________


Sociology as a Profession Scope of Sociology Nature of Sociology The Significance of Studying Sociology Field and Vocations in Sociology Process in the Sociological Profession Definition of Society Basic Features of Society Conceptualizing Society Evolution of Societies: Classification and Types The Concept of Culture Basic Characteristics of Culture Elements of Culture Socialization and Resocialization Major Types of Socialization Process of Socialization Agents of Socialization Social Insti...


Components of Culture Socialization Theory of Socialization Agents of Socialization Functions of Socialization

SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology

The Origins of Sociology Sociological Perspective Theoretical Paradigms Sociology as Science Steps in Sociological Investigation Social Interaction Social Groups Formal Organizations Culture Socialization: Human Development Understanding the Socialization Process Agents of Socialization Socialization and the Life Course  Social Control and Deviance  The Social Foundations of Deviance Explanations of Crime Social Distribution of Crime: Explanations Social Stratification: Introduction and Sig...

Online Consumption of Consumer Durables

SCOPE OF RESEARCH This research paper through the questionnaire and analyzed data aims to deduct  The perspective of people towards consumption of electrical domestic appliances through online medium. The pattern and growth of consumption of these goods online  The flatforms consumers are most satisfied from while purchasing these goods The features/services they look for while purchasing these products online  A comparison of purchasing electrical domestic appliances offline and onli...

Assignment: Assessment Responses to Batch and Job Costing

It Contains assessment responses to batch and job costing in the cost accounting syllable.

The Influence of Cannabis on Depression

Abstract The endocannabinoid system explains the association between cannabis use and depression. Many clinical trials reveals that a relatively low cannabis dose has potentially positive impacts while higher have negative impacts. While some studies shows less harmful andpotentially positive impacts of cannabis use in depression, it is inadequate to recommend cannabis as a perfect treatment for depression. Heavy cannabis use is associated with depressive symptoms such as lack of sleep, apath...

An Informed Contribution in Conjuction With: An Assessment of the Diverging View of Scholars on the Requirement of Presidential Assent in Constitutional Amendment Procedures

Decades of academic research have proven that the benefits that accrue as a result of engaging in the debate are numerous. Debate provides experiences that are conducive to life-changing, cognitive, and presentational skills. It is, therefore, safe to say that ongoing debate in the federation on the requirement of presidential assent in constitutional amendment procedures is of good a purpose to the judicial environment in addition to of educational, political as well as the economical enviro...

Coursework on Classical Theories

Management is the skill of getting work done with the active assistance of other persons hence an organization cannot attain its purposes without appropriate management. For instance, every society always depends on group work, and as many systematized groups have turned into large, theworkloadofmanagershasbeengrowingsignificantlyanddifficultyalsoarises (Naidu,2016).  According to  Nwachukwu, (2009), management theories are the set of general rules that guide the managers to manage an or...

Conduct of an Audit

Table of Contents CONDUCT OF AN AUDIT Audit Preliminaries Procedures that a proposed Auditor must undertake before accepting nomination Before Accepting Nomination After Accepting Nomination Audit Letter of Engagement Terms of Engagement Purpose of Letter of Engagement Main Contents of a Letter of Engagement Sources of information Audit planning Help to the Auditor Audit Preparation Sufficient Knowledge Audit plan memorandum Control Requirements of commencing an Audit Conducting of an Audit...

Internal Control Auditing

Table of Contents INTERNAL CONTROL Internal Control Procedure Internal Control Categories Internal Check, Internal control, and Internal Audit Objectives of Internal Control Components of an ICS Need for ICS in small enterprises Elements of good Internal Control System Features of an Internal Control System

Audit Programme and Evidence

Table of Contents AUDIT PROGRAM Objectives of an Audit Program Advantages of Audit Programs Disadvantages of Audit Programs Categories of Audit Programs Standard Audit programs Progressive Programs. AUDIT EVIDENCE Methods of obtaining audit evidence Obtaining of evidence through conducting audit test Types of Audit Evidence Sufficiency, Relevance and Reliability of Audit Evidence

Monitoring & Evaluation in Business

Introduction Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is used to assess the performance of projects, institutions and programmes set up by governments, international organizations, and NGOs.  It goals is to improve current and future outputs, outcomes and the impacts. Monitoring is the continues assessment of programmes based on early detailed information on the progress or delayed of the ongoing activities. An evaluation is the examination concerning the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency an...

226 - 240 Of 256 Results