
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Youth Knowledge on the Utilization of Edible Insects as Food and Feed

Abstract/Overview The utilization of edible insects as food and feed is not a new concept, it is a practice that has been part of the tradition of many communities around the world. They have been primarily used as supplementary food in most African countries. However, there has been a significant decline in the consumption of insects over the years, especially among young people. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the knowledge on entomophagy and the utilization of insects among ...

Cover Change and Vegetation Carbon Stocks of Mangrove Forests in Lamu County, Kenya

Abstract Mangroves around the world are being threatened by a combination of natural and human factors. Losses of mangroves leads to reduced forest cover and enhanced carbon emission. This study assessed cover change, forest structure, natural regeneration, and carbon stocks of mangroves in Lamu County, Kenya. Landsat images were used to assess cover change from 1990 to 2019, and structural data were obtained in the field using the plot method. Using stratified random design, mangroves were ...

Value chain and unstainability of Mangrove Wood Harvesting In Lamu County, Kenya

Abstract Mangrove forests provide harvestable wood and non-wood resources to human society around the world. The current study evaluated value chain of mangrove wood products from Lamu County, Kenya, and how these impacts on resources’ sustainability. To assess structure and yield data of Lamu mangroves, stratified random sampling design was used in the different blocks. Quadrats measuring 20 m × 20 m were established along transects, running perpendicular to the shoreline covering differ...

Structural Variability Of Mangrove Forests along the Coast of Kenya

Abstract Mangrove forests occur across a diversity of coastal landforms with different geomorphological, climatic and oceanographic influences. These factors influence mangrove structural development and productivity and as a result, the structural development of mangroves varies with the coastal geomorphology. Earlier inventory studies in Kenya suggest that mangroves growing in north of the Tana River have different structural attributes from those growing south of the river. The current st...

Food web structure of Nematode communities associated with rice in Mwea, Kenya

Abstract In Kenya, rice is an important staple crop after wheat and maize and the rate of consumption surpasses its production. Apart from consumption, rice is a cash crop for smallholder farmers including those in Kirinyaga County. Despite its usefulness in contributing to food security, rice production has remained low due to various constraints. Among these are plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) that account for up to 20% of yield losses. Other than the deleterious effect of PPN, rice agroec...

Food web structure of Nematode communities associated with rice in mwea,Kenya.

Abstract In Kenya, rice is an important staple crop after wheat and maize and the rate of consumption surpasses its production. Apart from consumption, rice is a cash crop for smallholder farmers including those in Kirinyaga County. Despite its usefulness in contributing to food security, rice production has remained low due to various constraints. Among these are plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) that account for up to 20% of yield losses. Other than the deleterious effect of PPN, rice agroec...

Mitigation of Crop-Raiding Wild Boars in Selected Counties in Sweden: Assessing Feasibility of Electric Fences and Supplementary Feeding

Abstract Wild boar (Sus scrofa) is a wild Suidae native in Europe, North West Africa and Asia. The population of wild boar has drastically increased during the last threedecades in Southern and Central Sweden. This increase in population density has caused severe damages to agricultural fields thus affecting the agricultural economy.There has been a significant loss of wheat, worth over 60 - 70 million Euros between1990 - 2016 due to crop damage by wild boar. This study sought to investigate...

Drought prevalence in the horn of Africa and its implications on forest cover: a Case Study of Somalia

Abstract Somalia is one of the most drought prone countries in Africa. Drought is the country’s costliest natural disaster. The impact of drought events on the economy, on people`s livelihoods and on lives has grown. Drought events usually develop gradually unnoticed, causing tremendous effects on both agriculture and environment. This study evaluated the spatio-temporal variations of drought occurrences in Somalia and its implication on forest cover. In this study, precipitation and tempe...


Abstract Banana is one of the most important fruits in Kenya as it contributes to about 32% of the foreign income of the total exported fruits. Despite this contribution, banana farming is facing numerous challenges such as lack of clean planting material, pest and diseases and poor agronomic and crop husbandry practices leading to low productivity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate technology adoption along banana value chain and its effects on productivity among smallholder farmers...

Economics of the System of Rice Intensification on Productivity of Rice among Smallholder Farmers of Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Kenya

Abstract Rice farming has received considerable attention in developing countries and particularly in Kenya due to its impact on smallholders’ income and food security. Irrigated rice is the largest consumer of water and its sustainability is threatened by water shortage. This has necessitated the development of alternative irrigation water systems that use less water with high yields such as the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). This study sought to evaluate the effects of (SRI) on fa...

Uptake of Regenerative Agriculture Technologies, Productivity of Selected Cereals And Pulses and Food Security in the Drylands of Embu County, Kenya

Abstract At the global level, land degradation is on the increase thus threatening millions of livelihoods particularly in the drier ecosystems. More specifically, land degradation is a major concern in Kenya and more particularly in the drylands of Embu County. Soil fertility has been steadily declining, resulting in low agricultural output and endangering smallholder farmers who rely mostly on subsistence agriculture for a living. Selecting appropriate Regenerative Agriculture (RA) technol...

Transaction Costs and Market Participation among Avocado Smallholders in Murang’a County

Abstract Access to market plays a vital role in poverty alleviation among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural markets provide income generating opportunities for farmers in rural areas hence improving their livelihoods. Avocado fruit has a high demand in both local and export markets due to its nutritional value and industrial use. However, smallholder avocado farmers have not benefited from this increased demand. The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of tran...

Evaluation of Entomopathogenic Fungal Isolate(S) for Management of Melon Fruit Fly (Zeugodacus cucurbitae) (Coquillette)

Abstract The melon fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett), is a serious pest of cucurbits, tree fruits and related crops in most continents of the world, including Africa. To manage the pest, most farmers in sub-Saharan Africa rely on synthetic chemicals which have detrimental effects to the environment and the habitat. Excessive use of chemicals may also lead to development of pest resistance and Z. cucurbitae has reportedly shown the most increased resistance to the used insecticides. For...

Adoption of Best Agronomic Practices, Technical Efficiency and Profitability of Sugarcane Production among Smallholders in Malava Sub- County of Kakamega County, Kenya

Abstract Sugarcane crop (Saccharum officinarum) is one of the important industrial crops that are major employers and contributor to the Kenyan economy. Despite the importance attached to this subsector, sugarcane production is dismally performing in Kenya. In a bid to attain self-sufficiency in sugar production, Kenya has made remarkable efforts to develop the subsector. Despite efforts put up by the Government of Kenya and other stakeholders, sugarcane production still faces low productivi...

Technical efficiency, profitability and market Diversity among smallholder tomato farmers in Kirinyaga county

Abstract The horticultural sub-sector in Kenya contributes immensely to the country’s development agenda. Particularly, vegetables are crucial in poverty alleviation with tomato production ranking among the most vibrant enterprises. The crop creates employment and is a source of income for smallholders in rural areas. Despite its potential, tomato production faces major challenges including unreliable markets, low adoption of modern production systems and production inefficiencies. This ha...

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