Chemistry Research Papers/Topics

Characterization and Physicochemical Study of Acacia nilotica var. tomentosa gum

ABSTRACT this study branches, and number of nodes were determined at maturity. The Leaf chlorophyll content was extracted using spectrophotometer set at a wavelength of 634nm, 648nm and 470nm.The chlorophyll a ranges from 0.76 to 1.49, chlorophyll b ranges from 3.17 to7.34 and the total chlorophyll ranges from 3.93 to 8.83. The data analysis was subjected to ANO VA using statistical software. The result showed that accession UAM09 I 556 and accession Tl 07K-297-13 have the highest plant...

Synthesis and Characterization of Some Antibiotic-Silver Nanoparticles Complexes and their Antibacterial Efficiency

Abstract Over the last few decades, the applications of nanotechnology in medicine have been extensively explored in many medical areas, especially in drug delivery. Nanotechnology concerns the understanding and control of matters in the 1-100 nm range, at which scale materials have unique physicochemical properties including ultra-small size, large surface to mass ratio, high reactivity and unique interactions with biological systems [1]. Drug-loaded nanoparticles can be achieved through phy...

Preparation Of Mosquitos Repelling Cream From Gum Arabic, Shea Butter And Ocimum Basilicum L. Oil (Rehan)

Abstract The aim of this study is to extract volatile oil from leaves of Ocimum basilicum L. Purple, and determine the chemical components. It also aimed at preparing cream using Gum Arabic and basil oil, and shea butter and testing its efficiency as a mosquitoe repellent at10% concentration. Ocimum basilicum L. purple gave a 1.5% yield of essential oil. The chemical composition of the oil( investigated by GC-MS) showed that it contained fifty sixconistuents.The main components were1.6-Octad...

Phyto-chemical Screeningof Seedsand Physicochemical Characterization of the Oil of Citrullus Colocynthis

Abstract A sample of Citrullus colocynthis fruits were collected from Alamab Area South Khartoum state, the seeds were isolated after dryness of the fruits. Phytochemical screening of the seeds indicate that they contain of flavonoids, tannins, cumarins , sterol, triterpene, saponins and Alkaloids. The oil of Citrullus colocynthis was extracted from the seeds. The average yield was 20%. Physico-chemical characterization result show that the density of the oil was 0.9728 g/cm3, Iodine value ...

Docking And QSAR Studies Of Some Flouroquinolones Derivatives

Abstract In this study computational chemistry, drug design and docking tools were employed to discover a new class of fluoroquinolone derivatives. Fifty eight compounds were designed and made to dock into the active site of a selected receptor (4eru and 1jij); which was retrieved from protein data bank. It was found that modifications in the molecular structure of the core skeleton of fluoroquinolones structure highly affect at biological activity.It was clearly observed positions 2, 3 and 4...

Corrosion Of Copper And A Copper Alloy In Different Aqueous Media

Abstract In this research, the corrosion behavior of the copper and copper alloy in different conditions and environment were studied. The corrosion behaviour and mechanism for copper and copper alloy in( HNO3, H2SO4,HCl, NaCl)solutions were studied by chemical mass loss, kinetic of corrosion, half life time, inhibitor efficiency and corrosion rate of inhibitor efficiency methods at25oC.were also investigated. The chemical results revealed that copper and copper alloy corrodes in( HNO3, H...

Green Synthesis Of Capped Silver Nanoparticles And Their Hybrids: Antimicrobial And Optical Properties

ABSTRACT Unique properties of silver (Ag) and its allied nanoparticles are of great interest in the fields of chemistry and technology. However, the widespread applications of nanoparticles call for synthesis routes involving eco-friendly procedures. Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) and their hybrids nanoparticles (Ag-Ni and Ag-Co) were synthesized using locally available biodiversity plants as alternative method to the expensive and toxic chemicals previously used. Fresh plants were collected ...

A Comparative Study Of Antioxidants Activities And Heavy Metals Content Of Some Medicinal Plants In Sudan

Abstract Samples of Five different plants(Psidium guajava (Aljawafa),Schoenanthus cymbopogone (Almharib) , Solenostemma argel(Alhargil), Hyphaene thebaica (Aldoum) and Petroselinum crispum (Albagdunas) used in many parts of Sudan as herbal medicine. The plant samples were collected randomly from different locations of sudan.The aim of study is to evaluate the phytochemicals components of plants and their potentiality as a source of biologically activecompounds , in addition determination of ...

Characterization ofthe Commercial Ice-cream Stabilizer E466 Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose

Abstract This study focuses on determine of the percent of carboxymethyl cellulose in ice-cream stabilizer which has been used under the number E466 it was determined to be 98.92%. First the percent of sodium chloride determined by Volhard method it was found to be 0.48% then freeflycolate were determined by U.V spectroscopic method the percent was found to be 0.59%. Finally the degree of substitution Ds were determined gravimetrically it was found 0.2. FT-IR spectroscopy also were used to ...

Enhancement of the Physical and Molecular Properties of Sudanese Crude Oil (Rawat) Using Solvent Dewaxing Process

Abstract This study was conducted to treat the Sudanese crude oil from Rawat area southwest of Kosti which has a high wax content of 26.3% by weight and pour point 54°C, in order to remove the wax and to reduce the pour point and enhance the physical and molecular properties of the treated oil using organic solvent de-waxing technology. The physical and molecular properties of crude oil and the oils produced from the treatments were obtained using American Society for Testing and Materials ...

Characterization And Analysis Of Polypropylene Manufactured In Sudan

Abstract The objective ofthis study is to characterize and analyse threedifferent samples of polypropylene of which one was collected from Elkherat Factory (Omdurman) and two from Khartoum Petrochemical Company .The flame test of these three samples, gave a blue – yellow colour. The results of melt flow rateof these sampleswere 2.63g/20 min , 2.71gminand 2.99g/20 min, respec􀆟vely.The results of melting point were 149 ◌C, 152 ◌c and- 160 ◌c. The results of bulk density were 0...

Assessment Of Plasma Ureacreatinine And Uric Acid Levels Among Sudanese Cigarette Smokers (Study In Khartoum) State

Abstract This is a case-control study, conducted to determine the effect of cigarettes smoking on urea, creatinine and uric acid levels in Sudanese male cigarette smokers in a period from March to May 2015. Eighty samples were collected from cigarette smokers without diseases that may affect levels of urea, creatinine and uric acid. And fifty nonsmokers people as control were informed about study and informed consent for participation was obtained. 2.5 ml of venous blood was collected ...

Spatio-Temporal Variability Of Trace Metals In Atmospheric Fine Particulate Matter From Selected Industrial Sites In Ogun State, Nigeria

   ABSTRACT The spatial and temporal variations of fine particulate matter bound trace metals were investigated in three industrial estates namely Ota Industrial Estate (OTE), Ewekoro Community (EWC) and Agbara Industrial Estate (AGE) and one background (Covenant University Farm Ota) in Ogun State. The sampling period was six (6) months covering the wet and dry seasons. One hundred and fifty (150) samples were collected according to standard methods using environtech gravimetric sampler, a...

Assessment of Plasma Urea and Creatinine levels among Sudanese Children using Antiepileptic Drugs in Khartoum state

Abstract Background and Aim of the study: antiepileptic drugs such as valproic acid (VPA) and carbamazepine (CBZ) may disrupt renal function. Plama Urea and creatinine may reflect renal dysfunction and may be useful in detecting renal injury. The aim of this study was to determine the levels of plasma urea and creatinine in Sudanese children used antiepileptic drugs (CBZ and VPA). Materials and Methods: this was cross sectional comparative study, conducted from May to September 2019, at Soba...

Photo-Decolorization of Dyes in Water Using Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Under Solar Radiation

Abstract In this research work a feasible titanium dioxide photo-catalytic technology for removal of dyes from wastewater was explored in four stages; the synthesis and characterization of two catalysts, optimization of parameters influencing the photo-catalytic process, photo-decolortization process of four different dyes have been investigated to effect of each catalysts and kinetic studies of photo-decolorization of the dyes. The results showed that sol-gel method along with and using tit...

241 - 255 Of 625 Results