Information Technology Research Papers/Topics

Design And Implementation Of An Integrated Human Resource And Payroll Management System A Case Study Of Double ‘M’ International Ltd

Abstract The Integrated Human Resource and Payroll Management System is a system that is developed to manage employees’ information and their financial records in companies and other institutions. The purpose is to make sure that the employees are punctual in reporting to work and paid in accordance to their perfonnance. The administrator is the only person who can sign up new employees, delete employees, change passwords and provide new ones and make any changes to the database. The system...

Design And Implementation Of A Video Library Management Information System Us1ng Visual Basic, Oracle Log And Microsoft Windows Xp Case Study: Mel ~Deo Library, Namwongo

ABSTRACT This project was aimed at designing a Video Library Management information System; a system to aid in the management and operation of the video library. Methods that were used to gather information about the current system include; interviews, document review and questionnaires. From that information, requirements for the new system were obtained, The new system was designed and implemented using Visual Basic and Oracle lOg. The system generates reports that are vital for the vi...

Design And Implementation Of An Online Voting System In Selected Developing Countries; A Case Of The Republic Of Uganda

Abstract Potential voters face difficulty when registering to be legitimate voters, some of these difficulties includes: the long distances to be traveled for registration process, the long queues at the registration sites, the short time duration provided for registration, updating and viewing the voter register. In an effort to make the voter registration and voting process easier, this project report outlines the designing and implementation of the online voting system based on current...

Design And Implementation Of An Online Reporter’s Record Management System Case Study: Amnesty International (Uganda)

ABSTRACT The main objective of this project is to design an online Reporters’ Record Management System with a view of improving data capture, management, retrieval and Production of timely reports so as to improve the performance of the Amnesty Commission. Currently, the Amnesty Commission’s infomntion management system is manual. Under the system, agents (Senior Resettlement Officers) collect survey forms fiom the headquarters then transport them to their respective regions. Information...

Design And Implementation Of A Hotel Control Information System Case Study: Speke Group Hotels

ABSTRACT This project aimed at the design and implementation of a hotel control information system; a system to aid in the management and operation of the hotel customer service. Information systems which are not carefully designed basing on good security practices may lead to data loss, misplacement, inconsistencies and redundancies. Methods that were used to gather information about the current system include; interviews, record review and questionnaire method. It gives detailed review of t...

Design And Implementation Of An Online Client Order Processing System A Case Of Mukwano Manufacturing Industries

Abstract This chapter contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study and the objectives of the study, the scope of the study and the justification of the study. 1.1 Background of the study The Group’s headquarters are located on Mukwano Road in Kampala, Uganda’s capital city. The coordinates of the company headquarters are:OO 18 50N, 325923E (Latitude:O.3 137; Longitude:32.5923) The group has manufacturing facilities and assets in Masindi District, Li...

The Role Of A Database Management System In Improving Performance Of A Commercial Enterprise

ABSTRACT This Project describes the role of a database in improving performance of a commercial enterprise. The main purpose of the study will be to establish an appropriate database management system to help in facilitating and maintaining the growth of a company, The results of the study will inspire company CEO’s and database managers and assistants even in other areas to design better systems for successful integration of information while setting up the database management system. It ...

Designand Impemetation Of Ane-learning Management System For Kafumuschool Of Comprehensive Nursing In Mbarara-uganda.

This project report documents the detailed steps for implementation of an e learning management system for students’ easy mode of learning. Currently the students wish to access their information whenever needed. The project will be able to help students access their information and interact with their lecturers through the system, Lecturers will use less time in interacting with their students, know the number of their students in their class. Students’ records will be easy to acces...

Designing And Development Of A Client Information System For A Vfl)Eo Library

Abstract K.M music and video library is located along Entebbe—Kampala highway at Ab~nta Ahabiri. K.M music and video library is privately owned and it puts into a high state of class for customers who utilize its facilities that is to say, in terms of video compact discs, digital video discs, to mention among other sorts of all audio and video Medias in place. K.M music and video library was started in the year 2006.At it’s start, the video library had registered a few customers by then, ...

An Online Reservation Information Management System For A Tours And Travel Company Case Study: Star Ways Tours And Travel Agency

Abstract Star Ways Tours and Travel Agency is a large international (East Africa) travel agency that has its headquarters in Nairobi city on Accra road with a branch in Kampala city on Buganda road near the Central Police Station and opposite the Constitutional Square. It deals with the transportation of people and goods to and from in the different parts of its operations. The agency was initiated in the year 2000 and it has been greatly developing due to the steady increase in the number of...

Design And Implementation Of A Database Management System For A Planning And Engineering Department Of A Local Government Case Study: Kira Town Council Wakiso District

This Report describes the Design and Implementation of a I)atabase Management System (DBMS) for Kim Town Council — a Local Government found in Wakiso I)istrict. Uganda The System was developed to reduce the problems associated with the traditional file based management system in the ‘town Council . using Microsoft Access and Visual Basic 6.0. It undensent the different stages of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as feasibility study. system design. testing and implementat...

A Secure Distributed Customer Relationship Database Management System For A Real Estate Agency A Case Of Royal Palm Estates.

This project is entitled A Secure Distribution Customer Relationship Database Management System For a Real Estate Agency covering Records computerization of Royal Palm estates data. A database is designed to store Estates information for easy access, retrieval and use of estates information in serving the clients. The user interface is designed in visual basic to allow easy search and retrieval of estate’s data and the system is able to produce reports for management planning. Data in ...

Online Scheduling Appointment System Case Study: Mulago Hospital

ABSTRACT Hospital information systems are a very vital product in today~s growing population this is because health institutions have to deal with the growing number of population. This study was carried at Mulago Hospital, the manual system used lead to problems like; data loss, misplacement disclosure of the confidential data to unauthorized retrieval, and others. It therefore calls for a security for data by design of a computerized database system and this will ease the work for the s...

Design And Implementation Of Scalable Distributed Hotels Management System For An Online Tourist Agency Case Study: Day To Day Classic Hotel, Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT Hotel Management System (HMS) has great impact on the day to day activities in most hotels they among others they provide improved data accessibility, data integrity, security of information and so on. Today, the trend in most Hotels has shifted from the traditional and manual way of booking and managing the hotels to a modern and organized way. Because of the, Day to Day Classic Hotel (DDCH) could not be left behind and it fully shares the advantages of the computerized systems. Thi...

School Fees Management System For Stafford High School

ABSTRACT ‘Ibis project proposes the do’ elopment of school fee payment management system for a public secondar) school in kericho district. Ken>a. This secondary school is called Stafford high school. The proposed system will be desktop application. The system will help in keeping track of fee payments records and storage ofthese records. The project first discusses the background of the study where the current s> stem will be explained and then defines the problem statement. The project...

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