Information Technology Research Papers/Topics

A Public Monitoring And Evaluation Web application For The Brewery Industry In Uganda: A Case Of Nile Breweries (U) Ltd

ABSTRACT The study particularly establishes an electronic centralized distributed system to monitor and evaluate the activities of all brewery industries in Uganda. Due to the massive loss of lives of alcoholics in Uganda in 2010, the researcher saw that there was need for the ministry to come up with a more flexible and yet sustainable system to monitor activities of all brewery industries in the country. Over 87% of the respondents from the UNBS and the brewery industries agreed that the ol...

A Record Management System For Entebbe Senior Secondary School

Table Contents DECLARATION i APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF ACRONNYMS x CHAPTER ONE 1 I .OBackground 1 1.1 Problem Statement 1 1.2 General objectives 2 1.3 Specific Objectives 2 1.5 significance of the study 2 1.6 Requirements to be fulfilled by the proposed system 3 CHAPTER TWO 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.0 Introduction 4 2.1 Information system 4 2.1.1 Components of an information system 5 2.1.2 Management information system 5 School management systems 6 2.2 Manual...

Online Transaction Processing System Case Study: Umeme

Online Transaction Processing System Case Study: Umeme

An Automated Researvation System For Swift Safaris Bus Comj> Any (Ssbrs) A Case Study Of Swift Safaris Bus Comj>Any Ltd Uganda.

ABSTRACT This project report documents the main stages taken and used to help create a automated management bus reservation system for Swift safaris Bus ltd. Presently, the company uses a manual system that does not keep records to book passengers and does not allow advance reservations. The system developed using VB 6.0, Microsoft Visual Data Manger, and SQL is meant to enable Swift Safaris Bus ltd to book passengers, retrieve and update their records, schedule buses, allow advance reservat...

Student Portal Application System For Accessing Student’s Information (Results And The Class Timetable)

Abstract The student portai application system is a system that allows a student to access the results and the timetable with ease. Class timetables and examination results and other curriculum activities are issued through paper printouts which are pinned to notice boards, perimeter walls, corridors and affix to office windows affecting light illumination in the office. This medium of issuance is outdated, expensive, and bulky and most of all easily ignored. The SPAS system solves these prob...

Examination Results Distribution System

ABSTRACT This project report presents the proceedings of the design and implementation of an examination results distribution system for the institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda. The project aimed at facilitating the Examination Results distribution for the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda. The data used was obtained through interviews carried out face-to-face. reading through records and observation. The system was made to operate using the functionality of ...

Patient, Employee Monitoring And Billing System; A Case Of Kizibacommumty Hospital Wakiso District

ABSTRACT he availability of data and information is an important aspect and resource for all etails concerning certain entity or subjects when required. Its important that this ~source is stored and retried for consumption whenever required in its correctness, onsistence and reliability. This project is directed to designing and implementing a atabase software that is capable of holding patients and employee information in Jziba hospital so as to solve the problems and challenges they usually...

Design And Implementation Of An Automated School Management System: A Case Study Of St. Peter’s Secondary School, Naalya.

Abstract The research was mainly carried out to study the impact of computer-based systems on information sharing and data flow within St Peter’s SS Naalya. The major problem identified was the use of manual papers. The main objective of the study was to develop an automated school management system that will improve the operations of St Peter’s SS Naalya. Different techniques were used to collect data like interviews, observation, questionnaires. The design and implementation of the syst...

Development And Implementation Of An Interactive Real.-T1me Shopping Technique A Case Study Of Kampala New Style Book Store (U) Lti)

ABSTRACT The project’s main objective was to design and implement a Real-time Shopping Technique to enhance market productivity of New styles Bookstore with the a view of improving its product exposure in the internet, minimizing the barrier of distance, time constraints and providing a conducive environment for an organized timely reports so to improve the decision making by management and the overall performance of the company. New styles Bookstore Ltd was not using any On-line transa...

Design Of An Electronic Railway Ticket Reservation System For Rift Valley Railways A Case Study: Kibuli Railway Station Kampala

ABSTRACT The Electronic Railway Ticket Reservation System for Rift Valley Railways enables a more convenient and quick reservation of railway tickets by passengers electronically, whereby they can do so at their convenience in time and place provided they have access to internet. The need of this system arose because of a remarkable increase in number of train travellers compared to the past where by this type of transport was majorly for cargo. This therefore meant that complex problems...

Design And Implimentation Of Prison And Prisoners’ Information Management System

Abstract Electronic information management system is a key success factor in all organisations hence it is a vital necessity in planning and controlling the business operations. The systematic, efficient and organised information management system provides comprehensive information for organisations to guarantee unbiased decisions. Therefore the re-design and implementation of a computerised system for the Uganda Prison Service is meant to improve services in the institution and increa...

An Automated Library Management System A Case Study Of Kashenyi Vocational Senior Secondary School

ABSTRACT For many years, institutions such as secondary schools and colleges have used file based I manual system to manage library use. Whereas this was quite efficient for some time, due to the expansion of the library and increase in the number of the library users such as students, the system wastes a lot of time especially when searching for a particular book or resource. In response to this problem, more librarians have been added (employed). and this has escalated the cost of mana...

Design And Implementation Of A Hotel Booking System For White Castle Hotel

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF ACRONYMS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Overview 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 2 1.3 Project Objectives 2 1.3.1 Main Objectives 2 1.4 Research Questions 2 1.5 Scope of the Study 2 1.6 Purpose of the Study 3 1.7 Significance of the Study 3 CHAPTER TWO 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.0 Introduction 4 vi 2.1 Manual system .4 2.2 Database 5 2.3 Datab...

A Patient Payments Management System For Mukama Yawonya Special Research Centre (U) Ltd

ABSTRACT Abstract is a document designed to show a review of whatever the designer tackled on duringdesigning processes of the project. It also summarizes the content in all chapters. This project comprises of five chapters that is, chapter one which includes a number of sub topics like background, problem statement and also objectives are discussed with in this chapter, the justification of the study to mention but a few. Chapter two covers literature review that describes the review of ...

A Patient Management Information System Case Study Nsambya General Clinic

ABSTRACT. This research report aimed at developing and implementing a patient information management system at Nasby General Clinic located in Nsambya parish Kampala. This research covers five chapters. Chapter one is an introduction, it gives an insight into the back ground of the study problem, statement, objectives of the study ,significance ,,scope, conceptual and theoretical frame work and the limitations of the study. Chapter two is literature review. It gives a thorough analysis of di...

166 - 180 Of 396 Results