Information Technology Research Papers/Topics

Effective Management of Internet Usage at the Workplace

Abstract The internet has become a basic requirement in the management of organizations today. If an organization wants to remain relevant at this time and age and retain its competitive edge it has to adopt the usage of the internet. One can hardly imagine a successful enterprise operating without an effective website, for its production, marketing, communication and other business operations. In as much as the internet is a good thing to the management of organizations operations, it has i...

Effectiveness of an Integrated Learner-Centric Approach for Teaching Complex ICT Concepts at a Higher Educational Institution In Botswana

Abstract: Teaching methodology has a greater impact on the way students learn from teachers and tutors. However traditional class rooms are meant for rote learning, hence, there exists some challenges in promoting “in-depth learning” among the learners when it comes to teaching complex ICT concepts. This paper has been developed based on the experience of introducing an integrated approach towards promoting in-depth learning and understanding by the students. This integrated approach com...

Distribution Efficiency of E-services in the Health Insurance Sector : The Case of Botswana

Abstract: Nowadays customers have become empowered by information communication technologies. This state of customers has brought enormous pressure to bear on organizations, thus, organizations have to stay relevant, market-oriented and profitable. The insurance sector is one that is constantly challenged by its exposure to ICT and the associated need for e-services by myriad customers. With increasing competition in the health insurance environment, it is necessary for the sector to underst...

Computerised Accounting Software; A Curriculum that Enhances an Accounting Programme

Abstract: There has been an outcry in commerce and industry about students who fail to perform in the accounting department due to lack of “practical accounting skills”. It is from this background that the researchers were motivated to investigate the impact of a Computerised Accounting Software Curriculum that enhances an Accounting Programme. At Botho University a degree in Bsc Hons in Accounting is offered and it is perceived that the graduates of this programme will be all rounded af...

Understanding Network Preference of People

Emmanuel, O. (2008). Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation: teenagers' use of social networking sites for intimacy, privacy and self-expression. New Media & Society, 10(3), 393-411

ICT Integration in Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in Tanzania: Readiness and Way Forward

Abstract —The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in teaching and learning has brought new teaching and learning experience to both teachers and students in many countries. Tanzania has made several efforts to achieve this but little has been done to determine the readiness of our schools and teachers in terms of ICT infrastructure and possession of other gadgets to help in the integration of ICT in education. This study aimed at looking into the readiness of Secondary ...

Awareness of Web 2.0 Technology in the Academic libraries an islamabad perspective

Abstract  Purpose The  main  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  determine  the  awareness  and  extent  use  of  Web  2.0 technology in the academic libraries of Islamabad, Pakistan. Design/methodology/approach The survey research methods was employed in this exploratory study through google forms on Awareness of Web 2.0 tools, the questionnaire were distributed among 100 library professionals of 43 Public and private sector universities based on Islamabad were selected for th...


The role of information and communication technology (ICT) in this present dispensation cannot be over emphasised as the world is viewed as a global village and people as virtual villagers. Cybercrime is a threat to individuals, a nation’s security and financial health as well. The economic loss caused by cybercrimes like phishing, social media identity theft, insider threat, cyber terrorism and the cost of system repairs caused by cyber-attacks runs into billions of naira every year. The r...


MODULE: COUNTING AND CONVERTING IN EXCEL The functions for counting in Excel are mainly:  COUNT   COUNTA  COUNT BLANK  COUNTIF  COUNTIFS For the basics, we will consider using the COUNT, COUNTA, and COUNT BLANK functions. The COUNT function counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers. If there are other characters apart from numbers, this function simply ignores them. COUNTA counts non-empty cells in a range. COUNT BLANK counts empty cells in a range.

Determinants of Information Security Awareness among Employees of Capital Market Registrars in Lagos, Nigeria: An Empirical Study

Abstract - The purpose of the study is to examine the determinants of information security awareness (ISA) among employees of Capital Market Registrars (CMRs) in Lagos, Nigeria based on established factors from the existing literatures on ISA. The main objectives of the study are; to determine the level of information security awareness among CMRs’ employees and to identify the components that influence information security awareness. This study utilised a survey design. Stratified random s...

Student Inquiries into Neglected Research for a Sustainable Society: Communication and Application

By applying the interdisciplinary approach of Science, Technology & Society, students can solve often-neglected research problems of shifting society’s operation towards a sustainable state. A recent Penn State University student research report entitled “The Mueller Report: Moving from Sustainability Indicators to Sustainability Action”, contained a detailed ecological analysis of one campus building and addressed methods to optimize its ecological performance in terms of sustainabilit...

Teaching Science by Encouraging Innovation in Appropriate Technologies for Sustainable Development

Appropriate technologies, those able to be easily and economically constructed from readily available materials by local craftspeople, have a central role in the alleviation of poverty in the developing world. Research and development of these technologies are, however, generally apportioned relatively modest support by the developed world’s institutions in part because the operation of many of these appropriate technologies is dependent on relatively well-understood science accessible even...

Teaching Physics Using Appropriate Technology Projects

Appropriate technologies able to be easily and economically constructed from readily available materials by local craftspeople have a central role in the alleviation of poverty in the developing world. However, research and development of these technologies are generally apportioned relatively modest support by the developed world’s institutions, in part because the operation of many of these appropriate technologies is dependent on relatively well-under-stood science accessible even to int...

Foreign Languages and the Environment: A Collaborative Instructional Project

The project described here—a collaborative venture between Modern Languages and Physics—provided an opportunity for students to increase their language proficiency while learning about concepts related to the environment. The Standards for Foreign Language Learning, and in particular the “Connections” goal, call for foreign language educators to integrate language instruction into other disciplines, while the “Communities” goal advocates using the language beyond the classroom. In...

Appropedia as a Tool for Service Learning in Sustainable Development

Numerous studies have demonstrated that university students are capable of contributing to sustainable development while improving their academic skills. Unfortunately for many institutions, the expense of sending large cohorts of students on international service learning trips is prohibitive. Yet, students remain enthusiastic and well equipped to assist in sustainable development. This article reports on two pedagogical experiments in service learning that overcame this challenge by providi...

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