Mathematics and Statistics Research Papers/Topics

Analysis Of Young People’s Career By Use Of Markov Chains: Case Study Of Kisumu City

ABSTRACT It is the desire of every person to have a career. Not much thought has been taken by young people on how they can arrive at their future careers. The reason is mainly because they are not aware. As much as many people have attained their careers through education, not much consideration has been given to the other factors within education that leads one to his or her career. The study traced one’s career from primary to present position. There are stages one follows to reach the c...

Optimal Investment Strategies Of A Defined Contribution Pension Fund

ABSTRACT The issue that a pension fund manager faces is how to optimize his or her investment strategies. The question we resolved is the optimal design of the minimum guarantee in a defined contribution pension Fund Scheme. We study the optimal asset allocation strategy a given fund manager can adopt to maximize surplus (the difference between the total wealth and the Guarantee) and the payback ratio (ratio between total wealth and Guarantee). Finally, We analyze the impact of the main param...

Constraints Faced By Small And Medium Entreprise In Accessing Bank Finance In Eldoret Town Kenya

ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the economies of developed and developing countries, through creation of new jobs. Access to bank financial resources seems to be a major constraint to the growth of SMEs in the developing context. This study thus, aimed at finding out the constraints faced by SMEs in particular accessing bank financing. The study adopted the adverse selection theory of credit markets. This study adopted an explanatory and descriptive surv...

Difference In Difference Method To Impact Evaluation: A Case Study Of Fruiting Africa Project

ABSTRACT Development programs designed to address particular global challenges are facing increasing pressure to demonstrate their impact on the targeted com munities. The method mostly used to measure impact of development programs is by comparing the changes in outcomes of the program participants over time commonly know as before-and-after comparison. However, in some cases, the treatment and control groups are usually heterogeneous at baseline, making the difference in difference (DiD) me...

Application Of Logistic Regression Model To Determine Factors Causing Maternal Mortality: A Case Study Of Migori County Referral Hospital (2007-2015)

Abstract Kenya is one of the major contributors to the poor maternal health status in Africa with maternal mortality ratio of 488 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births translating to 7,700 maternal deaths annually [23]. There are regional disparities in maternal mortality among the 47 counties with county with the highest maternal mortality has almost 20 times maternal deaths of that with the lowest. Migori County is one of the counties with the highest burden of maternal mortality in the c...

The Analysis Of Gamma Strategies For A Nonlinear Black-Scholes Equation

ABSTRACT There has been a significant growth in research in the field of financial mathematics since the derivation of the standard Black-Scholes-Merton Partial Differential Equation by Black and Scholes, and Merton in 1973. The derivation was done under the assumption that the market is liquid and frictionless (no restrictions on trade and no transaction costs). The nonlinear equation ut + 1 2σ2S2uSS(1 + 2ρSuSS) = 0 for modeling illiquid markets has only been solved analytically using a po...

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum of Fourth Order Di erence Operators With Unbounded Coecients on the Hilbert Space `2(N)

Abstract Sturm-Liouville operators and Jacobi matrices have so far been developed in parallel for many years. A result in one eld usually leads to a result in the other. However not much in terms of spectral theory has been done in the discrete setting compared to the continuous version especially in higher order operators. Thus, we have investigated the deciency indices of fourth order dierence operator generated by a fourth order dierence equation and located the absolutely continuous spect...

Stochastic Modeling Of Bamboo Population Growth And Optimal Harvesting

ABSTRACT Population growth and harvest modeling is an active area of current research. There has been an effort to move from deterministic Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) to Stochastic Differential Equations (SDE) modeling. Moreover, the latter is most realistic in describing life systems that are often perturbed by unpredictable environmental activity. Bamboo growth and harvest modeling was motivated by the “Tobacco to Bamboo” (TTB) Project where farmers in selected sections of Hom...

De ciency indices and spectra of Fourth order Differential Operators with Unbounded Coefficients on a Hilbert space

Abstract The concept of unbounded operators provides an abstract framework for dealing with dierential operators and unbounded observable such as in quantum mechanics. The theory of unbounded operators was developed by John Von Neumann in the late 1920s and early 1930s in an eort to solve problems related to quantum mechanics and other physical ob- servables. This has provided the background on which other scholars have developed their work in dierential operators. Higher order dieren- tial o...

Modeling The Effects Of Interference In Fertility Rate: A Case Study Of Rwanda, Indonesia And Kenya

ABSTRACT Many studies have been done on fertility for many years. However, very little has been documented in the existing literature concerning modeling of fertility in the presence of interference, yet interference to fertility is a common phenomenon. In this study fertility data sets for Rwanda, Indonesia and Kenya were modeled before and after interference. The parameters of the model were estimated by the maximum likelihood estimation method. The model life table approach was used to det...

Unsteady Mhd Heat And Mass Transfer Over An Infinite Porous Flat Plate With Convective Surface Boundary Conditions

ABSTRACT Unsteady MHD heat and mass transfer over an infinite flat plate with convective surface boundary condition problems have received little attention yet they are of great importance in many scientific and engineering fields particularly in the manufacture and maintenance of ship propulsion unit and thermal energy storage processes in nuclear plants. Every research work that would give results aimed at improving the efficiency of the modern marine vessels is of significance to the field...

Norms Of Generalized Derivations On Norm Ideals

Abstract The norms of inner and generalized derivations on dierent kinds of al- gebras have been determined. However, the norms of their restrictions to norm ideals have not been fully explored. For instance, the concept of S􀀀universality having been introduced by Fialkow in 1979, has not been fully characterized yet it plays a critical role in the study of norms of derivations. In this study, we have investigated both the algebraic and the norm properties of a generalized derivation. Spec...

Automorphisms Of The Unit Groups Of Square Radical Zero, Cube Radical Zero And Power Four Radical Zero Finite Commutative Completely Primary Rings

ABSTRACT The study of automorphisms of algebraic structures has contributed immensely to many important findings in mathematics. For example, Galois characterized the general degree five single variable polynomials f over Q, by showing that the roots of such polynomials cannot be expressed in terms of radicals, through the automorphism groups of the splitting field of f. On the other hand, the symmetries of any algebraic structure are captured by their automorphism groups. The study of comple...

On Completely Positive Maps

ABSTRACT Completely positive maps is an important eld due to its signicance, application and mathematics itself. While discussing the properties of the positive maps, researchers have questioned whether the properties of the positive maps also hold for completely positive maps. In chapter 1, we have started with a C-algebra A, generated on A other C-algebras and then investigated these forms of C-algebras. We investigated whether the properties of A such as self-adjointedness and completeness...

Prediction Of Inflation Rates In Kenya Using Binomial Logistic Regression

ABSTRACT Inflation is increasingly becoming an important parameter that determines financial performance of central banks worldwide. Although many empirical studies have used time series and vector auto regression models to analyze inflation, very few studies have relied on the predictive ability of the logistic model which has a more intuitive interpretation for key issues such as drivers of inflation. The primary concern for every country is growing expectations about inflation which has re...

31 - 45 Of 67 Results