Mathematics and Statistics Research Papers/Topics

Stochastic Analysis Of Single Queue Single Server Versus Single Queue Multiple Servers Models: A Case Study Of Post Bank And Kenya Commercial Bank

ABSTRACT Banks play signicant roles in a country's economy. For this reason many studies have been done on the management and general organization of banks. One such area is on queue management. It is common practice to see long queues of customers waiting to be served within the banking halls. Customers arrive at banking facilities randomly. Moreover, service time is also a random phenomenon. Currently, many institutions are moving away from single queue single server model to single queue-m...

Constraints Faced By Small And Medium Entreprises In Accessing Bank Finance In Eldoret Town Kenya

ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the economies of developed and developing countries, through creation of new jobs. Access to bank financial resources seems to be a major constraint to the growth of SMEs in the developing context. This study thus, aimed at finding out the constraints faced by SMEs in particular accessing bank financing. The study adopted the adverse selection theory of credit markets. This study adopted an explanatory and descriptive surv...

Flexible Parametric Prognostic Risk Score Models For Short-Term Risk Of Aids On Patients Newly Initiated On Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (Haart) In Nyanza, Kenya

Abstract About 22.9 million people living with HIV/AIDS reside in sub-Saharan Africa, many of whom have progressed to AIDS over time. Kenya has high numbers of new infections; a total of 104,000 in the general population with paediatrics at 13,000 and adults at 91,000. Risk scores constructed using prognostic factors may be valuable in the early identication and intervention to patients at risk of progression to AIDS. There was therefore a necessity to come up with robust risk models that use...

A multi-level statistical modelling approach to multidimensional poverty alleviation in Namibia

ABSTRACT This thesis examined household demographic factors and how they influence poverty levels in Namibia. While most previous studies have used income and expenditure to define household socio-economic status levels, this study used a three poverty dimension approach namely health, education and living standard. This is because poverty is multidimensional. The data used came from the Namibia Household Income and Expenditure Survey (NHIES) of 2009/10. Initially, the Alkire Foster method wa...

The Efficacy Of Prognostic Risk Factors In Classifying Malaria Patients Using Discriminant Analysis: A Case Study Of Sanyati Hospital

ABSTRACT Malaria is endemic in Sanyati, accounting to approximately 3000 patients both outpatient attendance and admissions diagnosed of the disease yearly and 15% of all hospital deaths. The research analyzed the efficacy of prognostic risk factors in classifying malaria patients into low and high risk groups using discriminant analysis: a case study of Sanyati Baptist Hospital. Secondary data was extracted from the inpatient morbidity and mortality register available in the information depa...

Morphological Characterization Of Autochthonous Sheep Breeds At Matopos Research Station : A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm Approach.

Abstract Failure to characterize autochthonous sheep breeds may result to the extinction of the important natural resource which can easily adapt to the local variation in climate change. Environmental factors and some human practices especially artificial insemination is leading to the evolving of different pedigrees.Price determination is an important aspect in designing pricing models, but what really contributes to the weight of autochthonous sheep breed remains as the major question whic...

Hurdle Negative Binomial Model For Motor Vehicle Crash Injuries In Namibia

ABSTRACT Injuries caused by Motor Vehicle crashes were ranked 10th among the leading causes of death and 9th among the leading cause of disability worldwide (World Health Organization, 2013). In developing countries 90% of disabilities are caused by road traffic crashes. In Namibia, The Motor Vehicle Accident Fund spends approximately N$ 22,6 million monthly towards medical expenses of people injured in crashes (Tjihenuna, 2015), causing a concern, to the victims, their families and affects t...

Charged Anisotropic Models For Quark Stars

Abstract We perform a detailed physical analysis for a class of exact solutions for the Einstein-Maxwell equations. The linear equation of state consistent with quark stars has been incorporated in the model. The physical analysis of the exact solutions is performed by considering the charged anisotropic stars for the particular nonsingular exact model obtained by Maharaj, Sunzu and Ray. In performing such an analysis we regain masses obtained by previous researchers for isotropic and anisotr...

Biomass And Nutritive Value Of Spirulina (Arthrospira Fusiformis) Cultivated In A Cost-Effective Medium

Abstract Introduction Cultivation of spirulina at commercial-scales relies on analytical grade–based media, which are expensive and so are the product. Purpose This study assessed the biomass, proximate composition, and other useful compounds in Spirulina (Arthrospira fusiformis) produced with a cost-effective culture medium (LCMA), and the results were compared with those from a standard Zarrouk medium– grown spirulina. Methods The LCMA medium was formulated by using a commercial NPK10-2...

Group Acceptance Sampling Plans for Resubmitted lots for life tests based on Half Logistic Distribution

Abstract: In this article, a group acceptance sampling plan (GASP) for lot resubmitting is developed to ensure quality of the product lifetime assuming that the product’s lifetime follows the half logistic distribution. The parameters of the GASP are determined by satifying the specified producer’s and consumer’s risks according to the experiment termination time and the number of testers. A comparison between this proposed group sampling and the ordinary group sampling plan is discusse...

Statistical Analysis Of Reports On Domestic Violence In Ghana

ABSTRACT The incidence of the print and electronic media reports on violence and abuse in the domestic setting heightened the interest for this study and has therefore served as a major source of motivation for this research work. The work seeks to investigate the causes of domestic violence vis-à-vis the consequences of such acts. The major findings indicated that domestic violence in Ghana can best be described as violence against women and children. It was also discovered that domestic ...

Estimation Techniques In Generalized Linear Mixed Models With Application To Disease Impact Modelling

ABSTRACT This study applies the theory of Generalised linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) to survey data on disease impact in Ghana. It determines the variables that are responsible for making dependent members of households feel the impact of illness and/or death for three identified types of households. It assesses four models in terms of these variables generated using the Maximum Mean PseudoLikelihood (MMPL) and the Residual Mean Pseudo-Likelihood (RMPL) techniques in SAS. For all four models c...


This study is concerned with the female enrolment at the junior secondary school levels in Nigeria. In writing this project, the approach has been to determine the trend in female enrolment at the junior secondary school level by the geo - political zones. This research work is organized into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction of the study. In this chapter, the background information is provided, objective of the study is outlined and the significance of the stu...


ln this work, the researchers consider the concept of Information Security by the application of firewall and encryption techniques. Also, the problem of explicitly exposing infonnation in transit is discussed. We developed several algorithms. Among the algorithms are those of random sequence and non-arithmetic sequence using modified generators for the problem to secure information that may pass through intermediate computers linked in the Internet. Some of these algorithms employ modif...


The purpose of this work is not to present a collection of routines that might appear in a professional software library; rather, the intention is to introduce a method of solving linear algebraic equations using Pascal Programming. This dissertation solves linear algebraic equations by Cramer's rule method using Pascal Programming. The basis for this method of solution was obtained from the knowledge of numerical method, such a method lies within the discipline of numerical analysis.

46 - 60 Of 67 Results