ABSTRACT The study was to find out the effect of safety and health to employee performance. At mirerani mbuguni mine. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between health and safety on employee performance at Mirerani Mbunguni objectives were, to investigate the cause of accident in organization in mirerani mbuguni,to investigate the effect of accident on productive on performance, to examine the measures to organization accident. The study used survey design with both qu...
ABSTRACT Staff turnover greatly impacts on the performance of any given organization. This research aimed at finding out the impact of staff turnover on the performance of AIC in health service delivery in Mbale. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data which minimized the level of biasness from the respondents from the researcher and thus coming up with more sounding responses. Upon analysis of data, the following results and conclusions were made; Finding out caus...
ABSTRACTThis research was based on the investigation of the effects of remuneration on employee performance in German Technical Corporation Uganda (GTZ).Remuneration is paramount to acquiring competent personnel as well as retaining the present employees, it also aids in securing internal and external equity meaning thepayment of similar wages for similar jobs within the organization or other comparable organizations. The comparisons of pay are uninfluenced by levels of aspirat...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between rewards and performance of employees at international care and relief. The objective of the study was to establish different forms of rewards and to examine the impact ofrewards on employee performance. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews, as research tools. The data comprised of both primary and secondary data. Random sampling was also used. The findings indicated that employees are rewarded in terms of...
ABSTRACT The report is a result of research conducted on performance appraisal and employee productivity in organizations. Thus the objectives of the study were; to examine the types of performance appraisal, to establish the roles of performance appraisal, to examine factors affecting employee productivity, to determine the relationship between performance appraisal and employee productivity in organizations. To achieve these objectives the researcher mainly read and analysed the already exi...
ABSTRACT This study investigated internal communication and employee retention at ENHAS. The following objectives guided the study: i) to determine the effectiveness of internal communication at Entebbe Handling Services Limited; ii)to establish the level of employee retention at Entebbe Handling Services limited; and iii)to find out the relationship between internal communication and employee retention at Entebbe Handling Services limited. The study used descriptive survey design with a targ...
ABSTRACTThis study set out to describe the relationship between selection procedure ~mo~ovee ~errormance ~n oraanizarions, a study in National Microfinance Bank limited, Mandela Branch-Moshi, Tanzania, It was based on both cross sectional and descriptive correlational survey designs. A self administered questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 66 employees, usingstratified random sampling. Data analysis was done using SPSS’s relative frequencies, means, s...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted between March and May 2009. It aimed at assessing the impact of organizational culture on employee performance. Taking Motelecom International Uganda Limited as the case study. It further identifies different cultures that affect employee performance in organizations.TABLE OF CONTENTS DELARATION.................................................................................................. (i) APPROVAL.................................................
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to establish the effect of employee rewards on employee performance at Roofing's Uganda limited. It was guided by three research objectives which included the effect of employee promotion on employee performance at Roofing's Uganda limited. Examining the effect of wages on employee's performance in Roofing's Uganda limited. And to explores the effect of employee training on employee performance in organizations. The study adopted a cross sectional research...
The Decreasing Demand and the Increasing Challenges for Manufacturing SectorThe COVID-19 pandemic has struck many sectors of the manufacturing process directly (Norouzi & Zarazua 2020). Cai & Lou (2020) argue that this is an opportunity to understand and better evaluate the ongoing issues facing the manufacturing sector. Doing this by assessing and evaluating the impact ofthe increase in challenge and the decrease in demand, aids the overall supply chain to remain viable in the long term. Thi...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the impact of training on employees retention in Concern World wide Uganda. The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between training and retention of employees, to examine the impacts of training on retention of employees in organization, to examine the training methods used in Concern world wide Uganda. The researcher used questionnaires, interviews and observations as research instruments. The data collection comprised b...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study. Human Resource development as defined by E. Flippo (1999) is the process of improving, molding and changing the skill, knowledge, creative ability, aptitudes, values, commitment etc. of employees based on the present and future jobs and organizational requirements. This functions includes • Training: Which is the process of imparting the technical and operating skills and knowledge to the employees concerned? • Management development: ...
ABSTRACT The puqiose of the study was to establish the relationship between leadership and employee performance at Mpanga Tea Factory. Leadership is the fundamental oxygen for any of any striving organization for survival, however, Mpanga Tea Factory are lacking such ingredients in its daily operation. This was according to the information revealed in years back. According to the revealed by the company annual magazine, mismanagement, autocratic leadership and arbitrary ter111ination of emplo...
ABSTRACT The study was intended to investigate work environment and pe'rfonnance in the organizations/ companies The study was carried out in Housing Finance (Eldoret) with respondents being identified from their work places. The objectives of the study were to examine employee's welfare practices and their effect on organization performance, assessing the effects of supervision, evaluating the employee's perception of their job design and its effects on perfonnance. Hypothesis of the study i...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of compensation on employee's motivation in war child Holland Uganda. The study sought to establish the effect of benefits on motivation of employees in War Child Holland, to examine the effect to pay on motivation of employees in War Child Holland, to establish the relationship between incentives and motivation of employees in War Child Holland. The literature review was conducted with the aim of establishing and shading m...