Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics


What is PlanningCharacteristics of PlanningFinancial Tools for Planning and Control of Company OperationsFunction of the Stock MarketHow does a Stock Exchange Operate?What are the Requirements to Trade in a Stock Exchange?The Benefits and Drawbacks of Listing a Company on a Stock Exchange


Modes of FinancingTypes of FinanceDebt vs EquityRisk and Types of Risks


DefinitionConcepts of National IncomeDeterminants of National Income or Factors Affecting the National IncomeImportance of National Income Statistics in NigeriaMethods of Measuring National IncomeLimitations in Measuring National IncomeImportance of National Income AnalysisFiscal and Monetary Policy


1. Why are countries engaged in international trade? Explain five reasons. (10 Marks)b. What are the five major arguments for free trade? (7.5 Marks)2. Provide a detailed explanation of the two main classical theories of international trade (10 Marks)b) Present five assumptions and criticisms of the theory of comparative advantage. (7.5 Marks)


Meaning of Industrial RelationsNature of International RelationsScope of International Relations


IntroductionImportance of Agricultural EconomicsConcepts in Agricultural Production EconomicsCharacteristic Features of Agricultural ProductionFarm ManagementMicro Vs Macro-FinanceNeed for Agricultural FinanceAgricultural MarketingImportance of Agricultural MarketingMarketing FunctionsClassification of MarketsObjectives of Agricultural MarketingScope of Agricultural MarketingThe Subject of Agricultural MarketingThe Difference in Marketing of Agricultural and Manufactured GoodsScope of Farm Ma...

ACC 215- Accounting Management

Financial Accounting Business is an economic activity undertaken with the motive of earning profits and to maximize the wealth for the owners. Business cannot run in isolation. Largely, the business activity is carried out by people coming together with a purpose to serve a common cause. This team is often referred to as an organization, which could be in different forms such as sole proprietorship, partnership, body corporate etc. The rules of business are based on general principles of trad...

ACC 105- Principles of Economics in Accounting

Macroeconomics is the study of the behaviour of the economy as a whole and hence the determination of broad economic aggregate such as national income or national product, employment, the price level and the exchange rate, balance of payments position, booms, recessions and depressions etc. To study the overall performance of the economy, macroeconomics focuses on the economic policies and policy variables that affect performance, including monetary and fiscal policies, the stock of money and...

ACC 200L- Accounting

The main purpose of accounting is to ascertain profit or loss during a specified period, to show the financial condition of the business on a particular date and to have control over the firm's property. Such accounting records are required to be maintained to measure the income of the business and communicate the information so that it may be used by managers, owners and other interested parties. Accounting is a discipline which records, classifies, summarises and interprets financial inform...

ECO 121- Principles of Economics

Economics is a science which deals with wealth creation through production of goods and services, their distributions as well as consumption. The process plays a huge task in the society because it influences the majority of our decisions in our day-to-day activities. However, defining economics has pose difficulties because there is no single acceptable definition. Therefore different economists have given economics different types of definitions. Famous among these economists were: Adam Smi...

FMS 106- Financial Management

Modern Approaches to Management After a scholarly review of management concept over the years, Harold Koontz in his article “The Management Theory Jungle” has classified the major “schools” of management into six broad areas: (1) The Management Process (2) Empirical School (3) Human Relations School (4) Decision Theory School (5) Mathematical School.The Management Process This school of thought perceives management as a process of getting things done through and with people operating ...

Natural Resources And International Conflicts (A Case Study Of The Bakassi Peninsula )

Territorial claims, ideology, colonialism, nationalism, religion and natural resources have typically been the main sources of conflict throughout the world. While the influence of some of these is waning, struggles for the control of valuable natural resources have remained a persistent feature of national and international affairs for decades. Such conflict situations typically take the form of territorial disputes over the possession of oil-laden border areas, factional struggles among the...


In 21st century, State is everywhere. It is touching, directly or indirectly, all aspects of human existence. It has become omnipotent. This was not the case a few centuries age. Back then state had limited role. It was primarily concerned with (i) law and order and (ii) revenue collection. From this very small role to today’s all-pervading role, the role of state has been expanding. What is a state? Many scholars have defined state in various ways. Even today modern day scholars attempt to...

POS 104

In 21st century, State is everywhere. It is touching, directly or indirectly, all aspects of human existence. It has become omnipotent. This was not the case a few centuries age. Back then state had limited role. It was primarily concerned with (i) law and order and (ii) revenue collection. From this very small role to today’s all-pervading role, the role of state has been expanding. What is a state? Many scholars have defined state in various ways. Even today modern day scholars attempt to...

POS 105: Nigerian Legal System

The course exposes students to the fundamental knowledge of the general principles of Nigerian legal system in resolving disputes as and when necessary. To acquaint students on how the law regulates their conducts vis-à-vis stipulating their rights and duties as citizens

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