
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Ict Use On Performance Of Agrienterprises. A Case Of Smallholder Pineapple Farmers In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Recently, there has been emergence in the use of modern Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in the different operations of agrienterprises. This ranges from the provision of agricultural information to marketing of agricultural products through the use of ICT tools such as mobile phones, television and radio. Despite the potential of ICT tools to enhance efficiency in agrienterprises operations, little is known about the effect of ICT use on performance and farm income of s...

Impact Of Climate Change On Gender Roles In Agropastoralists Community In Mvomero District, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Climate change is expected to influence of water flow, crop and livestock production, availability of pastures and other components of agricultural systems. On the contrary, the agro-pastoral gender roles are no longer sustainable due to the impact of climate change, resulting in changes of water flow. The main objective of this study was to determine the impact of climate change on gender roles in agro-pastoralists community in Mvomero District, Tanzania. The study adopted...

Genetic Analysis Of Longevity And Performance Traits Of Sahiwal Cattle In Kenya

ABSTRACT Genetic and phenotypic parameters for longevity, genetic relationship between longevity and growth, milk yield and fertility traits and rate of inbreeding were estimated for Sahiwal cattle in Kenya. The aim was to assess the genetic diversity and inbreeding depression for performance traits. Data utilized were for cows born between 1972 and 2004 and with milk production records between 1976 and 2008. Measures of longevity related to productive life were: time between birth (Long_1) o...

Contribution Of On-Farm Trees Towards Conservation Of The Biodiversity Of Amani Nature Reserve, Tanzania

ABSTRACT On-farm tree planting has been practiced all over the world in order to supplement reserved forests in terms of wood products. On-farm tree planting was a strategy to reduce pressure in the Amani Nature Reserve (ANR), which is biologically important in the Eastern Arc Mountains and globally at large. The objectives of this study were to assess the contribution of on-farm trees in conservation of the biodiversity of ANR. Measurements were taken from total of 135 on-farm plots measuri...

Market Intergration By Small-Scale Rice Farmers In Kilosa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Market intergration and access, are critical and important aspects to rural poor households. They are a pre-requisite for enhancing agriculture based economic growth through the improvement of competitiveness of farming enterprise and improving rural incomes. Several studies have been conducted on participation and access of small-scale farmers in rice and other crops marketing in Africa, but, specific information on the extent to which small-scale rice farmers are integrated into d...

Effects Of Conventional And Conservation Tillage On Selected Soil Physical Properties And Water Movement In A Vitric Andosol In Kenya

ABSTRACT Soil physical and hydraulic properties determine soil productivity. Tillage alters the structure and composition of a soil consequently influencing important soil processes such as water, air, heat flux, resistance to root penetration and nutrient availability. Soil layers have distinct physical properties which influence water movement in a profile. This study investigated long term effects of conventional, conservation and no tillage systems with or without initial subsoiling on so...

Influence Of Different Agronet Covers On Vegetative Growth, Yield And Quality Of African Nightshade (Solanum Scabrum Mill.) And Spiderplant (Cleome Gynandra L.)

ABSTRACT African indigenous leafy vegetables (AILVs) contribute significantly to improved nutrition and food security. However, the potential to meet the growing demand for AILVs has not been met. This study determined the effect of agronets on growth, yield and nutritive values of African nightshade and spiderplant. The experiment was laid on a RCBD, replicated thrice. Blue, gray, white, yellow agronets and uncovered plants (control) were used as the treatments. Spiderplant was direct seeded...

Practices In Using Pesticides In Urban Agriculture: A Case Of Vegetable Sector In Dar Es Salaam

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Urban Agriculture is crucial to the supply of food especially fresh vegetables in many urban areas including Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. In addition to the supply of food, it serves as a source of employment and income for many urban dwellers. However, the intensive and continued growing of vegetable on same piece of the land tend to trigger enormous pests pressure of diverse species which calls for the most effective and robust pest management practices. As such, most urban...

The Determinants Of Credit Demand For Micro Enterprises A Case Study Of Southern Highlands Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT Existing literature suggests that determinants of demand for credit have not been well understood and measured. This study was conducted to assess influence of micro enterprises owners’ characteristics on credit demand. The study was also designed to identify lending conditions of semiformal and formal sources of credit in the study area. The study assessed whether the availability of credit sources has influence on micro entrepreneurs’ choice for credit. Data were collected fro...

Knowledge, Attitude And Sexual Behaviour Of University Students Concerning Hiv/Aids: A Case Of Public Universities In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Sexual behaviour remains the primary target of AIDS prevention efforts worldwide, it is one kind of human behaviour that continues to affect youths world wide. Despite government efforts and NGOs effort’s to address HIV/AIDS, youths continue to be affected disproportionally. Understanding the socio-cultural context in which sexual behaviour occurs will help to protect youth from HIV/AIDS. The general objective of this study was to determine the level of knowledge, attitude and sex...

Developing Maize (Zea Mays) Populations Resistant To Stem Borers For Southeastern Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Development of maize populations resistant to stem borers depends largely on the existence of useful genes or alleles, which can combine to confer resistance to progenies. Such genes are often available in areas of stress, having been responsible for the survival of such crops over the years. Pink stem borer, Sesamia calamistis (Hampson, Noctuidae) and sugarcane borer, Eldana saccharina (Walker, Pyralidae) are endemic in southeastern Nigeria. Damages caused by the larvae of these mo...

Effect Of Coir Mulch And Kaolin On Evapotranspiration And Yield Of Pwani Hybrid 4 Maize Under Rain-Fed And Adequate Soil Moisture Conditions In Coastal Kenya

ABSTRACT Adverse soil moisture deficit as a result of high ambient temperatures and high velocity June winds at critical stages of maize growth had been singled out as the most important factor limiting maize yield in Coastal Kenya during long rain season. This study was carried out to study the effect of foliar applied kaolin and coir dust mulch on evapotranspiration and yield of Pwani hybrid 4 maize. A 2x2x4x3 split-split plot design experiment, replicated thrice was set at Pwani University...

Effects Of Government Ban To Harvest Trees In Agroforestry Farms On Household Income In Moshi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted with the objective of assessing the social economic effects of Government´s ban to harvest trees in agroforestry farms on household income in Moshi District, Tanzania. The study was carried out in four villages in four wards in Mamba and Mwika Divisions. The findings show that 84% of villagers agreed that there is social and economic effects caused by the Government´s ban to harvest trees on peoples income. The study found that villagers had lost hopes on ...

Community Response To Hiv/Aids: A Case Of Pastoralists In Kilosa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study to assess the response of pastoralist community towards HIV/AIDS was conducted in two villages of Kilosa district in Morogoro region. A cross sectional research design was adopted whereby a purposive sampling technique was used in combination with simple random sampling method so as to obtain a sample of 51 adult respondents and snow-ball technique was used to obtain 42 youth respondents. In addition 20 key informants were sampled. A structured questionnaire was the main ins...

Factors Contributing To Low Literacy Among Primary School Pupils: A Case Of Mkuranga District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A cross sectional study was carried in Mkuranga District, Pwani Region to find out the parents, teachers and pupils factors influencing low literacy in primary schools. Random sampling was used in selecting the study district from Pwani Region. The technique was then used to select 150 pupils from five randomly selected schools in three wards. Through snowballing sampling, pupils were used to obtain 150 parents/guardians. Purposive sampling was employed to select 42 teachers as all ...

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