
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Contribution Of Farmer Groups To Household Income In Iramba District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Farmer groups (FGs) approach is seen as a fundamental solution to income poverty and food insecurity. On the basis of a data set on “Contribution of FGs to household income”, this dissertation analyses the extent to which farmer groups alleviate both income poverty to small scale farmers who are rural poor in four villages in Iramba District. The overall objective of the study was to determine the contribution of FGs to household income. A cross-sectional design was adopted wher...

Natural Resource Base And Agricultural Production Options In East Uluguru Mountains

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in eastern part of Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania between December 2007 and March 2008. The main objective was to examine natural resource base and agricultural production options in Uluguru Mountains. A cross sectional single-visit survey involving 120 farmers from Konde, Tawa and Kiswila villages was conducted in each village representing high, medium and low altitude respectively. Differences in accessibility to the market were also considered when drawing a ...

The Impact Of Market Reform Programmes On Coffee Prices In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The Research investigates the effect of collapse of international coffee agreement (ICA) and liberalization of coffee marketing in Tanzania on coffee prices. The motivation for this analysis is that the ICA regulatory system reduced price volatility by encouraging the build-up of stocks during surplus years and its demise meant allowing coffee prices to vary based on the market forces of supply and demand. Also the purpose of liberalizing coffee marketing in Tanzania was to enhance ...

Determinants Of Low Loan Repayment On Cotton Inputs In Bariadi District, Tanzania.

ABSTRACT Input loan plays a vital role on economic transformations to cotton farming households. However, their acquisition and repayment are characterized by numerous challenges, including high defaults among beneficiaries. This study intended to examine factors contributing to low loan repayment on cotton inputs; and sought to improve its supply to farmers in Bariadi district. Primary and secondary data were collected from farmers and ginners respectively. A purposive and two stage stratif...

Distribution Of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers Towards Tagging Sources Of Resistance To Cassava Brown Streak Disease In Cassava

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Cassava roots represent the future of food and income generation for over 800 million people in the world however, its production is threatened by virus disease; Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD). Biotechnology approaches are fast and powerful methodologies in cassava improvement and breeding. Construction of high-density and high quality genetic map in cassava would be of great benefit in combating CBSD. Conventional study was conducted in Naliendele, Kibaha and Dodoma f...

Morphological, Molecular And Quality Characterization Of Rice Varieties And Landraces From Eastern And Southern Africa

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to evaluate the genetic diversity of rice germplasms collected from Eastern and Southern Africa countries (Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania including Zanzibar and Rwanda) based on morphological, molecular and quality traits for utilization in breeding programmes. A total of 191 rice germplasms were characterized in this study. Twenty four qualitative and quantitative morphological traits, eight grain quality traits and 18 Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) marke...

Factors Influencing Adoption Of Conservation Agriculture In South Uluguru Mountains In Morogoro Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in two wards Kolero and Kasanga of the South Uluguru Mountains in the Morogoro Region to assess factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture. In this study the level of adoption was assessed, the contribution of conservation agriculture in agricultural productivity was identified, and the influence of socio-economic factors and institution factors in adopting conservation agriculture were identified. The methodology involved a cross-sectional ...

Value Chain Analysis Of The Tropically Adapted Improved Chicken In Lindi Rural And Masasi Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Providing agro- ecologically adaptive, low-inputs and high productive chickens in terms of eggs and meat remain critical to transforming smallholder chicken farmers in developing countries from subsistence to commercial production. The provision of such chickens will ultimately bring diverse benefits such as increased income and improved nutrition to society. This study was aimed at analysing the value chain for agro-ecologically adaptive, low inputs and productive chicken in Lindi...

Genotype x environment interaction of common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) Genotypes on reaction to four bean diseases

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to assess the performance of advanced common bean lines (BC2F6) to diseases (Angular leaf spot, Common bean blight and Bean common mosaic virus/Bean common mosaic necrosis virus) and yield and yield components in three different locations; Arusha, Mbeya and Morogoro. The experiment was arranged in split plot, main plots were locations (Arusha, Morogoro and Mbeya) and sub-plots were 32 genotypes (28 lines and 4 checks). The results from the experiment revea...

Abundance, Distribution And Conservation Threats Of African Wild Dog (Lycaon Pictus) In The Loliondo Game Controlled Area, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Assessment of abundance, distribution and conservation threats to African wild dogs was conducted in Loliondo Game Controlled Area (LGCA), northern Tanzania. Specifically, the study focused on determining population size and structure, spatial distribution, attitudes of local people towards wild dogs and wild dog conservation and threats impacting the species. Semi-structured interviews, diurnal random searches, internal and external examinations of wild dogs carcasses examined and...

Phenotypic Characterisation Of Ukerewe And Bunda Tanganyika Shorthorn Zebu Cattle In The Lake Victoria Basin

ABSTRACT  A study was carried out to characterise phenotypically the Ukerewe TSZ strain in order to know if it differs from the Bunda TSZ strain. Respondents from 46 households were interviewed on sources of income and food, number and species of livestock kept, ranking of livestock, usage of cattle, age at first calving, calving interval and lifetime number of calving. A total of 169 adult TSZ cattle were examined for coat colour pattern, and colours of coat, skin, muzzle, eyelid and hoof. ...

Rodent Diversity And Habitat Association In Handeni Hill Forest Reserve, North Eastern Tanzania

ABSTRACT The distribution and diversity of rodents is influenced by various factors such as vegetation characteristics, climatic conditions, disease, predation and habitat modification due to anthropogenic activities and food abundance. This study was conducted in Handeni Hill Forest Reserve from November 2018 to March 2019 with the aim of assessing the influence of habitat characteristics on the abundance and distribution of rodent species. Four permanent grids of 70 m by 70 m with 49 Sherm...

Potential Benefits Of Carbon Trade As An Economic Incentives For Emission Reduction: A Case Of Community Based Forest Management In Kilwa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted with the overall objective of analyzing the role of carbon trading towards forest conservation to reduce emission through Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) under Community Based Forest Management (CBFM). The study was conducted in Kilwa district where REDD pilot project is being implemented by Mpingo Conservation Development Initiatives (MCDI), and where also most baseline information is available. Both socio-economic and ecological data were collected. Ho...

Supply Chain Analysis For Agricultural Inputs In Tanzania: A Case Of Subsidized Fertilizer In The Southern Highlands

ABSTRACT The major objective of this research was to analyze supply chain of agricultural inputs in Tanzania using the subsidized fertilizer in the Southern highlands as a case study. It specifically sought to describe the subsidy fertilizer supply chain in the Southern highland zone with a view of identifying key stakeholders in the system and their linkages. The study further, aimed at examining the fertilizer consumption levels and the impact of fertilizer subsidy programme on maize produ...

Rural Women Accessibility To Water Resources And Their Resilience To The Resources Variability: Case Study Of Muheza District, Tanga Region

ABSTRACT  The geographic location, landscape nature and hydrology make Muheza District the base catchment for Tanga, Korogwe, Pangani and Handeni Districts. Considering this, the study on how rural women in the face of climate change and anthropogenic activities on one hand, and national water policies and the Millennium Goals on the other, access water resources and manage its variability was executed. The district was represented by five purposefully selected villages namely, Kwelumbizi, K...

2536 - 2550 Of 4596 Results