
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Morphological Diversity Of Maize Landraces Of Northern Tanzania

ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted in the Northern Zone of Tanzania during the growing season 2014/2015. The aim of the study was to characterize the maize landraces collected at farm level and establish the diversity that exists in Northern Tanzania for landraces maize growers. The experiment with fifteen maize landraces was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Data were collected on vegetative and reproductive variables. Data were subjected to Analy...

Effects Of Flooding And System Of Rice Intensification On Nitrogen Use Efficiency In Rice Production At Mkindo, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted in a glasshouse in 2016 at Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro Tanzania to study the effects of system of rice intensification (SRI) and flooding on Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) for the lowland rice ecosystem. The soil used in the experiment was Eutric fluvisol and was analysed in the laboratory to evaluate soil fertility status. The soil was observed to have some plant nutrient below the critical range like N, 0.09%; K, 0.2 cmol kg-1;P, 4.13 mg/kg...

Efficacy Of Locally Formulated Baits In Managing The Melon Fly, Bactrocera Cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae

ABSTRACT Laboratory and field experiments were carried out in Morogoro Region from August 2008 to June 2009 to evaluate effectiveness of locally formulated baits in managing the melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Cocquillett) (Diptera:Tephritidae). An assay was design to determine the quantity of D. elliptica that could kill more than 50% of B. cucurbitae populations, where by roots of D. elliptica were sun dried and prepare a crude extracts then were mixed with brewer’s yeast and the other ...

Sustainability Of Donor-Funded Community Projects Under Dadps In Tanzania: A Case Of Selected Local Chicken Improvement Sub-Projects In Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT Like many other developing countries the public sector in Tanzania has also implemented innumerable donor-funded projects particularly during the last decade. However, every time a project concludes the concern on its effective implementation, corruption, mismanagement and sustainability are raised in the media. Thus, this study was conducted to assess sustainability of selected local chicken improvement (LCI) community sub-projects under District Agricultural Development Plans (DADP...

Evaluation Of Farmers Participation In Oilseeds Value Addition And Implication On Their Income: A Case Of Sunflower In Kilosa

ABSTRACT This study aimed at evaluating farmers participation in the value addition to oilseeds and its implication on farmer’s income with special emphasis on sunflower. The general objective was to promote sustainable sunflower production and income generation through value addition in the rural sunflower potential areas of Tanzania. Specifically the study aimed to: assess processing capacity and utilization, identify factors influencing farmer participation in value addition, describe ma...

Harmonizing The Factors Constraining Accessibility Of Credit To Women Entreprenuers In Tanzania: A Case Of Morogoro District

ABSTRACT The study on harmonizing the factors constraining accessibility of credit to women entrepreneurs was conducted in two divisions namely: Mikese in Morogoro rural and Morogoro urban districts. The objective of the study was to establish different scenarios that harmonize factors limiting accessibility of credit to women. The study involved 103 respondents who were credit beneficiaries from three types of financial institutions; the Formal Financial Institution (FFI), Semi-formal Financ...

Perceived Effect Of Corruption On The Quality Of Public Health Services In Mbeya Urban District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Corruption is a concern in all sectors of the economy,and it is a critical problem in the health sector.Nevertheless, there is little empirical evidence which shows the way corruption affects the quality ofhealth services.The main objective of this study was to determine the perceived effect of corruption on the quality of public health services.The study was conducted in Mbeya Urban District and it adopted a cross-sectional research design. Quantitative and qualitative and data were...

Input Use Efficiency In The Madibira Smallholder Farmers’ Irrigation Scheme In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Efficiency analysis remains an important issue in economic studies, especially for projects which spent tax payers‟ money, grants and loans. Efficiency has implications on agricultural policy in terms of improving paddy production through improved input use efficiency at Madibira smallholder irrigation scheme. This study sought to determine factors influencing paddy production and technical input use efficiency among farmers at Madibira scheme. The total sample for study was 120 re...

Land Use Plan And Farmers-Pastoralists Conflict In Mvomero District: It’s Implications On Household Food Production

ABSTRACT This research has been done in Mvomero District to examine the effects of land use plan on farmers-pastoralists conflict and its implication on food production at the household. Specifically, the study examining people’s attitude towards land use plan, assessing effects of land use plan on farmers-pastoralists land conflict between and to examining the effects of land use plan programme on household food production. A cross section research design was adopted. Systematic random sam...

Commercialization Pathways And Their Implications On Smallholder Rice Farmers’ Productivity And Welfare In Mbarali District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Agricultural transformation from low productivity to commercial agriculture has been a policy of concern in Sub-Saharan African countries whose economies depend on agriculture. Different pathways to commercialization have been adopted, including smallholder commercialization, medium and large scale commercial agriculture while others have adopted inclusive commercialization. However, the existing literature is inconclusive on which pathway should be adopted particularly in Sub-Sahara...

Identification Of Drought Torelant Varieties Of Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to assess for levels of drought tolerance among common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lines developed for drought tolerance; grown under non-stress (NS) and drought-stress (DS) water conditions. The research was conducted at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) located at 605’ latitude south, 3703’ longitude east and 525 m.a.s.l. It was done in a screen house. The experimental design was Completely Randomized Design (CRD), two water regimes and twelv...

Contribution Of Rural Electrification To Household Income In Moshi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tanzania is among the countries with lower rural electrification rates. It is estimated that less than five percent of the rural population are using grid electricity services. This study assesses the contribution of rural electrification to household income in Moshi District, Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed at identifying income generating activities undertaken using grid electricity, assessing the contribution of grid to household income as well as identifying the challenge...

Incidences And Spatial Distribution Of Stem Borers In Rice Crop In Kahama District

ABSTRACT Studies were carried out to establish the role and significance of rice stem borers as pests in rice crop in Kahama District from November, 2013 to May, 2014. Twenty rice fields in four wards of Kahama District were surveyed to assess the presence of larvae and adult moths. Each field was divided into four strata within which four quadrats were established in each. In each quadrat, the damaged rice tillers (dead heart), damaged panicles (white head) and total number of tillers and pa...

Social Influence On Continuation Of Adopted Agricultural Technologies: A Case Of Hima Project Kilolo District

ABSTRACT This study was set to investigate social influence on continuation of adopted agricultural technologies in Ukwega and Mtitu wards of Kilolo District, Iringa Region. Specifically the study aimed at identifying innovations currently used after HIMA project, determining whether social influence was responsible for continued use of agricultural technologies and assessing socio-economic characteristics of household influencing adoption and continued use of adopted agricultural technologie...

Estimation Of Carbon Stocks In Acacia-Commiphora Woodlands In Kiteto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Carbon stocks of Acacia-Commiphora woodlands was estimated using site specific biomass allometric models developed in Kimana Village, Kiteto District, Tanzania. Fifty sample trees covering a range of diameter at breast height (DBH) from 5.9 cm to 79.2 cm from 12 different tree species were destructively sampled to develop biomass and volume models. The sample trees included three dominant species namely Commiphora africana, Balanites aegyptiaca, and Acacia tortilis. Candidate non-lin...

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