
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Participatory Forest Management in West Usambara Tanzania: What Is the Community Perception on Success?

Abstract : Despite the increase in forest areas and villages under the participatory program over the last two decades in Tanzania, there is little insight into the communities’ views regarding their participation. This study aimed to explore communities’ participation in the participatory forest program in Tanzania. The survey involved 159 households, randomly sampled from four villages bordering state and community-managed forests, in West Usambara Mountains. The factor analysis summari...

Assessment Of Trace Metals Pollution Along The Central Namibian Marine Coastline: Using Choromytilus Meridionalis (Black Mussel) As Indicator Organisms

ABSTRACT This study was carried out at four stations along the Central Namibian marine coastline towns (Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Henties Bay and Cape Cross) to assess trace metals pollution using Choromytilus meridionalis as indicator organism. Samples were collected using randomized sampling techniques during winter and summer months of 2012. EPA 3050B and ICP-OES protocols were used to digest and assimilate the samples. Data were analysed using a 4x2x3 factorial model of a completely random...

Stock Separation Of The Shallow-Water Hake Merluccius Capensis In The Benguela Using Otolith Shape Analysis And Parasite Infestation

Abstract The fishing industry is an important sector in Namibia with hake contributing about one third of the total commercial catch. Merluccius capensis, the shallow water hake, forms the bulk of this resource. Studies on the distribution of spawners and juveniles, spawning areas and genetics have proposed three stock structure hypotheses of M. capensis in the Benguela: (1) one stock throughout, (2) one in the northern and one in the southern Benguela or (3) three stocks: one in the norther...

Analysis Of Marine Biotoxins: Paralytic And Lipophilic Shellfish Toxins In Mussels (Mytilus Galloprovincialis) Along The Namibian Coastline

Abstract The study was carried out along the Namibian coastline, this includes Henties Bay, Swakopmund, Bird Island, Walvis Bay and Lüderitz to assess presence of shellfish marine biotoxins in mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis which are filter feeders and feed on some of the algal species that produces phycotoxins, that can negatively affect the mariculture industry and human health. Samples were analysed for Paralytic and lipophilic shellfish toxins; including environmental parameters and ...

Origin and mechanisms of high salinity in Hombolo Dam and groundwater in Dodoma municipality Tanzania

Abstract The Hombolo dam (HD), in central Tanzania, is a shallow reservoir characterized by high salinity that limits its use for human activities. The origin of the salinity, mechanisms of reaching and concentrating in the dam remain unclear. These were assessed using hydrogeochemical facies, water type evolutions and mapping. The source of HD salinity was identified to be shallow groundwater (SG) and runoff from a seasonal floodplain with NaCl-rich lithological materails, along Little Kiny...

Climate Variability and Farm Technology Adoption Decisions among Smallholder Farmers in Pangani River Basin

Abstract Climate change is currently a serious threat for agriculture development and food security in sub-Saharan Africa. With the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climate outlook for the 21st century, the future of maize production in Tanzania remains under threat due to more intense and frequent droughts, and more erratic rainfall patterns. Effective adaptation to these ongoing changes in climatic condition is key to securing food production and livelihoods for millions of ...

Effect Of Season Of Planting On Growth, Flowering, Fruit Set And Seed Yield Of Bambara Groundnut

ABSTRACT Studies were conducted on nine (9) bambara groundnut (Voandzeia subterranea) accessions representative of cultivars cultivated in Ghana, Swaziland and Zimbabwe at the University Farms, Legon, on two planting dates.

Evaluation Of Indigenous Namibian Mushrooms And Plants For Antimalarial Properties

ABSTRACT Malaria is a parasitic disease caused by Plasmodium species and transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes. The disease is currently ranked high among the most problematic infectious diseases around the world. Despite the significant progress that has been made toward reducing the global burden of malaria, it remains one of the most significant public health threats in sub-Saharan Africa and many other parts of the developing world. Current malaria control measures have adverse environmenta...

The Performance Of Some Cultivars Of Common Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) At Kpon (Ghana)

ABSTRACT The performance of 16 cultivers of common wheat was studied at Kpong in 8 monthly plantings to

Effect Of Compost And Inorganic Nitrogen Fertilizer On Nutrient Uptake, Growth And Grain Yield Of Nerica Rice

Increasing inorganic fertilizer costs for food production and energy requirement for inorganic fertilizer production suggests the need to supplement the nutrient requirement of crops through organic amendments such as crop residues, manures and composts. Combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizers can improve rice productivity and sustain soil health and fertility. A pot experiment was conducted to compare the effects of N source as compost (organic), inorganic fertilizer (inorganic) or...

Genetic Diversity Of The Bovine Leukocyte Antigen (Bola) And Its Association With Resistance To Ticks And Tick-Borne Diseases In Selected Beef Cattle Breeds In Namibia

ABSTRACT The bovine leukocyte antigen (BoLA) class II genes play a significant role in presenting processed peptides to CD4 + T lymphocytes. BoLA genes particularly class II are highly polymorphic, enhancing the number of peptides that an individual can recognise thereby triggering a cascade of immune responses. This study investigated the genetic diversity of the BoLA class II genes in 249 animals comprising of Nguni ecotypes, Bonsmara and Afrikaner cattle from Khomas, Omusati and Zambezi re...

Characterisation And Production Performance Of Indigenous Chickens In Northern Namibia Regions

ABSTRACT CHARACTERIZATION AND PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE OF INDIGENOUS CHICKENS IN NORTHERN NAMIBIA REGIONS Farmers in all the studied regions regard poultry production as their primary source of domestic animal protein, with the domestic fowl being the most widely kept poultry species. Other uses are participation in socio - cultural ceremonies, selling for money and gifts. The extensive system of management is the most frequent. This system requires minimal costs, but mortalities due to disease...

Establishment Of Woody Savannah Species On Various Mined Substrates: Toward Rehabilitating Self Sustaining Plant Communities At Navachab Gold Mine

ABSTRACT For many years mining has been a vital component of the development of many countries. Although an important income generator, mining is one of the factors that affect biodiversity and ecosystems.There is an increase in the intensity of environmental damage caused by mining over the years, and thus an increased need to rehabilitate the disturbed ecosystems. The success of any rehabilitation project requires an ecological understanding of natural indigenous vegetation communities. Thi...

Assessment Of Mistletoe - Host Interactions In A Highland Savanna In Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT Mistletoes have detrimental effects in ecosystems where they occur. Mistletoes negatively reduce the growth of the host plants and increase the chance of tree mortality. Apart from tree mortality, infected trees suffer from reduced growth and loss of vigor hence contributing to overall low productivity of hosts and resulting in changes in the structure and function of savanna communities. This study’s aim was to determine and to compare mistletoe - host interactions between the Bot...

2956 - 2970 Of 4596 Results