
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Development of High Yielding Tomato(Solanum lycopersicum L.) Lines With Resistance to Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Disease(TYLCD)

ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is the most important vegetable in Ghana in terms of area under cultivation and consumption, but production is challenged by lack of improved cultivars and the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Disease (TYLCD). In Ghana, tomato breeding programmes have focused on evaluation and screening of cultivars for fruit quality and resistance to the TYLCD but very little has been done to improve the crop through breeding. The objective of this study was to introgress TY...


The Problem The existence of a Mechanical Cultivation Scheme for the past 20 years in Sierra Leone has not enabled that country to increase rice production enough to eliminate imports of rice, nor has it had the effect of materially reducing the costs of production. The success of mechanization in many other countries at least suggests that some factors are operating in them which, up to this time, have not been achieved in Sierra Leone. The purpose of this investigation is to carefully study...

Livestock Farmers’ Willingness To Pay For Cattle Insurance In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Livestock production is very crucial to improving the livelihoods of smallholder livestock farmers in Ghana. However, these farmers are faced with risks associated with livestock production which affect their income and stability in the livestock business. Most of these risks they face are due to natural factors. It is, therefore, necessary to provide insurance for the farmers. This paper examines livestock farmers’ willingness to pay for cattle insurance in the Northern region of ...

Adoption Of Improved Technology And Farm Level Technical Efficiency Of Small-Scale Oil Palm Producers In The Western Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Over the last 60 years, a series of interventions geared towards increasing oil palm output have been initiated by the Government. Recent major Government interventions are the expansion of the seednuts production capacity of the Oil Palm Research Institute (OPRI) from 2 million to 5 million seednuts per year, the President‟s Special Initiative on Oil Palm and the Oil Palm Master Plan. The oil palm sector is dominated by small-scale producers who have low productivity as a result o...

Growth, Yield And Consumer Acceptance of Sweet Pepper(Capsicum annuum L) as Influenced by Open Field And Greenhouse Production Systems

ABSTRACT The rapid population increase and land scarcity calls for an alternative means of production system for sustenance of the human race. This prompted an investigation into the growth, yield and consumer acceptance of sweet pepper (Capsicum anuum L) as influenced by open field and greenhouse production systems at the University of Ghana Forest and Horticultural Crops Research Centre, Okumaning – Kade in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The experiment was conducted in the minor season (dr...

Market Participation Of Smallholder Farmers In The Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study assesses the levels of market participation by smallholder maize and groundnut farmers in the Upper West Region by estimating the factors that influence the probability and intensity of participating in the maize and groundnut markets and then identifying and ranking the constraints to marketing maize and groundnut. A multi stage random sampling procedure was employed to select 400 farmers (200 maize and 200 groundnut farmers) from four agricultural districts in the region...

Comparative Analysis Of Productivity And Efficiency In Low And High External Inputs Technology Agriculture In Imo State

ABSTRACT The study was designed to compare productivity and efficiency of Low External Input Technology and High External Input Technology Farms in Imo State. Specifically, it aimed at comparing the socio- economic characteristics of the two groups of farmers as well as their productivities, ascertain the factors influencing aggregate and individual resource productivities, determine production efficiency and returns to scale in the two farm types.  The study was conducted in Imo State, Nige...

Characterization, Classification, And Evaluation Of Soils Of Four Geomorphic Surfaces In Oguta Imo State Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT    This research was carried out to characterize, classify, and evaluate soils of four geomorphic units in Oguta Imo State Southeastern Nigeria. Four Pedons, each was located in each geomorphic unit. ] soil sampling was carried out in the study site, sixteen surface soil samples (0-20 cm) were collected, four from each of the geomorphic units using an auger giving a total of thirty three soil samples which was chosen to represent the main morphological variations and to present map...

Characterization, Classification And Suitability Of Selected Soils Of Amasiri, Ebonyi State: A Geographical Information System Approach

ABSTRACT    The study was carried out between October – November 2008 and aimed at applying Geographical Information System (GIS) approach in characterizing, classifying and making suitability recommendations of soils in Ohia Nekechi within Amasiri area, Afikpo north, Ebonyi State. This study site was identified in a farmland consisting of a toposequence some meters away from Okposi road, Amasiri. A transect was cut across the toposequence revealing its North facing and the South facing s...

Characterization, Classification And Evaluation Of Some Wetland Soils Of Oguta, Imo State, South-East Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Characterization, classification and evaluation of some Wetland soils of Oguta, Imo State Southeast Nigeria were executed. The aim was to have baseline information that will assist farmers and other land users in well informed decision making. Four profile pits was dug on the study area Osse moto Oguta. Free sampling technique was used. With  the aid of Global Positioning System (GPS) and soil sampling tools. Soil samples were collected based on the FAO guidelines for profile...

The Impact Of Project-Based Learning On Acquisition Of Agricultural Knowledge And Skills In Senior High Schools In The Volta Region

ABSTRACT Agricultural knowledge and skills acquired by Agricultural science students in Senior High Schools in Ghana is very crucial in developing the career pathways of students after successful completion of their course of study. The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of Project-Based learning on acquisition of Agricultural knowledge and skills in Senior High Schools in the Volta Region. Using multi-stage sampling techniques such as purposive and stratified random sampling ...

Characterization And Classification Of Soils Of Dissimilar Topographic Units In Owerri Area, Imo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  The soils of Owerri area, Southeastern Nigeria were studied with a view to characterizing and classifying them. Four locations namely Umuhu (control), Amakohia (summit), Akpodim (midslope) and Ife (footslope) were selected in the study area, to assess the impact of topography on soil properties. Three profile pits were dug in each site. 65 soil samples were collected and examined with regards to their morphological, physical and chemical properties. Test for variance was carri...

Growth, Yield And Fruit Quality Of Select Vegetables (Tomato, Green Pepper And Garden Eggs) As Affected By “Asase Gyefo” Premium Organic Fertilizer

ABSTRACT Declining soil fertility has been found to be the main cause of reduction in crop yields. These soils lose their fertility through erosion, leaching and crop removal. Organic fertilizers prepared from human waste has been found to have a greater potential of being used to manage soil fertility and hence increase crop yields. The present study is to determine the nutrients content and effect of Asase Gyefo Organic Fertilizer (AGOF) prepared from human waste on the growth, yield and sh...

Physico-Chemical Properties Of Soil In The High Forest Zone Of Ghana Associated With Logged Forest And With Areas Converted To Teak

ABSTRACT Salifu, K. F. 1997. Physico-chemical properties of soils associated with logged forest and areas converted to teak (Tectona grandis Linn. F). M.Sc.F thesis, Faculty of Forestry, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay. 104 pp. Major advisor Dr. W. L. Meyer. Keywords: Tectona grandis Linn. F, logged forest, physico-chemical properties, total nutrients, nutrient concentration, regression analysis. The rapid and extensive introduction of teak to satisfy a predicted wood shortage in Ghana has g...

Salmonella Infection In Local And Exotic Chicken Breeds

ABSTRACT In Ghana, the local chicken and commercial cohorts are managed under different production systems that appear to expose local chicken usually raised under the extensive system, to higher risk of infectious diseases as compared to the exotic cohorts that are raised in confinement. The key question is, will raising these birds under identical conditions result in corresponding reduction in the prevalence of Salmonella infection in the local chicken to levels prevailing in the exotic ch...

3241 - 3255 Of 4596 Results