
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Organic Mulch On Growth And Yield Of Sweet Pepper

                                                    ABSTRACT The high cost and increasing disposal problems associated with polyethylene mulch and greater availability of organic mulches prompted an investigation into the effects of organic mulches on growth and yield of sweet pepper at the University of Ghana Forest and Horticultural Crops Research Centre, Okumaning near Kade. Two field experiments were conducted in the raining season, that ...

Input Credit Scheme Effects On The Adoption Of Cocoa Production Technologies And Productivity Of Smallholder Cocoa Farmers In Ghana

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the effects of input credit scheme on the adoption of cocoa production technologies and productivity of smallholder cocoa farmers in the Eastern and Western Regions of Ghana. The thesis specifically studied the nature and value of the input provided under the input credit scheme, by Cocoa Abrabopa. Also, the extent of adoption of cocoa technologies by Cocoa Abrabopa (CAA) farmers, the effects of adoption of these cocoa technologies on productivity of cocoa ...

Managing Rural Water Systems For Sustainable Livelihood In Ghana; The Case Of Ga East Municipal Assembly

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in the Ga East Municipal Assembly of the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The area was chosen because it is one of the newly created municipalities, facing infrastructural, water and sanitation challenges. The area was one time prone to water borne diseases like typhoid, guinea worm, and worse of all buruli ulcers. However, between the years 2005 /2006 a DANIDA sponsored programme in collaboration with CWSA of the GWCL, provided many of the communities in the ...

Amino Acid Reference Values For Selected Feedstuffs Used In The Nigerian Poultry Industry

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to establish reference protein composition values for selected local feedstuffs such as dry brewers spent grain (DBSG), cassava meal (CAM), palm kernel cake (PKC) and groundnut cake (GNC) for the Nigerian feed industry by determining amino acids profiles and amino acids compositional quality scores. The selected local feedstuffs were each sourced from five locations from northern and southern parts of Nigeria such that there were five samples for...

Evaluation Of Mehlich - 3 As A Multipurpose Extractant Of Phosphorus And Potassium Using Bell Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) In Some Nigerian Soils

ABSTRACT Use of single soil specific extractants to determine plant available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium for crops such as bell pepper, are costly, laborious and time wasting. Bell pepper, rich in antioxidants, requires phosphorus and potassium for high quality fruit yield. Mehlich-3 (M3), a multi-purpose extractant could extract phosphorus and potassium simultaneously. However, M3 has not been evaluated and adapted for Nigerian soils. Therefore, M3 as a multi-purpose extractant o...

Generation Of Wealth From Waste Management Practices Among Rural Dwellers In Afijio Local Government Area Of Oyo State

ABSTRACT The study investigated potentials of generating wealth from waste management practices among rural dwellers in Afijio local government area of Oyo state. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 165 respondents. Identified waste types commonly generated by the respondents were food scraps (84%), plastic containers (62.3), nylon wraps (61.1%) and paper and cartons (60.5%). while waste management practices were burning (75.9%) and use of dunghills (55.6%).

Effects Of Postharvest Handling Methods And Storage Conditions On Storability Of Pepper (Capsicum Frutescens L.) Fruits In Southwest Nigeria

ABSTRACT Pepper a perishable seasonal fruit, requires storage to extend its shelf-life. Appropriate postharvest handling and storage prolong longevity and preserve quality of Pepper Fruit (PF). However, there is dearth of information on its handling and storage in Southwest Nigeria. Therefore, the effects of postharvest handling methods and storage conditions on storability of PF were investigated. Two hundred Pepper Fruit Marketers (PFM) were randomly selected from pepper markets in Ibadan,...

Economics Of Integrated Fish Cum Rice And Poultry Production

ABSTRACT Integrated aquaculture is the concurrent production of fish and other agricultural activities, with the main objective of optimizing the productivity of water, land and the associated resources (Gomez 201 l).The basic principle of integrating aquaculture with agriculture is to ensure maximum on-farm resource-use and productivity. Thus the system is knowledge-intensive, and a holistic approach that integrates numerous component and technologies within systems management (Jahan et. al....

Agricultural Productivity Under Taungya And Non-Taungya Land-Use Options: A Case Study Of Vandeikya Local Government Area, Benue State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Taungya farming is a special arrangement between the forestry department and farmers, which combines the production of both arable and forest tree crops simultaneously on a piece of land. The practice was adopted in Vandeikya Local Government area of Benue State Nigeria, in mid 1950s up to 2000. This study evaluated the method as an option for food and fiber production compared to the traditional farming and forest management practices. Using Stratified random sampling, two sets of q...

Interaction Of Meloidogyne Incognita With Botryodiplodia Theobromae On Manihot Esculenta (Cassava) And Its Biocontrol

ABSTRACT The Root-Knot Nematode (RKN), Meloidogyne incognita and fungus Botryodiplodia theobromae, are important pests that cause yield losses in cassava and other crops. Chemicals have been used to manage these pests but with undesirable side effects. Information on pathogenicity of M. incognita, its interaction with B. theobromae and its biocontrol in Nigeria is very little. Therefore, pathogenicity of M. incognita on cassava, its interaction with B. theobromae and management with biocontr...

Pineapple Farmers' Information Sources And Usage In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Pineapple farmers access to and use of information have great income generation potentials for farmers, expansion of local industries and foreign exchange earnings for Nigeria.

Growth Performance And Carcass Quality Of Broiler \ Chickens As Influenced By Proprietary Source Of Feed

ABSTRACT This study investigated the quality of selected popular poultry feeds available in Nigerian poultry feed market, using growth performance and carcass quality of broiler chickens as indices. Day old broiler chicks were fed with diets obtained from four different commercial feed manufacturers (coded FTE,GFE,PFE and SFE to protect the manufacturers) and control diet (formulated in conformity with recommended nutrient requirements for broiler chickens) over an eight week trial period .

Quality Of The European Anchovy, Engraulis Encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) Processed From Open Sun Drying And Solar Tent Drying Methods In Ghana.

ABSTRACT Traditional open sun drying method is still the predominant drying method especially for anchovy in Ghana. In this study solar tent dryer (STD) and open sun drying (OSD) methods were used to determine the flesh quality of Engraulis encrasicolus. Fresh fish samples (FFS) were dried using the two methods and the quality of dried anchovy was compared with two different traditional open sun dried samples from Tema (TOSDT) and Accra (TOSDA). It was observed that STD and OSD methods had si...

Conflicts, Politics, And Policies Of Multiple And Competitive Uses Of Mangroves And Wetland Resources

Abstract The livelihoods of coastal populations of sub-Saharan Africa depend heavily on access to mangroves and wetland resources. However, with high populations, rapid urban growth and a high dependency, pressures on mangroves and other wetland resources have continued to soar. Thus, there is concern that the long-term values of intact and functioning mangrove ecosystems are not being recognized in current policy decisions, where short-term gains resulting in loss of the ecosystem are being...

Identification Of Rice (Oryza Spp.) Landraces With Nitrogen Use Efficiency In Ghana

ABSTRACT Sustainability in rice cultivation requires increasing yield while protecting the environment against pollution from the over-use of fertilizers through the utilization of varieties that are nitrogen use efficient. Hence, the goals of the study were to: 1) characterize the assembled landraces of rice 2) describe the growth response of rice landraces under different nitrogen levels 3) assess the relationship between yield related traits and NUE components and 4) evaluate the extent of...

3526 - 3540 Of 4596 Results