
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Impact of Credit Service on Rural Household Food Security: The Case of Omo Microfinance Institution in Soro District of Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Abstract: Credit is one of the most essential tools that contribute to the improvement of the livelihoods of households by fulfilling financial needs and helping to ensure food security. The main purpose of this study was to identify the role of financial intermediation in the food security status of rural households in the Soro District of Hadiya Zone, Ethiopia. Four rural Kebeles were randomly selected. The total sample respondents were 248 out of whom 108 were beneficiaries of credit serv...

Analysis of Dairy Value Chain in West Shewa Zone of Oromia Region of Ethiopia: A System Dynamics Approach

Abstract: Dairy value chains in Ethiopia face a series of challenges. Stakeholders in the participatory model-building approach of this research and prior studies noted that feed and market related challenges are among the critical factors impeding development of dairy value chains. Increased production and reliable supply of dairy products were hampered by availability and fluctuation of feeds. Traditional system dairy producers also lack market outlets or connection to remunerating ones. O...

Adoption of Improved Wheat Varieties and Its Impact on Household Food Security in Lemo District of Hadiya Zone, Southern Nation Nationalities and People Regional State, Ethiopia

Abstract: Adoption of improved wheat varieties are playing vital role in improving household food security in Ethiopia. This study’s major aim was to analyze the adoption of improved wheat varieties and its impact on the household food security in Lemo District of Hadiya Zone. The data was collected from Lemo Woreda of Hadiya Zone, SNNPR in 2022. The survey consists of 256 sampled wheat growers out of whom 119 were improved wheat variety adopters and 137 were non-adopters. In this study, a...

Effect of Intercropping and Botanical Extract on Population abundance of Insect Pests and their Associated Natural Enemies on Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum (Mill.) in Eastern Ethiopia

Abstract: Tomato is one of the most important vegetable crops grown in Ethiopia. Its production is constrained by arthropod pests and diseases. Fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigera), Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci), Aphids (Aphis spp), leafminer (Tuta absoluta), Serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza sp), Thrips sp and two spotted spidemites (Tetranchus urticae Koch) are the major economic pests recorded in the study area. The research was initiated to evaluate the potential of intercropping and plant ext...

Impact of Wheat Cluster Farming on Productivity, Technical Efficiency, and Asset Building of Smallholder Farmers in Arsi Zone, Oromia Region of Ethiopia

Abstract: Agriculture is the main focus of Ethiopia's economic development. Wheat is one of the major cereal crops produced by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. Wheat demand is rising quickly in Ethiopia despite efforts to improve wheat production. Recently, to curb this problem, the government of Ethiopia has implemented a cluster farming system for high-potential agricultural commodities like wheat as a means of poverty reduction and smallholders’ income maximization. In light of the prob...

Factors Influencing the Use of Mobile Phone by Smallholder Farmers in Vegetable Marketing: The Case of Fogera District of South Gondar Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia

Abstract: This study was intended to identify the factors influencing use of mobile phone in vegetable marketing in Fogera district. Use of mobile phone in vegetable marketing and factors influencing mobile phone use were specific objectives of the study. Three kebeles from Fogera district were selected purposively based on their vegetable production potential. Simple random sampling technique (lottery method) was used to select 153 vegetable producer farmers. Interview schedule and key info...

Essays on the Main Determinants of Sustainable Development in Sub Saharan Afric

Abstract: With the introduction of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the issue of sustainable development has been risen to the top of the global policy agenda. Thus, this study investigated the main determinants of sustainable development in 30 Sub-Saharan African countries, employing panel data from 2000-2020. Moreover, the study conducted a separate analysis of the determinants of environmental, economic and social pillars of sustainable development with the main focus on their lin...

Adoption of Improved Maize Varieties and its Impacts on Household Food Security in Daro Lebu District of West Hararghe, Ethiopia

Abstract: The farmers in developing nations should make important decisions to adopt agricultural technologies as a response to the reduction of food insecurity. Because the farmers in these nations face numerous obstacles while attempting to adopt new agricultural technologies, there is a need to investigate such challenges. This paper aims to analyze the adoption of improved maize varieties and its impacts on household food security in the Daro Lebu district of West Haraghe, Ethiopia. Prim...

Impact of Productive Safety Net Program on the Livelihood of Farm Households: The Case of Erer Woreda, Harari Regional State, Ethiopia

Abstract: The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of productive safety net program (PSNP) on the livelihood of farm households of participants in Erer district, Harari Regional State of Ethiopia. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 192 households with equal number of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of PSNP. The study used both primary and secondary data sources. Primary data were collected using semi-structured questionnaire. Relevant secondary data were...


Abstract: This study examines the institutional arrangement for water governance, crop production efficiency, commercialization, and impact on household welfare using cross-sectional data obtained from 544 randomly and proportionately selected sampled households from four districts of the Amhara region, northern Ethiopia. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and econometric models. The stochastic frontier production (cost) model was used to investigate technical (cost) efficiency,...


Abstract: Livestock plays a vital role in the livelihood of many people in Ethiopia. However, a number of challenges hindered the development of the dairy sector along with its commercialization. This study examines production efficiency commercialization and its impact on food security of cow milk producers using a cross-sectional data obtained from 385 randomly and proportionately selected sampled households from West Hararghe Zone, Oromia National Regional State of Ethiopia. The collected...

Effect of Inter-Row Spacing on Seed Cane Yield of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) Varieties at Metahara Sugar Factory, Ethiopia

Abstract: Improving seed cane yield per unit area is one of the agronomic practices to attain the benefit of sugarcane production. However, Sugarcane varieties currently under production have not been studied in terms of inter-row spacing requirements to maintain optimum seed cane yield at Metahara sugar factory. Hence, a field experiment was conducted at Metahara Sugar factory during 2022/23 to evaluate the effect of variety and inter-row spacing on yield and yield components of seed cane o...

Impact of Malt Barley Contract Farming on Production Efficiency and Asset Accumulation: Evidence from North Gondar.

Abstract: Barley, including food and malt barley, is one of the major cereals produced by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. Though malt barley is the fastest-growing industry, its domestic supply currently lags far behind the demand. As a result, Ethiopia is a net importer of malt barley. Recently, contract farming was implemented to address this issue in malt barley-potential areas. It has been one of the strategies utilized to enhance the productivity and production of malt barley and repla...

Farm Mechanization, Commercialization and Crop Diversification in Central and Southern Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Abstract: In Ethiopia, the agricultural sector contributes the largest employment opportunities (70%) and is the major source of export earnings (90% of export value). Despite efforts made to modernize, mechanize, commercialize, and transform the Ethiopian agricultural sector from subsistence to production of diversified and high value crops, the sector’s performance has been lower. In light of the problems and the research gaps identified, this study seeks to address and generate informat...

Economic Efficiency Of Smallholder Maize Farmers In Shenan Dugo District, West Hararge Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia

Abstract: Maize is one of the most widely grown crops in the Shenan Dugo district of the West Harerghe Zone. There was a great productivity difference among the farmers because of their efficiency difference in using the existing resource. The objectives of the study aims to analyze the level of TE,AE and EE and its the determinants of Economic efficiency of maize production in Shenan Dugo District, Oromia Regional State. This study was conducted based on cross sectional data obtained. It’...

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