
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Economic Impacts of The Covid-19 Pandemic on The Hotel Business In Zimbabwe..

Abstract: It is evident from literature that the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world economies to its ‘knees’. No industry has gone untouched by the effects of this pandemic. Globally there has been an adverse impact on travel which is backbone of the hotel industry. This study focuses on exploring the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on Zimbabwean hotel sector. The objectives of the study focused on investigating the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on hotel occupa...

Sustainability of Wildlife Tourism Tourist Perceptions on Threats to Wildlife Tourism in Two State Protected Areas in Zimbabwe

Abstract: The study sought to determine tourist perceptions on the threats to the sustainability of wildlife tourism using a case study of two state protected areas in Zimbabwe. Using close-ended questionnaires, we collected data from 128 tourists in December 2015. Results show respondents generally perceived all the seven tested threats as serious, i.e., illegal hunting, destruction of wildlife habitats, human-wildlife conflict, lack of involvement of local people in national park touri...

Universal Accessibility of National Parks in South Africa and Zimbabwe: Park Management Perceptions

Abstract: This study sought to establish the perceptions of the management of National Parks in South Africa and Zimbabwe with respect to making their parks universally accessible. This study was set against a background of many people with disabilities who are willing and financially able to patron national parks being denied the opportunity to do so due to various barriers. Using a qualitative approach, the researchers explored the views of the management of South African National Parks (S...

Challenges related to beef-cattle pricing between a western block and a third world country

Abstract: This study considers a business scenario involving three participants. The first participant, in this case the farmer sells the cattle to the second participant, in this case the Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) which, in turn sells the processed beef to the European Union (EU). The BMC offers a price, S1(t), to the farmer for the cattle. The EU offers a price, S2(t), to the BMC. To estimate the parameters spot prices of beef-cattle from the BMC and the EU markets for years 1992 to 2...

State Sponsored Tourism Attractions as a Vehicle for Economic Growth: The Case for Sustainable Tourism Performance in Lesotho.

Abstract: The tourism industry has developed remarkably since the Second World War to turn out to be the world’s major economic activity. Moreover, tourism has become one of the greatest vital pushers for economic development in numerous countries. Most literature highlights that tourism carries the growth of economies of numerous countries. Tourism does not only contribute to the positive stimulation of the economy, but it also generates employment and revenue. Lesotho is rich in tourist ...

Suitability of Morupule fly ash as amendment for two agricultural soils in Botswana

Abstract: Electricity generation in thermal power stations results in high fly ash production that, if not managed properly, will be a potential source of pollutants. In Botswana, the fly ash from Morupule Power Plant is being as an amendment for agricultural soils through a series of experiment that characterized and assessed fly ash deposits as liming material and nutrient source; assessed the effects of fly ash amendments applied at different rates in combination with the nutrient so...

Accelerating agricultural productivity to enhance economic growth in Botswana

Abstract: The need to diversify the economy so as to ensure sustainable economic growth has been of great concern. Accelerating productivity in agriculture is seen as one of the alternatives to support the diversification initiatives by the government and drive growth in Botswana. This study discusses the factors contributing to increased long term agricultural productivity and hence its subsequent impact on growth in the short. The study employs the vector error correction model and annual ...

Characterization of soils in the Gamodubu landfill area in the Kweneng District, Botswana

Abstract: Understanding soil attributes guides arable farming initiatives in many countries, especially developing countries. In this study, soils of the Gamodubu area, in the Kweneng District, Botswana, were analysed to determine their suitability for arable farming. Soil organic matter (SOM) was estimated by determining soil organic carbon (SOC) times a factor. Five samples of soil were collected in the Gamodubu area for evaluation in the laboratory. There was positive correlation between ...

Plant-made HIV vaccines and potential candidates

Abstract: Millions of people around the world suffer from heavy social and health burdens related to HIV/AIDS and its associated opportunistic infections. To reduce these burdens, preventive and therapeutic vaccines are required. Effective HIV vaccines have been under investigation for several decades using different animal models. Potential plant-made HIV vaccine candidates have also gained attention in the past few years. In addition to this, broadly neutralizing antibodies produced in pla...

Lead pollution of shooting range soils

Abstract: A total of eight military shooting ranges were used for this study. Soil samples were collected at each of the eight shooting ranges at the berm, target line, 50 and 100 m from berm. In all of the shooting ranges investigated the highest total lead (Pb) concentrations were found in the bermsoils. Elevated Pb concentrations of 38 406.87 mg kg–1 were found in the bermsoils of TAB shooting range. Most of the shooting range soils contained high levels of Pb in the range above 2000mgk...

Gaussian process simulation of soil Zn micronutrient spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty – A performance appraisal of three semivariogram models

Abstract: Geostatistical modelling has proven to be a good tool for decision making in soil nutrient management because it has the ability to map spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty. This study outlines a comparative approach to quantify the uncertainties and correlations in spatial process models as illustrated for the distribution of Zn in top soils of a semi-arid environment. The spatial correlation of Zn uncertainties is investigated by calculating the semi-variance of normalized Zn co...

Experimental study on strength improvement of weak subgrade clay soil using copper slag and hydrated lime as an activator

Abstract: Roads constructed on weak sub-grade clay soils with high plasticity may be affected by the behaviour of the clay soils. Weak sub-grade clay soils undergo volume change due to the changes in the moisture content which triggers cracking, settlement, heaving and damage of the road pavement by breaking up the pavement. Stabilizing these types of weak sub-grade clay soil is required to overcome the swelling of the clay soil and increase the soil strength and improve the performance. The...

High Fertilizer Rates Increase Susceptibility of Tea to Water Stress

Abstract: A study to determine the association of fertilizer with soil water deficit in tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] was conducted in a rain-out shelter using potted plants, in which five rates of fertilizer (0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 kg Nitrogen ha−1) and six levels of soil water content (38, 34, 30, 26, 22 and 18% v/v) were applied in a complete randomized design and replicated three times.The soil water treatment was maintained for a period of 12 weeks during which shoot growth,...

Essential oil of Ocimum grattissimum (Labiatae) as Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) protectant

Abstract: Ocimum grattissimum L. (Labiatae) leaves are widely eaten as a vegetable in Nigeria, and in the eastern parts, are traditionally used in post-harvest protection and relieving stomach aches. The effect of the essential oil of O. grattissimum leaves on Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) was assessed for repellency, mortality, progeny emergence and maize damage in the laboratory. The oil was found to be moderately repellent to the maize weevil and induced hig...

Smallholder Access to the Export Market: the case of Vegetables in Kenya

Abstract: Vegetable export production is a major source of income and contributes to the alleviation of poverty in Kenya. However, emerging....(continue from the attached pdf)

1036 - 1050 Of 4596 Results