Linguistics Research Papers/Topics

Image Schemas in Metaphors of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Lukabaras

Abstract Kenyan secondary schools, student conflicts pose significant challenges in the 21st century. This study aimed to evaluate the structure and functions of student councils in secondary schools in Kericho County, Kenya, based on the functionalism theory.The evaluation research design was employed, targeting students, teachers, and schoolprincipals, school boards of management, County director of education, and sub-county directors of education in Kericho County. A combination of probab...

Feature correspondence amongst Dholuo coronals

Abstract/Overview This paper discusses the nature of correspondence amongst Dholuo coronals. This can be approached in two ways, either as feature spreading or feature agreement which seem to be controversial in literature. Dholuo coronal harmony involves action at a distance; it spans over vowels and/or consonants. Data reveals that features affected are non contiguous and therefore only the targeted elements are affected. The fact that coronal harmony affects non-local segments rules ou...

Aspects of Dholuo coronal harmony

Abstract/Overview Coronal harmony in Dholuo refers to the co- occurrence restriction on dental and alveolar obstruents and nasals. The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain coronal harmony as it manifests in Dholuo. This involves an examination of the phonetic and phonological properties that define coronal harmony in Dholuo. In an Optimality Theory account of coronal harmony in Dholuo, the paper adapts Rose and Walker (2004) surface correspondence constraints CORR-T↔T which ...

Image schemas in political discourse in Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study of conceptual interaction has attracted the attention of many scholars in Cognitive Linguistics. Primarily, the analysis has focused on the role of image schemas in the construction of metaphors. This study explores the PATH image- schema and the role it plays in conceptual formation of metaphors in political discourse in Kenya. It presents the PATH image-schema and the subsidiary image schemas it activates in metaphors of politics in Kenya. The study’s aim i...

The Effect of Revitalization of Indigenous Language on Preservation of African Culture: A Case of Terik Language in Terik Ward, Nandi South Sub County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The purpose of this sociolinguistic study was to investigate the effect of revitalization of indigenous language on preservation of African culture, a case of Terik language in Terik ward, Nandi south sub county, Terik Language is an indigenous language in Kenya that is spoken by Terik people of Nandi South, Terik language is seriously endangered and it’s at a risk of extinction thus endangering Terik culture. The study aimed to determine the evidence and nature of Ter...

An exploration of extra linguistic factors of English – Kiswahili code switching in FM Industry in Kenya.

Abstract/Overview The paper examines English and Kiswahili Code-switching (CS) in Kiss Fm and Easy Fm radio stations in Kenya.CS is a recently formed practice in Fm stations in Kenya. Liberalization of the air waves led to a shift in the language of broadcasting among the Fm anchors unlike the previous years when broadcasters used English exclusively .The new stations started switching language during their shows. Since then, several Fm stations have adopted CS during their programmes to ...

Influences of English as a Second Language on The Trainees’ Academic Performance at Eenhana Vocational Training Centre

Abstract: It has been observed that the low academic performance of trainees at the Windhoek Vocational Training Centre has been on the increase at alarming rate without any proven reasons Malwa (2018). This may be the case in other vocational training centres. Thus, this study examined the influence of English as a Second Language on trainees’ academic performance at Eenhana Vocational Training Centre in Namibia. The study, therefore, tried to answer these questions: (a) What factors in E...

Implications of non-assessment of the speaking and listening skills in the Botswana general certificate of secondary education (BGCSE) English language examinations

Abstract: Teaching English language revolves around the four language skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading. Although the Botswana General Certificate School Examination (BGCSE) syllabus covers the above four skills, the nature of the final examinations assesses reading and writing skills only. The study seeks to find out the reasons why only two skills are assessed and to analyse the implications of non-assessment of the speaking and reading skills on the students’ academic p...

Grammatical Accuracies and Inaccuracies in Modern English

This document explores in detail the five most common grammatical errors native to the English language. Additionally, a linguistic study is conducted regarding the effectiveness of Sophie Alexander Frazer's "Why Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights is a Cult Classic," an article that is adept in its syntactic expressions. 

Arabic-English Translation of Cultural Concepts by Students of Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study investigated the constraints faced by Ugandan students in the translation of cultural concepts in Arabic and English and also into their local languages. The theory that grounded this research was Newmark’s theory (1988). The objectives of the study were to identify the difficulties in translating cultural concepts in Arabic/ English translation; to analyze the origin of the cultural concepts in the students’ local languages, and to determine the procedures for better...

Perception of Listeners on Effectiveness of Translation in Media Houses: A Case Study of Radio Gotel Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The study was on perception of listeners and effectiveness of translation in Radio Gotel Yola, Adamawa state, Nigeria. The following objectives guided the study. i) To examine the level of listeners perception of language translation at Gotel Radio station in Yola, Adamawa state. ii) To determine the level of effectiveness of language translation at Gotel Radio station Yola, Adamawa state. The study used frequency and percentage to analyze the demographic characteristic of the respon...

The Potential of Non-Textbook Reading Materials in the Improvement of Reading Skills in Secondary Schools in Jigawa State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  This academic research was carried out to assess the potential of non- textbook reading materials in the improvement of reading skills among learners in secondary schools in Jigawa state of Nigeria. Specifically, the study investigated the extent of teachers’ using non-textbook reading materials (i.e. Newspapers and Magazines) for improving reading skills in Jigawa State, Nigeria; the role of non-text book reading materials in the improvement of the learners’ reading skills in ...

Dialect Variation and Standardization: A Case Study of Fulfulde in Northern Nigeria

ABSTRACT [he study was concerned with the dialect variation and standardization of Fulfulde in ~4igeria. It was guided by three (3) objectives; to show lexical variation of Fulfulde in ~4igeria, to work out a proposal for standardization and to test the acceptability of the roposal to standardize Fulfulde in Nigeria. The study used cross sectional research design vith a sample size of 105 respondents. It also employed qualitative and quantitative echniques to analyze the collected data by use...

Assessment of Reading and Writing Proficiency in Lusoga Language in Lower Primary Schools in Kamuli District- Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study was based on the key issue of The Assessment of Reading and Writing Proficiency in Lusoga in the lower primary schools of Kamuli district . The study used both the qualitative and quantitative research methods. It employed a case study embodying an experimental design 100 pupils and 12 teachers were sampled and the findings were both qualitatively and quantatively analyzed. It was guided by three (3) objectives; the first objective of the research was to investigate the t...

Background Knowledge and Comprehension of Communally Constructed Texts: A Case Study of Runyankole Songs In Lower Classes Of Primary Schools In Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT The study on background knowledge and comprehension of communally constructed texts. A case study of Runyankole songs in lower classes of primary schools in Bushenyi district was conducted in three government primary schools. The study was guided by the following objectives;To determine the role of background knowledge in understanding of Runyankole songs, to document the different types of Runyankole songs sung by pupils in lower primary schools, to determine the pupils‘ level of ...

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