Linguistics Research Papers/Topics

A Selected Evaluation of Phonological Teaching Materials Presented in Kenyan Form Two English Textbooks

A Selected Evaluation of Phonological Teaching Materials Presented in Kenyan Form Two English Textbooks

Utayari Wa Wakenya Katika Utekelezaji Wa Sera Ya Lugha Ya Kiswahili Kama Lugha Rasmi Nchini Kenya

  IKISIRI Utafiti huu ulijikita katika kutathmini utayari wa Wakenya katika utekelezaji wa sera ya lugha ya Kiswahili kama lugha rasmi nchini Kenya. Utafiti ulilenga wakaazi wa mji wa Nairobi hasa katika ofisi za shughuli za kiutawala na vyombo vya habari vinavyopatikana humo. Utayari wa utekelezaji wa sera ya lugha ya Kiswahili umeathiriwa na mambo mbalimbali. Baadhi ya mambo hayo ni kama vile: hadhi ambayo lugha hii imepewa, manufaa ya lugha hii miongoni mwa athari nyingine. Malengo ya u...

A Linguistic Study Of Kenyan Political Party Names, Symbols, Colours And Slogans

This thesis is a linguistic study of KPP names, KPP symbols, KPP colours and KPP slogans. It establishes that linguistic resources are used by political operators in design of the KPP tools. This is achieved by deliberately manipulating language at the phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic, semantic, sociolinguistic and textual levels. These linguistic manipulations realise KPP mixed code names, sense relations, associative meanings, political discourses, abbreviations manipul...

Tathmini Ya Matumizi Ya Vifaa Vya Kufundishia Msamiati Wa Kiswahili Katika Shule Zamsingi Za Umma, Kaunti Ya Kisumu Mashariki, Kenya

IKISIRI Utafiti huu ulishughulikia uchunguzi wa matumizi ya vifaa vya ufundishaji wa msamiati wa Kiswahili katika shule za msingi za umma, Kaunti Ndogo ya Kisumu Mashariki, Kenya. Madhumuni aliyozingatia mtafiti katika utafiti huu yalikuwa ni pamoja na kutambua changamoto zilizopo wakati wa kutumia vinyago, video na chati katika somo la msamiati, pili ni kudadisi sera zilizopo za ukaguzi ili kudhibiti matumizi wa video, chati na vinyago ili kusaidia uelewekaji wa misamiati na kuchunguza udhai...

A Morphological Analysis Of Bisa Nouns: A Dialect Of The Bemba Language In Mpika District, Zambia

ABSTRACT Many minor African languages still remain unstudied and undocumented. This also applies to the dialects of major languages. This study focused on Bisa, a dialect of Bemba, a language spoken in Zambia. Bisa dialect is spoken in Mpika District, Muchinga Province, Zambia. The study had the following objectives: One, to identify and describe the noun class system in the Bisa dialect; two, to describe the word formation processes evident in formation of nouns in the Bisa dialect; and thre...

Evaluation Of Kenya Institute Of Curriculum Development Approved English Textbooks For Teaching Reading Comprehension In Kenyan Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT This study evaluated textbooks approved by KICD for teaching reading in Kenyan secondary schools with particular focus to the form one class. The motivation for the study is the poor performance in English in national exams more so in areas that require application of the Reading comprehension Skill (RCS). Besides, reading is a basic literacy skill which is crucial in the acquisition of communicative competence of English as SL. However, there is a challenge in the acquisition of thi...

Grafolojia Katika Uchapaji Wa Riwaya Ya Mkamandume

ABSTRACT The study investigated the role of graphological features used in the Kiswahili novel Mkamandume authored by Said A. Mohamed. It looked at various graphological features used in the novel and their impact on the reader. The research was guided by the theory of stylistics pioneered by Baally (1909) and propagated by Jakobson (1958), Halliday (1971) and expounded by Leech and Short (1981). More emphasis was however placed on the views of Leech and Short (1981). According to these theo...

The Phonological Processes In Olumarama: Nc Effects And Vowel Hiatus

ABSTRACT This study investigates the phonological processes found in nasal consonant sequences and vowel hiatus resolution of Olumarama a dialect of Luhya spoken in Kakamega County, of Western Kenya. Olumarama is an under described language thus the need for further linguistic description of the language. The overriding objective of the study was to investigate the phonological processes found in Nasal Consonant sequences and vowel hiatus resolution in Olumarama and how Optimality Theory cons...

Mielekeo Na Mtindo Wa Shafi Adam Shafi Katika Riwaya Za Kuli Na Haini

ABSTRACT This is an analysis of how the style in two works of Shafi Adam Shafi were influenced by his attitudes. This work analyses the style and attitudes of the writer by using foregrounding and deviation as styles of writing. The choosen texts are Kuli (1979) and Haini (2002). This novels were choosen randomly because there was usage of the two writing styles which could be used in this research. The research dealt with foregrounding and deviation of words and meaning in the novels. Then...

Usimulizi Katika Riwaya Ya Dharau Ya Ini

ABSTRACT The study investigated narration in the Kiswahili novel, Dharau ya Ini (2007) by Kyalo Wamitila. The research aimed at identifying various narrative voices and narrative levels used in the selected novel; manifesting the role of narrative time in narration and to demonstrate how presentation of speech and thoughts of characters has been used in structuring of the narrative. The research was guided by the theory of narratology as expounded by Gennette (1980). The theory was used in in...

English Language Teacher Education At The Primary Level In Kenya From1945 And Its Implications On The Kenyan School System

ABSTRACT Teacher education is a very vital factor for successful second language teaching. It determines the quality and quantity of teaching and learning. This study sought to investigate the early establishment and development of English language teacher education in the country. Looking at the history provides us with an opportunity to reflect on and analyze the practices of the past. Consequently, we can learn what lessons the past may have for us. It also provides us with a point of...

Forms Of Politeness In Ekegusii: A Sociolinguistic Perspective

ABSTRACT This dissertation is a study focusing on the nature of talk in Ekegusii. It specifically analyzed the forms of politeness in Ekegusii, examining how Ekegusii varies depending on power relations and the context of usage. Samples of spoken Ekegusii, collected from at least four contexts were tape recorded, transcribed and analyzed in order to meet the following objectives: To identify the turns from the spoken excerpts, to describe the forms of politeness in the spoken excerpts, and t...

Endangered Language In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Gera Language Of Bauchi State

ABSTRACT This study investigated the endangerment of Gera language. It investigated the level of the endangerment of Gera language; the demographic variables associated with the endangerment, the impact of the shift on the structure of Gera language, and endeavored to find out if the Gera language is useful in defining the Gera identity. This was achieved through the use of two theoretical approaches: Sasse‟s Theory of Language Death and Gile‟s Ethno-linguistic Identity Theory (ELIT). Th...

Motifu Za Yatima Katika Hadithi Teule Za Watoto

ABSTRACT This research aimed to investigate the motif of orphans in children’s written literature using selected Kiswahili Children stories. The study aimed at analyzing the situations in the portrayal of orphans in selected works of children’s literature. In addition, this research has made it possible to understand challenges that orphans face in the society. Moreover, the research aimed at elaborating how orphans liberate themselves from the challenges facing them in the society. ...

Phonological Analysis Of The English Spoken By Hausa Newscasters In Broadcasting Media In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examines the English pronunciation patterns of Hausa broadcasters. The research was carried out based on the presupposition that the English spoken by Hausa broadcasters is different from RP English and is likely to mislead or distort the communication process. The study was guided by three objectives which centred on an examination and analysis of the way Hausa broadcasters articulate RP English consonants, vowels and consonant clusters. The research used Optimality Theor...

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