Physics Research Papers/Topics

Determination Of Length, Thickness And Elements Of Some Samples Defects By Using Magnetic Particles And Ultrasound Testing

Abstract Nondestructive testing methods are that used widely in industry and technology so to test material and equipment to make sure that they are proper and secure. In this work three samples from steel, carbon steel and aluminum were subjected to same fraction force. The damages produced were tested by ultrasound and magnetic particles. The fraction length obtained by magnetic particle and ultrasound give the same result. Where the length in the aluminum, steel and carbon steel defects ar...

Growth And Characterization Of Ternary Chalcogenide Thin Films For Efficient Solar Cells And Possible Industrial Applications

ABSTRACT   Ternary thin films of Iron Copper Sulphide (FeCuS), Iron Zinc Sulphide (FeZnS), Lead Silver Sulphide (PbAgS), Copper Silver Sulphide (CuAgS) and Copper Zinc Sulphide (CuZnS) were grown using cheap and simple solution growth technique with EDTA, TEA and NH3 as complexing agents. The deposited films were characterized using PYE-UNICO-UV-2102 PC spectrophotometer, and optical microscopy. The results suggest that some of the films have crystal structures. From the spectral analysis ...

Use of X-Ray in Non Destructive Testing to determine gold karat

Abstract The fire assay technique is the oldest and most reliable method used to determine gold karat, because of the destruction of gold into pieces and the long time which spent at analyzing; a well powerful for nondestructive analytical analyzer had took it place, it is x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) that we used to analysis gold specimens. It is fast and accuracy technique, XRF can provide qualitative and quantitative analysis regarding the thickness of the tested material by meas...

Detection Of Pollutants In Used Plastic Bottles Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

Abstract This study was conducted to analyze the components of the plastic materials used in water and drug bottles by using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Bottle samples were collected from some factories in Sudan, the samples were collected pre- and post-used. Samples were irradiated by Nd: YAG laser at 266 nm, repetition rate 2Hz, with pulse energy of 80mJ. The recorded spectra of the samples were analyzed using National Institute Standard and Technology (NIST) and Origin L...

The Effect Of Changing Solvent, Dyes And Zno Nanosize On The Performance Of Zno Solar Cell

Abstract The effect of different solvents on Zinc Oxide based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) with Nile Blue were studied. The performance of solar cells with on (FTO/ ZnO/ Blue Nile dye /FTO+ graphite and Iodine ) structures were investigated. under the effect of different solvents, which on (Methanol ,Ethanol ,Acton , Chloroform and Benzene ). Absorption and energy gap were found using UV-VS mini 1240 spectrophotometer and light current-voltage characteristics and XRD. The five (FTO/ ZnO...

Spectroscopic Investigations Of Dry Fermented Leaves Of Cassia Obtusifolia (Kawal)

Abstract The Sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia) leaves after fermentation and drying are commonly known as Kawal. Fermented leaves of Cassia obtusifolia are used as a substitute of meat by people of eastern of Chad and western of Sudan. In this study kawal was obtained from Forbranga western of Darfour as a powder. The objective of this study was identification the chemical compositions of the Kawal. FTIR spectrum and atomic absorption spectrophotometer methods were used. In FTIR experimental th...

Spatial Evolution in the Interaction Model and Schrodinger Equation in a Curved Space-Time

Abstract This study is concerned with derivation of quantum relation in a curved space –time . The importance of this study emerges from the use of energy and momentum in many applications. This study use mathematical derivation trend. The research problem is related to the lack of suitable consistent relations for quantum eigen equations in a curved space , beside lack of relations for the special quantum evolution in the interaction model. Therefore this research aims to use the expressio...

Study Of Charge Transition Levels Of Intrinsic Defect, Band Gab, And Formation Energy In Barium Fluoride And Calcium Fluoride

ABSTRACT This Thesis study semi local and hybrid density functional analysis of charge transition levels of native defects in BaF2 and CaF2 structures. The transition levels was calculated from the formation energies corresponding to two defect charge states. The errors arising from the small super cell size effects have been relieved through extrapolating the formation energies to the limit of infinite super cell size. The reliability of the extrapolation method has been verified through th...

Evolution of the Inverse Fine Structure beyond the Standard Model

Abstract In this dissertation, the one-loop renormalization group equations for the gauge couplings in five and six dimensional models as well as 5D Minimal Super-symmetric Standard Model were derived. We considered different localization of matter fields that is, all fields propagate in the full space-time (bulk case), or some of the fields restricted in the brane (brane case). We studied the evolution of the inverse fine structure constants , which is linked to the gauge couplings constant...

Detection of Some Elements in Sand (Reddish Orange and Black) by Using X-Ray Fluorescence Device

Abstract This research deals with one of the applications of spectroscopy, which is the detection of some components of sand and the concentrations of these elements using X-ray fluorescence technology and comparison between them. Where sand samples were taken from Bara north Kordofan region (red-orange, black) from surface and depth (30cm, 70cm). It was found that the elements present on the surface of the red-orange sample are: Silicon (Si), Zirconium (Zr), Thorium (Th), Titanium (Ti), and...

Unification of Gauge Coupling Constants in 5D Pati-Salam Model

The standard model of particle physics is currently an accepted theory at low energies; however, it doesn’t address the unification of gauge coupling constants. In this dissertation, the renormalization group equations at one loop order in the standard model, both in 4D and 5D, in addition to Pati-Salam model (4D and  5D)have been studied. We found, both analytically and numerically, that a natural and successful gauge coupling unification could be achieved in 4D Pati-Salam model with...

Calculating the Energy Gab of Photo Resistance Using Temperature Variation

In this thesis photo resistor (CdS) was used to calculate the energy gab using simple electrical method, it was found that to be and and electrical conductivity of photo resistor equal to and (I.V) characteristic was studied under the influence of temperature variation and constant polarization angle of irradiation (𝜃 ,also the of relation versus angle 𝜃 at constant voltage was considered with temperature variation. Different relation was plotted and the results were discussed fo...

Assessment of Building Design of Nuclear Medicine Department of Al-nilain Medical Diagnostic Center of Khartoum.

Abstract. The objective of this study was to make an assessment to the building design in the nuclear medicine department of Al-neilain medical diagnostic center at khartoum, and to show the level of conformity as compared to the international standards for an ideal building designs of a nuclear medicine department in aspect of radiation protection. This study was done in Al- neilain medical diagnostic center of Khartoum, in the period from February to April 2017. Measurements of scanning ro...

Effect of Magnetic Field Energy Gap and Resistance in Superconducting and Resonance

Magnetic properties of matter play an important role in human life. This requires developing the physical theories that describe magnetic phenomena. One of these important fields is the magnetic properties of superconductors. Till now there is no satisfactory theory that fully explains these magnetic properties of superconductors. This set back encourages constructing a model based on temperature dependent Schrodinger equation to explain superconductivity destroy by external magnetic fi...

A Study on Hydropower Plants Dams

Abstract In this thesis hydropower plants as clean and perfect source of energy has been studied. Instead of producing energy from fossil fuel and nuclear energy and other sources which affect negatively on environment of humans and animals. Where some emit harmful Co2 gas that causes global warming. And other emits harmful radiations, in addition to expensive of construction, operation and maintenance. Where hydropower is renewable, clean and inexpensive source when compared to other ways. ...

106 - 120 Of 388 Results