Physics Research Papers/Topics

Assessment of Natural Radioactivity Levels and Associated Dose Rates in Soil Samples from Al South Kordofan StateـــDallanj Area

In this study 15 soil samples were collected from Dallanj town where dividing the town into five parts (E, C, S, N and W) using GPS .Three samples were taken from each part. 500 grams of soil sample was weighed and closed in plastic containers for four weeks so as to have secular equilibrium for uranium. Our goal of this study was estimate Investigation of Radionuclides Soil Samples from South of Kordufan state (Western Sudan). Natural radioactivity concentrations in soil samples were m...

Use of Tidal Energy as Renewable Energy

Abstract Currently climate change represents the focus attention of the global world and how to reducing greenhouse gas emission, which led to use other energy source, especially renewable energy source, Tidal power it is a renewable and clean source of energy, can represent a solution of the many environmental pollutants resulting from use another energy source, besides this source exposed to exhaustible as a result of intensive use. Tidal power is unconventional sources of energy which is ...

Using Logistic Regression and Discriminant Analysis Techniques for Factors Affecting Heart Diseases Infection (A comparative study of Cardiac surgery and renal transplant Center at Ahmed Gasi

Abstract Diagnosing cardiac diseases by using an advanced statistical classifying model is vitally important for cardiac diseases which are viewed as serious diseases which can put an end to a patient’s life, therefore, early diagnosis should be done through classification and to differentiate among the cardiac patients and non-cardiac ones based on the factors that can cause the cardiac diseases by using technologies such as logistic regression and discriminative analysis. This study aime...

Wind Energy and Solar Energy Potential in the Red Sea Coast

Abstract The Red Sea coast enjoys high values of wind speed and moderate values of solar radiation. Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) has been used to analyze the wind data at Tokar, Free Zone and Port Sudan. The power densities at the three sites,at 50 m height,are 584, 288 and 300 W/m2, respectively. Both solar and wind can be utilized to supply electricity to that area.

Usage of Laser Induced Emission to Distinguish Between Dental Caries and Sound Teeth

Abstract In this research Nitrogen laser (N2) was used to induce emission to distinguish between the dental caries and sound teeth. Three samples of dental caries and one sample of sound teeth has been used to determine absorbance of the dental caries and sound teeth using UV-Vis spectrophotometer then it irradiated by nitrogen laser (N2) with wavelength of 337.8nm, pulse energy 0.04mJ, and pulse time 100msec, interaction between laser and the teeth was happened, teeth absorbed some of these...

The study of reducing risks lied on the contractor in construction project case study of Khartoum state

Abstract The big construction projects suffer from problems of delay and increasing in cost compare cost of the estimated. This is due to the nature of construction industry risky. Most of the projects occur once and a unique does not repeats. Each project differs from the other and there is no two projects agree in all characteristics and conditions, which makes each project has a particular circumstances and challenges and related has been exposed to a lot of projects to a number of the ri...

Study of the Effect of Nd:YAG Laser on the Raw Cow’s Milk Characteristics and its Sterilization

Abstract In this research laser used to irradiant milk and its effect on the pH and absorbance has been studied in this research. Six samples of cow's milk were taken from the farm directly, without any additions of preservatives. five samples from six samples were irradiated by Nd:YAG laser 1064 nm wavelength using different output powers (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50) mW and the sixth sample was left without irradiation as a control, the result shows that by increasing laser dose the absorbance b...

Ablation of Molybdenum by Femtosecond Laser Pulse Using the Two-Temperature Model

Abstract The study generally presents the mechanism of ablation of metals by ultrafast laser pulses; the main part was devoted to understanding a particularly interesting case: femtosecond pulse laser irradiation. Femtosecond ablation heating is described by a two-temperature model based on the Fourier heat transfer equation. This model consists of two parabolic differential equations coupled by the exchange term between the two subsystems, namely the electron gas and the ion network. The ul...

A Study of Some Mechanical Properties of Tyre Rubber Polymer

Abstract Some of the mechanical properties of polymer, such as tensile test, creep and swelling, were studied for two types of tire rubber at different concentrations of black carbon(70% ,30%) respectively. In the tensile test, the elasticity modulus was calculated and found that it was 7.836 MN/m2. Also in the study of creep, the time-dependent creep modulus and the creep compliance were calculated. Then the swelling behavior was introduced using three chemical solutions, namely methane, ace...

Effect of Thermal Treatments on Magnetic Properties of Some Magnetite Samples Investigated by 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy

Abstract 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy is one of the most powerful tools that used in studying magnetic properties of materials. This work aims to investigate the magnetic properties of MgxSrxMnxCo1-3xFe2O4 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.33) nanoparticles annealed at 500 ˚C. The aim extends to study the magnetic properties of BaFe2O4 sample as a function of different measuring temperatures. The results showed that magnetic hyperfine fields of the annealed samples were larger compared to as-prep...

The Optical Properties of Silicon Dioxide Doped By Iodine, Coumarin 500 and Rhodamine B

Abstract A thin film is a layer of material ranging from fractions of a nanometer (monolayer) to several micrometers in thickness. In this thesis three types of thin films of silicon dioxide were prepared then doped using three different samples Iodine, Coumarin500 and Rhodamine B. The preparation was done under Electrical Deposition Techniques (E D T) (Spin Coating) using power supply mating 2 Volts and current of 0.03A, at room temperature. The optical properties such as absorption and abs...

Effect Of Geomagnetic Disturbances On Electric Transformers Located At A Geomagnetic Low Latitude

Abstract Space weather has been a task of research in modern fields of science; therefore, our recent technology is certainly influenced by impact of space weather particularly in satellites, spaceborne systems. Moreover, space weather has impacts on ground based technology such as electric power system, pipeline, and railways. Space weather variations can cause geomagnetically induced currents penetrate conducting structures of the transformers and cause: half-cycle saturation, increase the ...

Uranium and Vanadium mining and ore processing at Sudan.

Abstract The results of this study were carried out to determine the composition of the uranium element in the Nuba Mountains area in Southern Kordofan region in the regions of Mount Uro and Mount Kurn. Forty samples were collected from the two regions, 20 samples from each region were grinded and converted into powder, and analysed by XRF spectrometer. To find the concentration of each element in the sample. The analysis showed that the average concentration of the uranium element in the sa...

Detection of fingerprint using He-Ne (632.8 nm) and Diode (532 nm) lasers

Abstract Fingerprints have many uses, chemical solution usually used to detect fingerprints but it takes a time. In this research He-Ne laser with output power 1mmW and wavelength 632.8nm and Diode laser with output power 5mmW and wavelength 532 nm were used to detect fingerprints on Aluminum surface and other Glass surface, fingerprints was exposure by laser beam through convex lens with focal length 5mm then a digital camera was used to record irradiated fingerprint. The revealed results s...

Study of the optical properties of aluminum doped Zinc Oxide using Ultra Violet characterization technique.

Abstract In this work, zinc oxide nano particles were synthesized by sol-gel method, from Zinc Acetate dehydrates (ZnC4H6O4). 2H2O, then the aluminum oxide was also prepared by sol-gel method from Aluminum acetate C6H9AlO6. Then ZnO was mixed by Al2O3 with concentration ratio of (0, 25, 50) % to get four samples of AZO, these samples were characterized with UV-VIS spectrometer, and the optical properties of AZO were studied. It is clearly seen that the energy gap decrease with increasing of ...

121 - 135 Of 388 Results