Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Effect Of Management Evaluation On The Perfomance Of Finance Department Of Electricty Regulatory Authority (Era)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ...................................................................................................... jApproval sheet ..................................................................................................... jjDEDICATION ....................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEGEM ENT ........................................................................................... ivLIST OF TABLES .....

Advertising On Sales Volume: A Case Study Of Coca Cola ' Products In Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................................. IAPPROVAL. ...................................................................................................... IIDEDICATION ................................................................................................. IIIACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... IVTABLE OF CONTENTS ......................

Bank Credit Scheme and Success of Entrepreneurial Projects in Equity Bank Uganda Ltd

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLA.RA TION ........................................................................................... .APPROVAL ................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................. iiiACKN"OWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................ ivTABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................

The Effect Of Applying Financial Controls And Accountability On The Publicsector In Tanzania

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ................................................................................................................ iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. iiiTABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................................... ivLIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................

Advertisement And Sale Volume In Selected Soft Drink Companies In Selected Districts, Central Uganda

TABLE Of CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL SHEETDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTABSTRACTCHAPTER ONEIntroductionBackground of the StudyStatement of the ProblemPurpose of the studyStudy ObjectivesResearch QuestionsScope of the StudySignificance of the StudyCHAPTER TVVOLITERATURE REVIEWConcepts, opinions, ideas from author/expertsRelated studiesCHAPTER THREEMETHODOLOGYResearch DesignSample SizeSampling ProceduresResearch PopulationResearch InstrumentsValidity and Ratability of the InstrumentsData Gathering P...

The Role Of Computerized Accounting System In Financial Reporting; A Case Of Kapchorwa District Local Government

TABLE OF CONTENTSCover PageTitle Page iiDeclaration iiiApproval ivDedication vAcknowledgement ViTable of Contents viiList of FiguresList of Tables XAcronyms and Abbreviations xiAbstract XflCHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background to the Study 11.2 Problem Statement 41.3 Purpose of the Study 51.4 Objectives of the Study 51.5 Research Questions 61.6 Scope of the Study 61.7 Setting of the Study 71.8 Significance of the Study 7vii1.9 Definition of Key Terms .9CHAPTER TWO:...

The Effects of Micro Finance Lending Policies On Performance of Small Scale Businesses

ABSTRACT The research investigated the effects of credit/lending policies on performance of small scale businesses in Akalo sub-county. Stratified random sampling was used where different forms of businesses were randomly taken in each stratum. They consisted of retail trade, agricultural product trade and other activities like service providers etc. This sampling method was used to get the required number of respondents. Data was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using tables, chi...

Taxation and Local Government Performance in Tanzania: A Case Study of Kinondoni Municipal Council Dares Salaam

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ................................................................................................................................... .iApproval ....................................................................................................................................... iiDedication .................................................................................................................................. iiiAcknowledgment ..............................

An Assessment of Effective Use of Computers to Auditing. Case Study of Price Waterhouse Coopers

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ..................................... .... . ........................... .Approval ..................... ... ............................................... .Acknowledgement ...... ... . .. .... . ........................................... .Table of contents .............................................................. .List of tables .... . .. ... .... _ .. _ ............ _ ..... ... .... ...... . ..... ............ .Abstract ...................... ...... .... ...

Staff Appraisal and Productivity in Non-Governmental Organizations: A Case of United Nations Development Programme Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was carried out with a purpose of establishing the effect of staff appraisal and productivity in non governmental organization using a case of UNDP- Uganda. The study was carried out basing on the following objectives; to establish the relationship between staff conversance with the performance appraisal process and productivity in UNDP, to establish the relationship between staff involvement in the setting of performance standards and productivity. To establish the relati...

An Investigation into the Cause of Industrial Unrests Among Blue-Collar Workers in Export Processing Zone (Epz) Athiriver Kenya

ABSTRACT It was observed that there was a high level of strikis in the EPZ's and this had led the study on the factors, \vhich had led to strike. High level of strikes is undesirable due to losses incurred by the firms as well as the cost of damages. Production is also affected because it comes to a stop during.the strike period. Many authors and researchers have identified various causes, effects and measures of industrial strikes. The objectives of the study were to i:stablish causes oi'str...

Micro Finance Institutions and Poverty Reduction in Uganda a Case Study of Mukono Municipality, Mukono District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........... ; .................................................................................................................... .iAPPROVAL ...................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .................................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...............................

The Role of Internal Control Systems on Human Resource Performance in Local Government: The Case Study of Oyam District Local Government.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL HDEDICATION INACKNOWLEDGEMENT ~IVTABLE OF CONTENTS ~VLIST OF TABLES ,.,,,,......,,,.,.,.,.,,,,,,,~,,,“..,..,,“,,,.,““,,..., IXLIST OF PIE CHARTS XLIST OF GRAPHS ............. . .~~XIABSTRACT XIICHAPTER ONE i1.0 INTRODUCTION 11.lBackground to the Study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 21.3 Purpose of the study 21.4 Objectives of the study 21.5 Research Questions 31.6 Scope of the Study 31.6.1 Geographical Scope 31.6.2Subject Scope 31.6.3 Time Scope 31....

Customer Care and Business Performance in the Service Industry; A Case Study of the National Insurance Corporation (Nic) Limited Kampala District, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF ACRONYMS vOPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS viLIST OF TABLES viiTABLE OF CONTENTS viiiABSTRACT xiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Purpose of the study 31.4 Objectives 31.5 Research Questions 31.6 Scope of the study 41.7 Significance of the study 4CHAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Conceptual framework 52.2 Related Literature 72.21 C...

Customer Relationship Management and Business Performance in Selected Insurance Companies in Selected Districts in Central, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ................................................................................................................ IIAPPROVAL ..................................................................................................................... IIIDEDICATION .................................................................................................................. IVACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................

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