TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ..................................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ........................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ....................................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................
ABSTRACTThe study examined credit policy and performance of savings and credit, Amoru VillageSACCO being the case study.The study based on three objectives namely; to find out the effects of credit terms and standardson the performance of SACCOs at Kadungulu sub county Serere district, to determine the effectsof collection efforts applied on performance of SACCOs at Amoru village Savings and CreditCooperatives (SACCOS) in Kadungulu sub county, Serere District and to establish the effects ofco...
ABSTRACTDecentralization has been viewed widely by many in Uganda as the panacea to the challengesof development in Uganda. With close to five years of the decentralization of the Ministryof Health, the study sought to examine the services delivery of the Departments of Health andSocial Welfare; comparing the progress challced by both Departments and the challenges thatare experienced in the process of decentralization in the Departments. Employing a qualitativeresearch method, in-depth inter...
ABSTRACTThe study was set to establish the role of community based organization and eradication ofpoverty a case of Kawempe division; it was guided by the following study objectives whichincluded, To establish the role of Community based organizations in Kawempe Division, toinvestigate the Poverty Eradication strategies/efforts in Kawempe Division and to find out thechallenges hindering poverty eradication in Kawempe Division. The study population was 40respondents chosen from the leadership ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .......... ... ................................................................................... .................................. iAPPROVAL. .................................................................. ...... ....... ..... ................................................. iiDEDICATION ....... ............................................................................................ ............................. .... iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....... ............
ABSTRACTThe study was carried out to examine the impact of alcoholism on socio-econornic status ofUgandans and the researcher used Butanda Sub County as the case study. The research set theobjectives which she based on to draft the questionnaire. The objectives were intended to;examine the causes of alcoholism, investigate how alcohol affects on socio-economic status ofUgandans and the possible solutions to reduce the level of consumption. In chapter two, therelated literature was reviewed wh...
ABSTRACTThis study focused on women participation and success of governmentdevelopment projects in Mbale municipality, Mbale district, Uganda.Three specific objectives were based on to collect data, these included;to find out how women participation in government projects has led tosuccess of government projects in Mbaie municipality, to assess thechallenges women face while participating in government projects inMbale municipality-Mbale district and to come up with solutions to thechallenges...
ABSTRACTThis study was purposely designed and conducted to study the impact of physicalocation on the prod_uctivity of small scale businesses in Lira municipality.fhe study was focused to find out to identify the different types of locations::1vailable to small scale business organizations, to establish why small scale:>usiness organizations tend to gravitate towards particular types of sites, to:;stablish the relationship between location and productivity of small scale businessxganizations ...
ABSTRACTThe study sought to examine the effects of records keeping in the public procurementperformance in Iganga District and specific objectives were to find out the methods ofrecord keeping at Iganga Local Government,to assess the other factors affectingprocurement performances and too establish the relationship between records keepingand public procurement performance in Iganga District local govenrment.The findings of the study revealed that at Iganga district Local government, there are...
ABSTRACTThe study established the impact of contract Monitoring systems on service delivery inMpigi district Local Government, the study was guided by three specific objectives andthese were; (i) to determine the level of contract Monitoring systems in Mpigi districtLocal Government, (ii) to establish the level of service delivery in Mpigi district, and (iii)to examine the relationship between Contract Monitoring systems and Service Deliveryin Mpigi District Local Government. Cross-sectional ...
ABSTRACTThis study is set to empirically establish the impact of taxation on the performance of smallscale businesses in Soroti Central market in Soroti UGANDA. The purpose of this study wasto find out whether the amount of tax paid could affect the profits and performance of thesmall scale businesses. In order to establish the relationship the researcher assumed thatother related factors were to make significant effect on profits and performance of smallbusinesses.While tax has been embraced...
ABSTRACTThis research report comprises of five chapters that is to say chapter, chapter two, three, four andchapter five including the appendices which comprises of the acceptance letter from theorganization, and the questionnaires.In chapter one, a clear description of the background of the study, the problem statement, the.research objectives, questions, scope of the study.Chapter two comprises of the literature review, conceptual frame work and a discussion aboutthe empirical studies of th...
ABSTRACTThe study was undertaken to establish reward systems and employee performance in theorganization with the objectives of establish different types of reward systems used in anorganization, to examine determinants used to formulate reward systems and to establishrelationship between reward systems and employee performance.The methods used to collect data were through questionnaires, interview and also theresearcher collected relevant data from other scholars in different text books, jou...
ABSTRACTThe peace building functions by Africa Union is one of the good efforts towards retaining peace in Somalia. Somalia has experienced turmoil’s for so many decades. The peace buildings by AU are caught up by many challenges. The main one been funds to facilitate the functions. Though those challenges are there, the study has found out that, the AU has really tried to calm down the war. The research also wanted to find out the intentions of AU towards those fun...