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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Role of Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation in the Regulation of Nigeria Banking Sector

ABSTRACT The Nigerian banking sector plays a major role in economic development in any country. These they do, through financial intermediation and other banking functions to encourage real sector or innovate productive activities. However, distress in banking sector cannot be totally erased because like other forms of businesses, risks are involved. In combating this, the central bank of Nigeria served as the apex in the banking sector and performs regulatory and supervisory activities to cr...

Motivation as Tools for Enhancing Employee Productivity in an Organization (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title pagei Certificationii Dedicationiii Acknowledgementiv Table of Contentsv CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTON 1.1Introduction  1.2Objective of the study 1.3Scope and limitation of the study 1.4Significance of the study 1.5Operation definition of Terms 1.6Organization of the study Reference CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1Conceptual meaning of motivation 2.2Theories of motivation 2.3Rewards 2.4Understanding the subordinate Goals 2.5Effective communication Reference CHAPTER THREE...

Staff Motivation and Productivity in an Organization (A Case Study of UBA Bank Ilorin)

ABSTRACT This project is divided into five  chapter, chapter  one consist of background of the study , introduction, statement of the problem , with productivity  problem , objective  of the study  scope and  limitation of the study , Definition of key term  and plan of the study .  Chapter two consist of literature review motivation theories, maslows need Hierarchy theories, two factors theory , motivation factor and theory  x and y Douglas mc Gregor.  Chapter three also consist of...

The Impact of Taxation Revenue on Economic Growth in Nigeria 1986-2018

This study analyzed the impact of taxation revenue on economic growth in Nigeria, the specific objectives include: Analyse the trend of taxation revenue and economic growth in Nigeria; examine the relationship between taxation revenue to economic growth in Nigeria; and determine the direction of causality between tax revenue and economic growth in Nigeria.The research made use of Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) as the dependent variable and Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT), Company Income Tax (C...

Financial Problems Facing Small Scale Industries (A Case Study of Global Soap and Detergent Industry Asa-Dam Road Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS   Title page                                                                               Certification                                                                            Dedication                                                                  �...

The Impact of Small Scale Business to the Nigeria Economy Development

TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.1           Background To The Study 1.2           Formation And Development Of The Study 1.3           Objective Of The Study 1.4           Importance Of The Study 1.5           Historical Background Of The Study 1.6           Scope Of The Study 1.7           Limitation of the study. 1.8           Definition of terms. CHAPTER TWO 2.0     Literature Review 2.1     The...

The Impact of Inflation on Bad Debts of Financial Institution (A Case Study of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc Ilorin)

PROPOSAL This project work was written on the Impact of Inflation on Bad Debts In Nigerian Banking Industry. Since an organization is an integrated system of activities in achieving some aims or objectives, it is therefore necessary to involve some plans, processes for the effectiveness and efficiency of the Banking Industry.   The sample of 80 respondents are to be used and the method of sample will be random sampling.   This study will be carefully planed to look into the Impact of Infl...

The Financial Management in Co-Operative Financing Agency (A Case Study of Kwara Co-Operative Financial Agency L.T.D Ilorin)

ABSTRACT          Co-operative financing agency are not different from other types of business with respect to efficient management of their funds they are required to used funds very carefully and judiciously because their source of funds tend to be limited.          The peculiar limitation imposed by co-operative principle make it very difficult for co-operative to obtain sufficient funds from outside e.g. that interest payment must not exceed percentage.          A...

The Effectiveness of Planning in the Public Sector (A Case Study of Kwara State Ministry of Agricultural Ilorin)

Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgment Table of contents CHAPTER ONE 1.1    Introduction 1.2    Aims and Objectives 1.3    Scope and Limitations of Study 1.4    Research Methodology 1.5    Definition of terms 1.6    Organization of the study References CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1    Introduction 2.2    Theoretical framework 2.3    Current trends in thinking 2.4    Summary of the chapter References CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1    I...

The Effect of Conflict Management on Business Organization (A Case Study of I.T.C Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgements Proposal Table of content CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1      Background of the study 1.2      Objective of the study 1.3      Statement of the research problem 1.4      Research question 1.5      Significance of the study 1.6      Scope of the study 1.7      Definition of the terms 1.8      Plan of the study CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW (INTRODUCTION) 2.1      Meaning of con...

The Benefit of Privatization and Commercialization on Nigeria Economy “Marketing Focus” (A Case Study of Power Holding Company Of Nigeria Phcn)

PROPOSAL          Privatization is a very broad sense may be defined as the transfer of ownership and control right over a firm from the government-owned industries to the private sector.          Commercialization in the other sense is said to be the withdrawal of government funding from parastatals to enable it operate commercially to fund for its existence of operation.          This research work is aim to investigate into the benefit of privatization and commerci...

The Impact of Advertising in Enhancing Sales Volume (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company Ilorin)

PROPOSAL The impact of advertising in an organization can never be over emphasized to the fact that it denotes the medium of awareness creation for the target audience (consumer). Advertising according to G.B. gills is “a non-personal communication directed at target audience through various communications in order to present and promote products, service and ideas the cost of media space or time being borne by the sponsor or advertiser”. As it simply implies that the audience is the tar...

Sales Promotion as a Tool for Achieving Organizational Goals and Objectives. (A Case Study of First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Ilorin Kwara State)

ABSTRACT The project topic “sales promotion as a tool for a achieving organizational goals and objectives. The promotion in the design and management by marketing sub system for the purpose of informing and preloading present and potential customers. The study entails a lot of problems, which are lack of market concept and management problems in achieving organizational goals and objectives Marjory in Nigeria. Researcher make use of questionnaire, and interview for its method of collecting...

The Significant of Investment Appraisal Techniques to Management Decision Making (A Case Study of United Bank Of Africa)

  TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certificate Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE 1.0    General Introduction of the research 1.1    Introduction 1.2    Statement of the research problem 1.3    Objective of the study   1.4    Significance of the study 1.5    Scope and Limitation of the study 1.6    Research methodology 1.7    Organisation of the study 1.8    Definition of term 1.9    The general hypothesis CHAPTER TWO:       ...

Revenue Generation in Local Government Area (A Case Study of Ifelodun Local Government Kwara State)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgements Table of content CHAPTER ONE 1.1      Introduction 1.2      Statement of problems 1.3      Purpose of the study 1.4      Scope of the study 1.5      Organization of student CHAPTER TWO 2.1      Literature review 2.2      Definition of the term CHAPTER THREE 3.1      Research methodology 3.2      Research design 3.3      Population of the study 3.4      Sampling meth...

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