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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Optimal Extraction Of Natural Gas In Tanzania: Empirical Test Of Hotelling’s Principle

ABSTRACT There are huge expectations that Tanzania’s current natural gas discoveries and extraction would provide significant growth in the economy. However, there are no empirical studies conducted to provide the understanding of the potential and efficient resource extraction paths, shadow prices, cost components and behavior of gas extracting firms, whether firm’s are operating in a manner predicted by Hotelling’s theory and its dynamic optimality condition. We use panel Feasible Ge...

Local Government Authority Performance Management Practices: Analysis Of The Functional Organizational Assessment Tool (Foat)

ABSTRACT Performance Management (PM) includes a range of processes, techniques and methods that facilitate the identification of targets and measurement of progress towards achieving them. Ghana’s Local Government System has prioritized PM as a primary measure of ensuring that local development efforts are driven by value-for-money and accountability dictates. The Functional Organisational Assessment Tool (FOAT) is a PM tool for assessing Municipals, Metropolitans and District Assemblies (...


ABSTRACT This study examined the effect of corporate social responsibility on organizational performance in Durabe Bakery, Minna, Niger State. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. The research design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey design. The sample of the study constituted of 100 respondents. A questionnaire was used to gather data while table and simple percentage were used to analyze the data. Major findings revealed that CSR ranges as actions that...

The Challenges and Prospects of Tax Administration in Minna, Nigeria Using Mutunci Block Industry as a Case Study

ABSTRACT This study examined the challenges and prospects of tax administration in Minna, Nigeria using Mutunci Block Industry as a case study. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. The research design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey design. The sample of the study constituted of 20 respondents. A questionnaire was used to gather data while table and simple percentage were used to analyse the data. Major findings revealed that tax administration helps i...

The Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance Using Selected Firms in Bida Local Government Area, Niger State

ABSTRACT This study examined impact of motivation on employee performance using selected firms in Bida Local Government Area of Niger State as the study area. The research design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey design.  The sample of the study constituted of 230 respondents. A questionnaire was used to gather data while table and simple percentage were used to analyze the data. Major findings revealed that employees are the most important resource to the organization because...

Issues and Challenges in the Adoption of IFRS for SMEs in Chanchaga, Niger State

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to assess issues and challenges in the adoption of IFRS for SMEs in Chanchaga, Niger State. Three research questions were formulated in line with the objectives of the study. Descriptive method was adopted and data were collected through the use of questionnaire. Data generated were analyzed with tables, and simple percentage. The study found out that Government policies geared towards encouraging organizations to adopt the standard and self-enforcement b...

The Political Appointment Of Chief Executives Into Government Agencies And Its Effects On Morale Of Civil Servants In Ghana: Ghana Standards Authority As A Case Study

ABSTRACT This study aimed to find out the effect of political appointment of a Chief Executive on the morale of workers. In order to understand this intrigues factor, this study employed and used a robust methodology (mixed-method approach) to examine how political appointments affect the morale of workers. A total of 151 participants; 4 directors, 21 heads and 126 first-line employees were used for quantitative analysis whilst 6 participants; 3 management and 3 non management workers were i...

The Effect of Household Waste Disposal on Household Health Expenditure in Ghana

ABSTRACT Improper disposal of household waste induces diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea, cholera, typhoid among others which have consequences on healthcare expenditure in a developing country like Ghana. This study investigated the effect of household waste disposal on household health expenditure in Ghana and as well examined the socio-economic and demographic factors that influence healthcare expenditure among Ghanaian households. The study employed the Tobit estimation technique and da...

Causes Of Teenage Pregnancy In Senya Bereku Community Of Awutu- Efutu- Senya District

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to investigate into factors contributing to teenage pregnancy in the Senya- Bereku community of the Awutu-Effutu-Senya District, which has a high drop out rate of girls in the educational facilities make recommendations to the District Health Management Team and District Assembly of Awutu-Effutu-Senya District. The dissertation is based on data collected from the field between June 2004 and June 2005. Data on 200 adolescents of which 82 was male, 1...

Examining Savings And Aspirations In African Slums: Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT Savings is an important mechanism that drives capital formation and economic growth. Savings behavior among slum dwellers is a topic of interest since individuals from these areas are seen as low income earners living in squalor. The aim of this study is to examine the savings behavior as well as the employment and accommodation aspirations of residents of Jamestown, and Nima, comparing them to those of residents in Kanda, a non-slum community. A total of two hundred and forty respo...


ABSTRACT The use of electronic banking products as been noted to be successfully implemented in most developed countries around the world, paving the way for the appreciation of a cashless society. Most Western economies emphasise the use of electronic transactions mediums for the purchase and delivery of products between sellers to consumers. In as much as these electronic transaction mediums are used for fast moving consumer goods in the developed countries; it is also practiced in the ban...

Economics Extended Essay IB 2021: Market Failure - Measures Taken to Reduce Smoking in Berlin

How has Berlin, Germany tackled the smoking epidemic in the last year? What has this resultedin?This research paper would help answer that question. 

An Evaluation of the Performance of Nigerian Stock Exchange in the Economic Development of Nigeria

The purpose of this project is to evaluation of the performance of the Nigerian stock exchange (NSE) in Nigeria and to the overall financial development of the economy. It would be noted that the success of an industry of firm depends largely on the capital recourses available to the industry and this will also be reflected in the development of the economy. It has been noted that with the cost importance of the capital market a lot has been achieved by the nation. It can be noted that capita...

Effect of Workplace Flexibility on Employee Engagement: A Study of Covenant University

The aim of this research is to examine the relation between the availability of flexible work arrangements employee engagement of academic staff of Covenant University.  The stud employed a survey research design. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting 246 respondents for the study. The data for the study were collected through the use of structured questionnaire. The data generated were analyzed with the using descriptive statistics of mean, regression and spearman rank corr...

Impact of Fundamental Factor on Stock Price of Nepalese Commercial Bank

This study is carried out with the objective of determining the impact of fundamental factors on stock price of Nepalese commercial banks. The fundamental factor in this study includes Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Earnings per Share (EPS), Non-performing Loan to Total Loan (NPL) and Credit Deposit Ratio (CD). The fundamental data and stock price data of past 4 years i.e. (2013-14 to 2016-17) of 14 banks selected on the basis of judgement sampling has been taken for the purp...

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