The usage of venture capital is fundamental for the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for economic and political development of a nation. SMEs in emerging economies do experience growth constraints compared to those in developed countries, in terms of institutional longevity, asset base, employment and revenue generation. Growth of registered SMEs in Kenya declined from 204 SMEs in the year 1999 to 47 in the year 2015 representing 77% drop in SMEs. Subsequently, over 50% of SMEs c...
Commercial banks in Kenya have adopted alternative banking platforms that, because alternative banking has become synonymous with commercial banks in Kenya, reflect a change in the delivery of banking and financial services. Although banks have been able to exploit available technology to provide customers with alternative avenues for banking services, the challenge facing them today is to maximize the use of these channels in order to enhance their performance. The study investigated effects...
This study was to determine factors that influence leadership succession in family owned businesses in Kenya. The overall research problem that was addressed in this study was that despite family owned businesses forming a large part of the economies around the globe, such businesses fail during transitions from one generation to another. Although there are many possible explanations that suggest why such firms are unable to perpetuate themselves into future generations, leadership succession...
Small scale traders are fast growing sectors of the economy due to their simple nature of operations. The growth of this sector of the economy is due to the increase in unemployment rate as a result of increase in population. It is therefore important for the government to tap the revenue from this sector to contribute to the overall revenue of the country. Tax is a vital source of revenue for the government yet it has never been easy for the tax authorities to ensure that most taxpayers are ...
Since independence, oil imports in Kenya have been rising mainly to sustain the nascent transport, manufacturing, energy, agriculture and maritime sectors among other uses in the country. The growth in the country’s oil import bill has however been closely related to public spending in the health and education sectors which experienced shocks owing to the growth in expenditures apportioned to the rising volume of oil imports. Given the significance of the social pillar of the Kenya Vision 2...
Attitude means a feeling or an opinion about something or someone or a way of behaving that is caused by this feeling or opinion. Knowledge of entrepreneurship is likely to shape the attitude of the young people and motivate them to start their own business or come up with new innovations in the future without just expecting to end up in the white collar jobs or being employed. Over the years the young people have been found to favour being employed rather than coming up with their own busi...
Commercial banks’ role of intermediation between borrowers and lenders plays a critical role in money creation process. The taking of deposits and lending it to borrowers makes banking industry a special business. However, this unique banking characteristic exposes banks to risk-taking. Lending may lead to accumulation of risky loan portfolio that may eventually affect the stability of the whole banking industry. Banks performance can be measured using different key performance indicators t...
Banking sector have had high competition in Kenya due to large number of commercial banks and rising increase of Micro Finance Institution as well as Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies. Customer loyalty is inevitable and each bank straggles to outdo each other in getting the greatest customer numbers leading to them investing in different marketing strategies. The study sought to investigate the effect of marketing mix on customer loyalty in commercial banks in Kericho County, Kenya. The...
The agricultural sector plays a critical role in the Kenyan economy; it contributes to about 30 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs over 40 percent of total population. It also accounts for more than 60 percent of export earnings and about 45 percent of government revenue. Indeed the sector forms a strong base for food security, creation of employment and generation of foreign exchange. Majority of industries in Kenya are agro-based, making the agriculture sect...
Change management is a style of management that aiming to at encourage individuals and organizations to deal effectively with their work place changes. For change management to be successful and positively impact, organizational supervisors or managers should enroll employee participation and understand what motivates their team. Organizations undergoing transformations must have teams that champion the change process. This demands that all employees within the institutions desiring change e...
The Airline industry in Kenya is faced by several challenges. The challenges being faced include diminishing market potential, high fuel prices, safety records, need for skilled human resources, internal liberalization, high taxes and the environment. While looking at the market capacity and potential perspective, intercontinental capacity to and from Africa by African airlines currently stands at 36.4% compared with 63.6% by non-African airlines mainly from Europe, the Middle East and lately...
The public has for long time complained about the performance of customs and border control department due to its numerous complex procedures for clearance of goods imported to the country. This study examines the effectiveness of the computerized system on the performance of Customs and border control department of Kenya Revenue Authority. The research design used for this study was descriptive survey. The target population was 120. The sample chosen comprised staff working in various tax co...
The purpose of this study was to establish teachers’ causal attributions and their perceived self-efficacy in controlling adolescent health risk behaviors (bullying, early sex initiation and drug/substance abuse). Objectives included establishing: the prevalence of health risk behaviors among adolescents; teachers’ causal attributions for adolescent health risk behaviors; gender differences in causal attributions; differences in teacher causal attributions based on teaching experience; ...
Current account is one of the components in the Balance of Payment of a country. It covers all the transactions that involve the real sources (goods, services, income).It comprises the international balances of transactions in trade of goods and services, factor income and current transfers. Current account balance is significant because it is key economic indicator of country’s external performance. Despite this voluminous literature, there is hardly any consensus as regards the determinan...
Understanding organizational performance in the construction industry has become more critical due to the stiff competition in the market. This has necessitated the need for learning, invention, innovation, flexibility and how to manage change and knowledge in the construction industry are also some of the critical issues that necessitate attention to the organizational Performance in the construction industry today. There has been continued growth of the need for adoption strategic manageme...