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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Leadership Styles And Employee Retention: A Case Of Movit Products Limited

ABSTRACT The gist of this study was to establish the relationship between leadership s1 _, k and employee retention at case of Movit Products Limited. ·In order to achieve the defined objectives of this study the researcher adopted across-sectional survey and correlation design. 7 he study involved 50 respondents and a self-administered questionnaire was formulated to gnlher the required informatio n. It was found that, leadership styles have significant impact and effect on employee behavi...

The Role Of Party Politics In Promoting Good Governance In Uganda: A Case Study Of Kampala Capital City Authority

Abstract The purpose of this study was to establish the role of party politics in promoting good governance in Uganda in general and KCCA in particular. This was premised on the argument that whereas party politics have been embraced by many countries across the globe with the fall of communism, and in spite of the fact that it is seen as a panacea for democratisation and good governance, most of the countries that have embraced party politics are far from realizing good governance. The main ...

Local Government System And Good Governance In Uganda A Case Study Of Katrini Sub-County: Arua District

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the relationship between local government system in Uganda and good governance. It was carried out in Katrini sub-county in Arua District, which is located in the West Nile sub region of Uganda. To establish ways through which Local governments in Uganda enhance good governance, to find out challenges that hinder Local governments to foster good governance in Uganda, and to find out possible solutions to the challenges of good governance in local gover...

Analysing the Effectiveness of Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) in the Fight Against HIV/Aids Among the Youth. A Case Study of Mombasa District, Kenya

ABSTRACT HIV/Aids have been a major problem in Africa today especially in Kenya where over 3 million people mainly in the age brackets of 15-49 years are infected. Voluntary Counselling and Testing has been identified as an effective response to the pandemic. An individual can find out whether he is infected with HIV/Aids virus and therefore seek the best health strategies to adopt in order to make life more meaningful whether negative or positive. The main objective of this study was t...

The Effect Of Credit Management On Company Profitability Case Study: Selected Manufacturing Companies In Garowe Puntland Somalia.

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between the credit management and company profitability in selected manufacturing companies in Garowe Puntland, Somalia with the objectives of determining the level of credit management in selected manufacturing companies in Garowe Puntland Somalia, to determine the level of profitability in selected manufacturing companies in Garowe Puntland Somalia and to establish the a relationship between the level credit management and level of profitabil...

The Impacts Of Work Life Balance On The Performance Of Employees In Organizations In Uganda: A Case Study Of Kinyara Sugar Limited-Masindi District

ABSTRACT The study was on the impacts of WLB on the performance of employees in organizations in Uganda. Kinyara Sugar Limited (KSL) was used as a case study. The general objective of the research was to identify the impacts of Work life Balance on the performance of employees in organizations in Uganda. The research problem was broken down into specific objectives. These included: to identify the work Life Balance Initiatives that have been put in place in KSL; to identify the impacts of WL...

Privatization And Employment In Uganda~ A Case Study Of Makindye Division, Kampala District~

ABSTRACT This research was concentrated on Privatization and Employment in Uganda, a case study of Makindye division, Kampala district. The study objectives were; to investigate the impact of Privatization on employment, to determine the level of employment, to determine the level of Privatization and to establish the level of employment in Uganda.Both Qualitative and Quantitative research designs were used. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. The study used simple rand...

The Influence Of Patriarchy On Girl-Child Education In Primary Schools. A Case Study: Mugusu Sub-County Kabarole District

ABSTRACT The study was the influence of patriarchy on girl-child education in primary schools. A case study: Mugusu sub-county in Kabarole district. The main objective of this research study was to find out the influence of patriarchy on girl-child education in Mugusu subcounty. The research instruments include the following; interview guide, a discussion guide and the observation as well. The research study on a whole, found out that patriarchy is part of the culture, Through the views got f...

Stock Market And Performance Of Brokerage Firms In Uganda Case Study: Mbea Brokerage Services (U) Limited

ABSTRACT In Uganda, as in very many developing countries around the world, financial markets are still very shallow, poorly developed and dominated by commercial banks. As a · result, there are few alternative sources of finances other than commercial bank loans. This has greatly contributed to the poor saving culture dominated by most Ugandans. Performance of Brokerage firms has equally been affected by the slow development of stock markets. The general objective of this study was to ...

Health And Safety On The Performance Of Employees In Kenya Case Study: Nzoia Sugar Company

ABSTRACT The repo1i covers five chapters of which at the end, it gives a full analysis on healthy and safety in organization performance. In chapter one the report dwells on the historical background of the study, the location of the study and where geographically located. The social setting of the people around the study area, in terms of the tribe and the language they speak. The Economical settings in terms of revenue and employment. The organizational structure as per the department...

Labour Turnover And Employee Performance: A Case Study Of Kisii Bottlers Limited Cocacola Company In Kenya.

ABSRACT The study set out to investigate the impact of Labour tum over on organization performance at Kisii bottlers limited. It was guided by a number of objectives which were to determine the level of employee Labour turn over at Kisii bottlers limited, to evaluate the causes of Labour turn over at Kisii bottlers limited, to determine the effect of Labour turn over on performance and to establish the ways that can be devised to reduce Labour turn over in the organization. the study was...

The Effects Of Credit Policy On The Performance Of Commercial Banks Case Study: Kenya Commercial Bank; Moi Avenue Branch, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................................................................... . DECLARATION.......................................................................................................................................................... Ill APPROVAL ..............................................................................................................................................................

The Role Of Umurenge Sacco In Promoting Rural Development In Rwanda: A Case Of Kibirizi Division

TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................... i DECLARA1'ION ............................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................

The Role Of Internal Control On Organizational Cash Management A Case Study Of Mulago National Referral Ospital, Kampala Uganda.

ABSTRACT This research report 1s about "The role of internal control on organizational cash management", a Case Study of Mulago National Referral hospital- Uganda. The research was conducted within the course of 60 days, during which much of my attention was focused on studying the procedures and technicalities of understanding treatment. and handling of cash. The introductory part, describes an overview of cash and the background of Mulago hospital, the statement of the problem, resea...

Service Quality And .. Profitability Of National Water And Sewerage Corporation Fort-Portal Area

Abstract. Service Quality and Profitability of National Water and Sewerage Corporation Fort-Portal Area By BY AMUKAMA BRIGHT Bachelor of Business Administration: (finance option) The purpose ofthe study was to investigate what could cause low profitability in NWSC with the high improvements in the services being provided. It focused majorly on the different services that are being offered. how they have been improved and what has led to low profitability in National Water and Sewerage C...

5566 - 5580 Of 19445 Results