Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Contributing Towards Entrepreneurship Development Through University Education.

Abstract This study investigated the contribution of University education towards entrepreneurship development. The contribution of university education is composed of curriculum that encourages practical trainings and skills which can influence one's attitude, encouraged and nurtured creativity and innovations, personality traits and students involvement in Associations of specialized nature. While entrepreneurship development refers to purposeful activity of person(s) undertaken to initiate...

Influence Of External Business Environment On The Success Of Health Projects In Nyandarua County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Due to the increased level of dynamic environment in which projects are implemented organizations face great challenges in ensuring that the projects are successfully delivered on time, within the set budget and as per the clients expectations. Project managers at Nyanadarua County have been facing challenges to deliver sustainable projects that are effective in the long run, deliver the expected outcomes and meet the needs of the client. Therefore, this study aimed at establishing ...

Effect Of Firm Characteristics On Financial Distress Of Non-Financial Firms Listed At Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT Financial distress prediction is a global challenge. The study on financial distress has become more relevant and important because even large firms are failing under unforeseen circumstances causing economic and social problems. Managerial decisions determine firm’s direction, during business cycle process. Many companies have gone into bankruptcy despite using different prediction models. Despite their good rating, they are still prone to financial distress problems. In addition...

Accounting Information Systems And Profitability Of A Business Entity A Case Of Uganda Book Shop

ABSTRACT This research study was basically on accounting information systems and profitability of an institution. Emphasis mad eon types of businesses and their accounting information systems, users of the accounting information, differences between management accounting and financial accounting during discussion making. The accounting concepts/rules, purpose of financial statements, profitability and cash flows, General accepted accounting principles (GAAP), professional ethics and how the f...

Strategic Human Resource Management Practices And Employee Retention In The Software Development Industry In Kenya

ABSTRACT The retention of talented employees is paramount to an organization because employees’ knowledge and skills are central to its ability to be economically competitive. Employees are a key resource that can be strategically placed for an organization to attain competitive advantage. Organizations can increase and sustain their competitive advantage through effective management of human resource as the success of any organization is dependent on the quality and efficiency of its huma...

Leadership And Good Governance In Garowe Puntland Somalia

ABSTRACT The background is pointing out the international, National and the local level wrenches use of L&GG. Secondly it mentions the leadership and good governance variables the dependent and the independent variables of the research study. The Research Objective of this study was to establish the relationship between the leadership and the good governance in garowe Puntland Somalia. The method used: The Researcher used descriptive quantities correlation Research study as research design. I...

Population Growth And Economic Growth 2000-2013 In Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the Effect of population growth rate on Economic growth. The study adopted a cross sectional design which was quantitative and qualitative in nature. It involved descriptive and analytical research designs. The data was tested for reliability, analyzed using statistical package were presented basing on the study objectives. The results revealed a significant negative Effect of population on Economic growth. This means that high levels of popu...

Microfinance And Poverty Reduction In Selected Microfinance Instutions In Nairobi Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to show the relationship between micro finance and pove1iy reduction and how microfinance has led to reduction of poverty in Kenya. The main or general objective of the research was: I. To establish the contribution of micro-finance services in pove1iy reduction in Kenya. II. To identifY the various micro-finance services offered by micro-finance institutions in Kenya.. To identifY the problems that hinder micro-finance services in Kenya. The target popul...

~Rocurement Regulations And The Administration Of The Procurement Procedures In National Roads Authority, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study intended to establish the relationship between Procurement Regulations and the Administration of the Procurement Procedures in National Roads Authority, South Sudan. this study was guided by three objectives which included; (i) to determine the impact of procurement regulation in terms of; innovation and creativity, integrity, unity of purpose, professionalism on administration of the procurement procedure in South Sudan public entities; (ii) to determine the level of admi...

The Role Played By International Organizations In Provision Of Physiological Support To Orphans In Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT This was a study about role played by International organization in provision of physiological needs to orphans. It was conducted in UNICEF located in Kampala Uganda. The objectives of the study were to find out the role played by IOs. In provisions of physiological needs to orphans, challenges that orphan face and lastly the possible remedies to help the orphans overcome the challenges. The sample used was purposive sampling this is because it enables the researcher to satisfy the ...

Effect Of Purchasing Procedures And Policies On The Performance Of Public Institutio~S, A Case Study Of Ministry Of Transport And Communication Entebbe Branch.

ABSTRACT Due to intense competition with in the industry, there is need for ministries to capture a wider market in order to remain sustainable. This has to be through investing in managerial research. Most ministries, policies and procedures as regards to their effect is not a major issue. But you find it's a necessity. The research will help to identify the factors affecting the purchasing policies and procedures within the public institution, examine the professionalism applied with i...

Supply Chain Management And Organization Performance Of Telecommunication Companies In Uganda A Case Study Of Mtn -Uganda

ABSTRACT The research was set to investigate the relationship between relationship between supply chain management and organization perfonnance MTN -Uganda, to establish the impact of logistics management on performance of MTN Company in Uganda. To determine the performance measures used in MTN Company in Uganda to establish the impact of inventory management on performance of MTN Company in Uganda the hypothesis of the study was, there is no relationship between Supply chain management and o...

Accounting Information System And Financial Performance Of Savings And Credit Cooperatives (Saccos), A Case Study Of Kasanda Sub - County Mubende District

ABSTRACT I he Study was driven by the general objective (purpose) to find out the effect of accounting information system on financial performance of SACCOs in Kasanda Sub County, Mubende I )istrict. !he study was guided by the following objectives; to find out the components of accounting information system, effect of accounting infonnation system on financial performance of S/CCOs and establish the qualities effective accounting information system in SACCOs n1c study covered Kasanda Sub Co...

Effect Of Purchasing Procedures And Policies On The Performance Of Public Institutio~S, A Case Study Of Ministry Of Transport And Communication Entebbe Branch

ABSTRACT Due to intense competition with in the industry, there is need for ministries to capture a wider market in order to remain sustainable. This has to be through investing in managerial research. Most ministries, policies and procedures as regards to their effect is not a major issue. But you find it's a necessity. The research will help to identify the factors affecting the purchasing policies and procedures within the public institution, examine the professionalism applied with...

Influence Of Human Rights On Prevalence Rates Of Prostitution In Uganda: A Case Study Of Mbale Municipality

ABSTRACT The study set to assess the influence of human rights on prevalence rates of prostitution in mbale municipality. The study was based on four research objectives which included assessing the causes· of human rights abuse in the Ugandan context, explore the role of human rights on prostitution prevalence in Uganda, establish mechanisms for improving human rights observation and reduction of prostitution in Uganda and to establish the relationship between human rights and prevalence of...

5716 - 5730 Of 19638 Results