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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

An Investigation Into The Factors Inhibiting Entrepreneurial Behaviour Among The Subsistence Maize Farmers: . A Case Of Siaya District

ABSTRACT 80% of the Kenyan Population live in the rural areas and are involved in agriculture on a subsistence basis. This represents a lack of enterprise culture that accounts for the poverty in the rural areas. In order to eradicate poverty in the rural areas the subsistence farmers need be made to adopt an enterprise culture by practicing their main economic activity as a business enterprise. GOK,(2005) To attain this the factors that account for the lack of entrepreneurial behaviour amon...

The Relationship Between Non-Financial Rewards And Teacher Retention In Private Schools In Kirinyagasouth District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the relationship between non-financial rewards and teacher retention in private schools in Kirinyaga-South district. The study intended to identify the extent to which non-financial rewards influence retention of teachers in private schools. Non-financial rewards form part and parcel of a reward system. However, they are often overlooked as the financial rewards take centre-stage. The conceptual framework was aimed at trying to establish the relatio...

The Effect Of The Use Of Marketing Communication Tools On Student Enrollment Among Private Middle Level Colleges In Mombasa

ABSTRACT Marketing communication is a systematic relationship between a business and its market in which the marketer assembles a wide variety of ideas, designs, messages, media, shapes, forms and colours, both to communicate ideas and to stimulate a perception of products and services by individual people who have been _aggregated into a target market. Marketing communications are integrated so that a single message is conveyed by all marketing communications tools. There has been a tremend...

Public Debt And Economic Growth In Kenya

ABSTRACT Public debt remains one of the most critical elements of economic development especially in developing countries. This study focuses on the public debt in Kenya and its effect on economic growth. Most developing countries will expect that public debt will affect the economic growth positively. Thus the resources from public debt should be used to finance government expenditures which will spur economic growth of the country. There is a considerable increase in domestic debt as compa...

Factors That Influence The Processing Of Tax Refunds At Kenya Revenue Authority

ABSTRACT Taxpayers complain that tax refunds process is long and tedious. Delay in tax refunds payment has led to businessmen and traders accusing KRA of being quick to collect tax, but slow in refunding. KRA has in the recent past put in place several measures to ensure that tax refunds are timely processed and paid. These measures are geared to accelerating tax refund processes. However, this has not been the case, and majority of taxpayers have to wait for up to five years before receivin...

Macro-Economic Variables And Performance Of Corporate Bonds At The Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT Corporate bond recorded a poor performance at the Nairobi Securities exchange (NSE) despite its role in funding companies and in spite of its huge potential as a sustainable source of investment. The primary role of a developed also functioning market for bond is provision of cheaper, long-term finance for funding capital investments. Growth of bond markets is critical to the financial and economic systems of a nation. There is a dearth of studies on performance of corporate bonds i...

Factors Influencing Performance Of Rural Development Community-Based Projects In Murang' A South District, Murang' A County

ABSTRACT Projects often possess a specialized set of critical success factors in which if addressed and attention given will improve the likelihood of their success. On the other hand if these factors are not taken seriously they might lead to the failure of the project management. Project management occupies a significant place in the national development and reconstruction. It helps in raising the standards of living as well as accelerating the pace of modernization. It carries a wide spec...

Impact Of Strategic Planning On Organizational Performance: A Case Study Of Equator Flower Farm In Eldoret East District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of strategic planning on organizational performance. The study was conducted at Equator flower farm, Eldoret branch. The objectives of the study was to; to assess the level of organizational policies and action influence on organizational performance at Equator Flowers, Eldoret, to identify the appropriate planning that can be used at Equator Flowers, Eldoret, to determine employees' attitude and participation regarding organiza...

Determinants Of Demand For Family Planning Services In City Slums In Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenya government, in collaboration with other stakeholders involved in the provision of family planning services, have put in place various strategies and policies to increase uptake of family planning services. These are aimed at increasing contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR), reduction in both total fertility rate (TFR) and unmet need for family planning services. Despite the various strategies and policies, total fertility rate still remains high at 4.6 percent, while CPR and ...

Strategic De-Mergers On Organizational Performance Of Madison Group Of Companies In Kenya

ABSTRACT Insurance companies in Kenya are forced to cope with dynamic and competitive environment due to the increased effects of globalization and internationalization. Strategic de-merger is one strategy that aims at differentiating an organization from competitors in a way that in the future it remains competitive. The general objective of the study was to establish the relationship between strategic de-mergers and organizational performance of Madison group of companies in Kenya. Specifi...

Macroeconomic factors and financial performance of commercial banks listed on the nairobi securities exchange, kenya.

ABSTRACT Financial performance is paramount in any given economy. The performance of banks in Kenya is very crucial given the importance of banks in an economy. The financial performance of commercial banks is affected by various macroeconomic factors which this study delved into. This study aimed at contributing to research in determining to what extent macroeconomic factors influence financial performance banks in Kenya. The specific objectives of this study were: to ascertain the effect i...

Success Factors And Strategy Execution In Private Secondary Schools In Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Strategy execution in private schools is critical in the changing education sector. Having a well-designed strategy is good tool in enabling a business to achieve a competitive edge. However, having the strategy alone would not be enough to assure the business a competitive edge. Many businesses, including private schools, find it easier to craft a good strategic plan but then flop when it comes to executing the strategy. Some of the challenges that make strategy execution almost dif...

Effect Of Public Sector Wage Bill On Public Investment And Fiscal Deficit In Kenya

ABSTRACT Public sector wage bill has been growing rapidly in Kenya. The wage bill as a proportion of recurrent expenditure averaged 63 per cent per year between 1993 and 2005 and 56 percent between 2006 and 2017. In addition, public sector wage bill as a percent of gross domestic product has been high averaging 11 per cent between 2006 and 2017. This is compared to seven per cent international benchmark and Kenya government’s target of eight per cent by 2017 and six per cent by 2020. The g...

Challenges Facing Implementation Of Telehealth Projects In Kenya

ABSTRACT Telemedicine projects seek to reduce burdens on these valuable resources by improving access to medical care for populations with sub-standard access to quality health care, no matter where they are physically located. Thus this research sought to investigate the determinants of implementation of telehealth projects in Kenya. In telehealth, information systems support goals of increased efficiency, effectiveness and quality of care. This could be achieved by facilitating the move tow...

Stakeholder Engagement Conflicts And Implementation Of Expansion And Modernisation Projects At Jomo Kenyatta International Airport In Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT World air traffic is expected to grow substantially in the next decade and beyond. Associated with this are accelerated programs to build new airports and expand existing ones. Currently, there are numerous expansion projects taking place at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (J.K.I.A). The implementation of these projects involves the struggle to achieve project objectives and at the same time meeting the expectations of various stakeholders without compromising the outcome of the ...

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