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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Health Expenditure and Economic Growth Nexus: A Review of Empirical Literature

This article reviews empirical literature on the relationship between health and economic growth across different geographical jurisdictions in Ghana.

Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) and SMEs Performance in Some Selected States in the North Central Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study examined the axiomatic determinant of SHRM and SMEs performance in some selected states in the North central Nigeria in both private and public service sector of the economy. The study adopted a stratified sampling technique to arrive at 369 sample elements for the study. Some of the owner/managers of SMEs were interviewed to further elicit information on the key variables. Copies of the questionnaire were administered and the data obtained were analyzed using Multivariat...

Impact of Entrepreneurship Education and Perceived social norms on Entrepreneurship Intention among youths

ABSTRACT Available data shows that unemployment is one of the challenges confronting the youth in many developing countries including Nigeria. Government has formulated a number of policies to combat the menace. And these include the introduction entrepreneurship training in all tertiary institutions in the country. The objective of this study is therefore to investigate the extent to which Entrepreneurship Education and the Perception of the society influence the Entrepreneurship intention o...

Challenges of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in the North-Central Nigeria

Abstract The Nigerian government places emphasis on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for socio- economic development and employment generation.  Consequently, owners/managers of SMEs in private sector adopt various strategies in order to achieve these set objectives. One of the strategies that can be of immense benefit is the adoption of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) practices. However, existing studies on SHRM are mostly concerned with financial institutions and big companie...

Thematic Analysis on Challenges of SMEs and Growth Opportunities Towards Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery in Nigeria (A Case Study of Women Owned Enterprises))

Abstract  The aim of this study is to investigate the challenges of pandemic on selected small and medium enterprises in Nigeria, with a view to ascertaining the need to making tremendous effort in addressing the economic impact of COVID-19. The primary objective of this paper is to explicitly make a shift by building a comprehensive theoretical basis for the impact of COVID-19 on SMEs in order to shift forward for post-COVID-19 economy recovery in the country. This study used thematic anal...

Chief Executive Officer Attributes and Sustainability Reporting of Banks in Nigeria

Abstract Chief Executive Officers as managers are the main drivers in determining an organization's performance. Therefore, CEOs adoption of sustainability reporting as a corporate strategy would help to attain long term survival and growth. In line with this knowledge, this study examined the impact of CEO attributes on the sustainability reporting of banks in Nigeria. CEOs' ownership, expertise, tenure and nationality were proxies for CEO attributes. A sample of ten (10) listed deposit mon...

Financial Inclusion, MSMEs and Its Impact on Deposit Money Banks Performance in Nigeria

This study examined the impact of financial inclusion on financial performance of listed Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. The study measured financial inclusion using Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Financing, Rural Financing, Number of branches of DMBs, Pricing and Usage of banking services, while performance was measured with return on assets (ROA). This study adopted ex-post facto research design. The population of the study comprised of the 14 listed deposit money banks on the ...

Assessment of the Process Flow and Data Management within Engineering Departments: The Case of Huawei Technologies Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the process flow and data management within engineering departments of Huawei Technologies. The problem solved in this project was the challenge associated with product data management system within the engineering departments of Huawei Technologies. The methods adopted to address the problem were; the use of the mixed research approach (i.e; both qualitative and quantitative) for data gathering and analyses. Also, 100 employees were the main ...

Attempting Diachronic extensions of symbiotic approaches to socio-cultural change: Developing techniques to assess socio-cultural changes over a period in time

This paper expands our two already published papers on socio-cultural change in diachronic ways. Our proposed approach to socio-cultural change was called the “Proactive-interactive-symbiotic approach to long-term cultural change”, also known as the “Symbiotic School of socio-cultural change” in short. These two papers were published by us in the years 2017 and 2018 respectively, and the concepts and the ideals propounded therein, we referred to multiple times in several of our downst...

Effects of System Automation in Enhancing Customs Performance at the Port of Mombasa Kenya

ABSTRACT System automation is usually applied to improve customs performance. System automation plays a significant role in simplifying and harmonizing borders and administrative procedures. It leads to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in the customs system. The poor customs performance at the port of Mombasa can be attributed to lengthy procedures of customs clearance, rapid growth of container trade, frequent KRA and KPAIT system breakdown, a gateout process that is slow and slow con...

Factors Affecting the Implementation of Single Window System: A Case Study of Namanga Border Station

The study established factors influencing the performance ofsingle window system at Namanga Border Station. For the implementation of the single window system to be successful,there needs to be good attention that is projected towards the employees, cost incurred during implementation process andmanagement. Failure and the success of an organization are based on themeasures put in place during the implementation process. Numerousorganizations today face a lot of challenges that are mainly con...

Traditional Institutions and the Democratisation Process in Nigeria (2015-2020)

ABSTRACT The research project titled “Traditional Institutions and Democratization process in Nigeria 2015-2020, was guided by three research objectives; to find out contributions of traditional institutions in Nigeria democratic process, to investigate the relationship between traditional institutions and modern day democracy; to discover challenges facing traditional institutions within the Nigeria democratic space. The research adopted descriptive survey and Purposive sampling was used...

Psycho-Social and Financial Problems of Cancer Patients: An Empirical Study

Cancer is one of the major non-communicable diseases which increase morbidity and mortality in India. Many people become victims due to Cancer. WHO (2008) define Cancer as a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body. Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body, which is made up of trillions of cells. The present study is conducted to understand the psycho-social and financial problems of Cancer patients and find out the respon...

The Impact of Computerized Accounting System on Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs)

During the primitive age very little or no notes were taken into proper record especially those activities and transactions involving money. The records and notes were usually taken either in memory (human being) or some marks on the ground or trees. As man developed from this primitive era to more complex economic society, there occurs notable growth and expansion in his way of life and activities he undertakes. During this time, the most disturbing problems that man faced was that there wer...

The Role of Human Resources Management as Tools for Productivity in Hotels

Human resource management is defined as a system of activities and strategies that. Focus on successfully managing employees at all levels of an organization to achieve. organizational goals (Byars & Rue, 2006). Human resources are the life blood of an organization. Despite the advent and application of technology in modern business management, human resources are still relevant and most adaptive resources of the organization. The strategic values of HR stem from the fact that apart from othe...

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