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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Effectiveness Of Undugu Society Programmes In Empowering Female Commercial Sex Workers In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Undugu Society of Kenya plays a major role in including CSWs in the current world-wide effort to emancipate the women through empowerment programmes. USK runs several empowerment programmes such as health, education, microfinance, guidance and counselling among others. Despite the efforts by USK to empower CSWs by doing all the positive things that should retain them, most CSWs keep going back to the sex trade. The study sought to assess the effectiveness of these programmes in empow...

Determinants Of Competitive Advantage Among Private Universities In Kenya

x ABSTRACT Over the last ten years, there has been a significant growth in the Education sector. This has been created by the high demand of higher education in the market. Public universities through the joint admission board (J.A.B) can only admit approximately 10,000 students of all the qualified students. This has led to the introduction of private universities which admit the remaining qualified students who do not get to be admitted in the public universities. In Kenya today, the privat...

Domestic Debt Financing And Economic Development Of Nigeria (1990 – 2004).

ABSTRACT This study is on Domestic Debt Financing and Economic Development of Nigeria (1990 – 2004). The research considered the sources of domestic debt financing and their effect on economic development of Nigeria. The study employed a statistical framework to test four hypotheses. Secondary data were used for the study. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the relationship that exists between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the dependent variable and sources of domestic debt fi...

Corporate Governance And Performance Of Selected Savings And Credit Cooperative Societies In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The rate at which the SACCO sector is becoming increasingly crucial to the Kenyan economy is high. The sector provides key in the nation as it controls around 43 per of gross domestic product (GDP). The cross-cutting issues affecting co-operatives are governance, weak regulations and supervision as well as risks involved in investments. Top on the list and one which results to SACCO failures, stagnation and collapse is lack of a framework to ensure enforcement, regulatory and supervi...

Determinants Of Physical Violence On Married Women By Their Spouses In Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Kenya is an endemic that has affected the lives of women across the country. Violence against women can cause long-term physical and mental health problems. Violence and abuse affect not just the women involved but also their children, fami-lies, and communities. These effects include harm to an individual’s health, possibly long-term harm to children, and harm to communities such as lost work and homelessness. As a result many initiatives have been c...

Strategy Implementation And Performance Contracting In Regulatory State Corporations In Kenya: A Case Of Kenya Dairy Board

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of strategy implementation on performance contracting in Regulatory State Corporations in Kenya with specific reference to Kenya Dairy Board. This study was guided by the following specific objectives: to establish the influence of organizational structure, financial resources, organizational norm and communication on performance contracting in Regulatory State Corporations in Kenya. This study employed a descriptive survey r...

The Effect Of Child Day Care Facilities On The Perfomance Of Working Mothers In The Banking Industry In Nairobi County Kenya.

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to establish the effect of absence of child day care facilities in the .banking industry in Nairobi County. It also sought to establish the extent of the corporation‘s implementation of day care facilities programmes and find out influence on the productivity of the working mothers. The specific objectives studied included motivation, leadership and turn over. The population of the employees of different cadres was used to enable proper representation of a...

Government Support Services And Sustainability Of Small Scale Irrigation Farming Projects In, Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agriculture is a dominant sector of the Kenyan economy and contributes 25 percent of the GDP. Being the highest foreign exchange earner Growth is anticipated to propel the fulfillment of the 2030 vision. In line with the GoK initiatives various government agencies have initiated irrigation projects over the years, in particular small scale irrigation projects with great emphasis on sustainable development. So that food supply in the country is safe, the government has advocated for m...

Determinants Of Sustainability Of Family Economic Empowerment Projects Undertaken By Child Welfare Society Of Kenya In Nairobi City County, Kenya

xii ABSTRACT As the basic social unit, the family requires protection to ensure that children grow in a well-rounded environment and that they achieve their potential. For this reason, Child Welfare Society of Kenya (CWSK) implements Family Economic Empowerment Projects (FEEPs) with an aim of economically empowering families and making them financially independent. This in turn results to prevention of family separation and breakdowns. However, according to several Annual Reports of CWSK, sus...

Influence Of E-Procurement On Strategic Sourcing In The Judiciary Of Kenya

ABSTRACT The use of e-procurement is expected to enhance inter-organizational coordination and result in significant economic benefits. Many organizations that have implemented the software have proved to be beneficial. Even though the overall benefits of web-based systems are established, there is a need to understand the conditions that lead to different levels of benefits among different organizations, and even among different business units within the same organization. The government of ...

Effect Of Credit Risk Management On Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks Listed At The Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT One of the major roles that banks in the Kenyan economy play is credit creation. Credit creation comes with risks and credit risk is the most critical risk. Credit risk needs to be management prudently as it impacts negatively on performance. It is thus important to study how various banks manage credit risk for effective policy. This main study sought to find the effect of credit risk management on the performance of commercial banks listed at the Nairobi Securities exchange in Keny...

Effects Of Rewards Strategies On Employee Performance Of Farm Concern International, Kenya

ABSTRACT The ability to offer fair reward is vital to management if they are to attract, motivate and retain their good employee performance. Farm Concern International (FCI) has been operating different reward system to its employees in different programmes. This has resulted in low overall performance. In order to increase overall performance, FCI management adopted a new strategy of a central reward system where employees were rewarded uniformly. However, the effect of this reward strategy...

Determinants Of Investment In The Nigerian Economy: An Empirical Approach (1981-2009).

ABSTRACT This study centred on the Determinants of Investment in the Nigerian Economy: An Empirical Approach, 1981 – 2009. In attempt to achieve the objective, hypotheses were formulated and data for the study collected from the CBN statistical bulletin, annual report and statements of accounts, covering the period of 1981-2009. The data were analyzed using E-views econometric software under the ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis. The study revealed that there is a significant...

Participation In Microfinance And Its Effects On Household Welfare And Performance Of Micro And Small Enterprises In Kenya

ABSTRACT The development of microfinance in Kenya is seen as a catalyst for promoting household welfare and performance of micro and small enterprises (MSEs). Through various policy frameworks, the sub-sector has recorded considerable increases in; microfinance gross lending, usage of informal microfinance and the number of licensed microfinance banks. Despite these developments, households continue to face low levels of welfare while MSEs continue to suffer from high levels of financial excl...

Organizational Behaviour And Performance In Kenya; A Case Of Nairobi Bottlers Limited

ABSTRACT This study sought to find out the influence of organizational behavior on organizational performance among beverage manufacturing companies in Kenya with Nairobi Bottlers Limited being the case study. The objectives of the study was to determine the influence of leadership on the performance of Nairobi Bottlers Limited, to explore the influence of employee motivation on organizational performance of Nairobi Bottlers Limited, to establish how employee job satisfaction influences the p...

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