ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate leadership styles (transactional and transformational) among bank workers and to ascertain whether it moderated the relationship between workload and occupational stress. The study adopted the quantitative research approach. Purposive and convenience sampling techniques were used in select participating banks and respondents for the study. In all, four banks participated in the study and a total of 250 structured questionnaires administere...
ABSTRACT In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in the filing of presidential electoral disputes for purposes of resolution by the courts. This trend which can be observed globally has placed courts at the centre of the resolution of presidential election disputes as well as other electoral disputes. This central judicial role in resolving electoral disputes notwithstanding, a general analysis suggests that the judicial systems across the globe have been reluctant in annulling...
ABSTRACT The retention of talented employees is paramount to an organization because employees’ knowledge and skills are central to its ability to be economically competitive. Employees are a key resource that can be strategically placed for an organization to attain competitive advantage. Organizations can increase and sustain their competitive advantage through effective management of human resource as the success of any organization is dependent on the quality and efficiency of its huma...
ABSTRACT Agency banking roll-out in Kenya was meant to address the low financial inclusion in Kenya. As per the 2009 National financial access survey, 32% Kenya‟s bankable population is still totally out of the financial services orbit. Difficulties in accessing financial services main drivers are; long distance to banking channels and relative high costs of accessing financial services. In a bid to bridge the financial access divide and improve its access among the most vulnerable sections...
ABSTRACT The study investigates the regulatory capital effects on the liquidity risk of indigenous Ghanaian banks. The proxy for regulatory capital is the ratio of the sum of tier 1 and tier 2 capital to total assets and the proxy for liquidity risk is 1/ (liquid assets/Total assets). To achieve set objectives of the study, a Pearson correlation was run along with scatter plots to investigate the relationship between the variables of the study for five local commercial banks in Ghana coverin...
ABSTRACT Considering the level of inequality (GINI) and its importance in economic performance and the attainments of human development (HD), this paper examines the role of inequality in the translation of economic growth (GDPG) to HD. The study was conducted using 39 African countries from the period of 1980 to 2015. A change in non-income HD measure (△HD) comprising life expectancy at birth and education with a five-year difference was computed. An average for every five-year period cor...
ABSTRACT Project management is the discipline of organizing and managing resources in such a way that these resources deliver all the work required to complete a project within defined scope, time, and cost constraints. The main purpose of the study was to analyze determinants influencing performance of Agricultural projects with special reference to the NALEP projects in Ruiru District. The target population was 41 NALEP projects. Descriptive research design was adopted in the study. The res...
ABSTRACT Urban poverty in Ghana is an emerging phenomenon which is gradually gaining much attention as the focus has always been on rural poverty. The poor in urban areas experience low incomes, insufficient infrastructure and social services, living in slums, etc. which hinder their progress. This case study of urban poverty is on the Ashiedu Keteke Sub-Metropolitan District (AKSD) of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), which is an urban area that has experienced urban poverty over the y...
ABSTRACT Uganda has witnessed persistent poor employee performance in public organizations since mid 60s, which scholars attribute to the 1966/67 crisis and the political turmoil of the early 70s up to mid 80s. Despite government‟s effort to avert the crisis by introducing reforms to improve employee performance, the situation has not improved. The study‟s main objective was to investigate whether there is a relationship between performance management practices (decision rights, incentive...
ABSTRACT Employees are the greatest assets in any organization, their contribution in trying to achieve the goals of an institution cannot be underestimated. Hence the pillar of any organization is the human resource department, which deals with hiring these people. They say ‘hire right, get it right’, hiring the competent and retaining them is the most challenging task faced by human resource personnel, since employee separation has been a major issue in most organizations over the years...
ABSTRACT The increase of construction activities due to development in developing countries increases the generation of construction waste. Effective waste management services can save business money and benefit the environment at the same time. However, the Nairobi City County faces many challenges to manage construction waste disposal such as insufficiently stringent legislation, poor enforcement, inadequate facilities and collection network, low public awareness and lack of capacity and ne...
ABSTRACT All over the world, conventional lending to the poor has traditionally been considered infeasible as a result of the riskiness of loans that are not secured with adequate collateral. In such circumstances joint liability institutions, step in to lend to groups of people and where the entire group is considered responsible for default by any one member. In places where group lending has been practiced there have been mixed results with some enterprises growing and repaying their loans...
ABSTRACT The East African Community (EAC) is actively pursuing the formation of a monetary union by 2023. The EAC is located in the eastern part of Africa and is made up of six neighbouring countries namely; Burundi, South Sudan, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The countries have so far made considerable progress towards monetary integration with the establishment of a customs union in 2005 and a common market in 2010. The EAC Monetary Union (EAMU) protocol lays the groundwork for the mo...
ABSTRACT The study investigates the market relevance of university accounting programmes in Ghana. Objectives of the study were: to ascertain the perception of employers on the market relevance of accounting education in Ghanaian universities; to ascertain the skill-set requirements by employers; and to ascertain the contribution of industrial attachment to the performance of graduate accounting employees. Data was collected from players in academia (mainly on the programme content of the un...
ABSTRACT Customer service delivery has become relevant in modern organizations due to global competition requiring a need for employees to be sensitive to the needs of clients. It is therefore necessary that psychological factors which influence customer services are investigated. This study aimed at exploring the relationships among self monitoring, job crafting and contextual performance among customer service employees. Data for the study was collected from 254 customer service personnel,...