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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Economic Integration And Intra-Regional Agricultural Trade In West Africa

ABSTRACT There has been an increase in West Africa trade on the global value chain but not so on the intra-regional level. This study which is motivated, among others, by the debate on the role of Economic integration as a determinant of bilateral trade performance, provides an empirical investigation on the effects of trade cost, trade policy and infrastructure quality on bilateral trade flows in Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for the period 2006 to 2015. The augmented gr...

Corporate Governance And Financial Performance Of Banks: A Study Of Listed Banks In Nigeria

ABSTRACT   An international wave of mergers and acquisitions has swept the banking industry as boundaries between financial sectors and products have blurred dramatically. There is therefore the need for countries to have sound resilient banking systems with good corporate governance, which will strengthen and upgrade the institution to survive in an increasingly open environment. In Nigeria, the Central Bank unveiled new banking guidelines designed to consolidate and restructure the indus...

Customer Experience Management And Loyalty In Healthcare Sector: A Study Of Selected Private Hospitals In Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Sequel to the emergence of the service economy, marketing, which was known for only physical goods has now widened its scope to cover all areas of services. As a result of the frantic efforts made by service marketers to ensure that services are not merely delivered, but experienced by the consumers, the world economy has witnessed a metamorphosis from a service economy to an experience economy. The healthcare sector is following suit. It is on this premise that this study exam...

Effect Of Employee Motivation On Organizational Productivity

ABSTRACT The issue of motivation has continually posed a big challenge to business organizations around the globe especially in the manufacturing industries where high levels of productivity affect or play a major role in determining the profitability, growth, development, stability and future success of an organization. Therefore an organization in a bid to achieve success in maintaining a competitive edge over its rival as well as avoid a steady decline in the productivity levels of its emp...

Pecerptions Of Students On Entrepreneurship Education And Entrepreneurial Intentions In Selected Nigerian Universities

Abstract Entrepreneurship education is considered as a potent tool for influencing students‘ learning orientation and expression of entrepreneurial implementation intentions. This study examined the effects of entrepreneurship education and learning orientation on entrepreneurial implementation intentions of students in the first four universities in Nigeria to offer a degree in entrepreneurship. Sequential explanatory mixed method was employed using survey and semi-structured interviews as...

An Empirical Examination Of Environmental Kuznets Curve (Ekc) In West Africa (1980 – 2012)

ABSTRACT This study focused on the empirical examination of Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) in West Africa and tried to discover whether or not the EKC held in West Africa for carbon emissions (CO2) which is an indicator of environmental quality. The study included the entire sixteen countries located in the West African region and spanned the time period from 1980-2012. The panel data estimation technique was carried out and the result generated from our analysis was that of the fixed effe...

Workers’ Remittances And Economic Growth In Selected, Sub-Saharan African Countries

ABSTRACT Remittance flows to Sub-Saharan African (SSA) region has steadily been on the increase in recent history. Unlike capital inflows which generally create obligations for future outflows either in the form of debt servicing or investment income and other payments, remittance inflows do not as they are generally unilateral and unrequited. This thesis investigates the economic growth and developmental role of workers’ remittances in selected Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. Specific...

Child Labour And Family Livelihood, A Case Study Of Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State

ABSTRACT The study examines child labour and family livelihood in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. In the process of sampling techniques, purposive and snowballing non-random sampling teclu1iques were adopted. Using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to analyze the information collected from 150 participants through questionnaire, while scheduled interview was conducted to gain information from 8 parents that have children that engage in income generating activities in their ...

Influence Of Gender And Locality On Alcohol Abuse Among Secondary School Students In Ekiti State.

ABSTRACT Issue of alcohol use among secondary school students is becoming a thing of concern to the world at large. The present study investigated the influence of gender and locality on alcohol abuse among secondary school students in Ekiti state. The study adopted ex-post facto research design. A total of 200 undergraduates were accidentally sampled in the study. These participants were administered with severe alcohol dependence questionnaire (SADQ) together with demographic information. ...

Postmodern Organization And Service Delivery In The Banking Industry In Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The banking industry in any economy is expected to be the engine room of economic growth and development. The industry globally, has employed practices that have challenged the continued relevance of the ideal bureaucratic model of Max Weber in order to improve in its service delivery. These global practices that are at variance with the bureaucratic model are regarded in this study as postmodern organization. Postmodern organization has contributed to quality service delivery in mos...

Assessment Of Determinants Of Fiscal Policy In Nigeria (1980-2014)

ABSTRACT This study examined the determinants of fiscal policy in Nigeria (1980-2014). To do this, it reviewed government expenditure as a determinant of fiscal policy in Nigeria. The study adopted Ordinary Least Squared Method in its analysis using data from Central bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin. This study made use of secondary data to assess the determinants of fiscal policy in Nigeria. It reviewed the Keynesian theory of fiscal policy and the classical view of government expenditur...

Efficacy Of Cognitive Restructuring And Behavioural Rehearsal On Conduct Disorder In Adolescents In Special Correctional Centres In Lagos State

ABSTRACT The work efficacy of Cognitive Restructuring and Behavioural Rehearsal on Conduct Disorder in Adolescents in Special Correctional Centres in Lagos State is concerned with adolescence which is the third phase of human development. This is characterized by stress and storm. Unresolved identity crisis coupled with some factors such as parenting styles, socio-economic status, religion, and peer pressure lead to conduct disorder. The rate of conduct disorder in adolescents is on the incre...

Financial Reforms And Credit Growth Nexus On Income Inequality In Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries

ABSTRACT Income inequality stalls economic growth with undesirable socio-economic consequences. Despite measures targeted towards reducing the inequality gap, disparities in income distribution persists. The link between financial reforms and income inequality is still relatively unexplored in the literature. This study appraises the impact of financial reforms including credit growth on income inequality using a sample of twenty selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) from 1980 to 201...

L’écrivain Comme Historien: Une Étude De Quelques Romans D’ahmadou Kourouma

ABSTRACT This study attempts to present the novelist Kourouma as a historian. An attempt is therefore made to: (i) show how History is used in fiction, assess its value and usefulness in Literature; (ii) identify the literary strategies used to incorporate historical facts in a work of fiction; (iii) determine whether Kourouma’s novels have ideological underpinnings and (iv) determine to what extent Literature can be used to educate the society, with special reference to Kourouma’s novels...

Correlates Of Delinquency Among Selected Secondary School Students In Oye Local Government, Ekiti State.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate correlates of delinquency among selected secondary school students in Oye-Ekiti. The Family, peer group influence and Economic factors was used as the independent variables to determine the association with delinquent behaviour. A cross sectional research design was used in the study with a population study of 200 students ( 40 students from each school) from Concentric International School, Ekiti State Government College,; Ilupeju High Sc...

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