Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Digital Marketing Strategies On The Competitive Advantage Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The local banking industry has been facing intense competition from various players in the financial industry, such as Saccos, Microfinance firms, and digital lending platforms in competing for customers. Further, increasing changes in the regulatory and business climate have increased the pressure on local banks to enhance their capacity to remain competitive. The emergence of new technologies and digital disruption has presented the commercial banks with new tools that can be adap...

Revenue Diversification In Counties With A Focus On Own Source Revenues

ABSTRACT With the devolved system of governance in Kenya, financial autonomy is a key tenet of the County Governments sustainability. The general objective was to identify strategies through which County Governments Own Source Revenue (OSR) can be diversified to promote enhanced local revenues. The specific objectives were to establish the factors which contribute to the current revenue collection trends by County Governments in Kenya and to establish the performance of counties in Kenya on ...

Effect Of Electronic Medical Record Systems On The Delivery Of Hospital Services In Kenya: An Operational Efficiency Perspective

ABSTRACT Delivery of hospital services has been experiencing various challenges such as escalating costs of care delivery. Spending in healthcare is wasted due to operational inefficiency leading to poor healthcare outcomes. Health information technologies, such as Electronic Medical Records Systems (EMRS) are critical to transforming the healthcare industry. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of EMRS on the delivery of hospital services from an operational efficiency perspe...

An Analysis Of Factors Affecting Sustainable Growth Of Local Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies In Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to analyze the factors affecting sustainable growth of local pharmaceutical manufacturing companies by determining and establishing their influence on sustainable growth of these firms in Kenya. The review of related literature identified these factors as competition, government regulations, international regulations and the cost of production. The study adopted a cross sectional research design and targeted 32 local firms registered with the Pharmacy Po...

The Effect Of Talent Management Practices On Employee Retention In State Corporations In Uganda: A Case Of National Social Security Fund

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess The Effect of Talent Management Practices on Employee Retention in State Corporations in Uganda; A Case of National Social Security Fund (NSSF). The research objectives were to ascertain: firstly, the effect of talent acquisition on employee retention; secondly, the influence of talent development on employee retention; and thirdly, the impact of talent rewards on employee retention. In order to meet these objectives, a mini-survey was carried out...

An Analysis Of The Relationship Between Systematic Risk And Shareholders' Return: A Case Of Companies Listed On Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT This study sought to analyse the relationship between systematic risk and shareholders' return with specific reference to companies listed on the NSE. The study focused on the following questions: what is the firms' specific systematic risk levels and their effect on shareholders' bonuses among the companies listed on the NSE??; what is the relationship between stock category (i.e. agriculture, manufacturing, insurance, banking, commercial services, investment, energy & petroleum se...

Determinants Of Organizational Performance Of Small And Medium Manufacturing Firms In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are vital contributors to the GDP growth, employment levels, and social welfare of Kenya. The manufacturing sector is a critical component of the government’s economic development agenda. However, in the recent past, SMEs in the manufacturing sector have witnessed a continuous trend of poor performance, which has caused deterioration in their development, as well as business closure. The current study sought to build on available literature. It ...

The Role Of Commercial Banks Towards Building Local Content Capacity In Upstream Oil And Gas Industry In Kenya

ABSTRACT The discovery of commercially viable crude oil reserves in Kenya in 2012 and the delineation of “Oil, Gas and Other Minerals” as a new sector in the economic pillar of Kenya Vision 2030 suggests that the country is poised to start engaging in notable activities in upstream oil and gas. It is expected that oil exploration companies and the Government will identify and target local content initiatives as a means to create and share value from the exploitation of oil and gas deposi...

Factors Affecting Housing Affordability In Kenya Case Study Of Mombasa County

ABSTRACT This study seeks to investigate factors affecting housing affordability in Kenya. Empirical aspects of the factors affecting housing affordability was looked into to inform on the problem of housing affordability in Kenya, specifically Mombasa County. The study objectives are: to examine the impact of government policies, or lack thereof, and how it affects buyers’ housing affordability prospects, to examine how cost of financing affects housing affordability, to investigate how h...

Assess The Perceptions Of Personal Data Privacy Amongst Users And Developers Of Mobile Applications In Kenya

ABSTRACT This paper aims to demonstrate the importance of understanding the right to privacy of personal data relating to someone’s personal life. The objectives guiding this study were: to establish to what extent users of mobile applications understand that personal data collected through these applications was private. To understand the role of mobile application users in enhacing the knowledge of role of privacy when using mobile application. Finally, to establish to what extent mobile...

An Assessment Of Mergers And Acquisitions Motivation And Framework Adherence Vis-À-Vis Value Creation Among Internet Service Providers In Kenya

ABSTRACT Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are a key growth and expansion strategy being embraced by many organizations especially in the telecommunication sector. M&A in organizations are usually guided by the top executives and management. The success of the M&A depends on the executives and top management’s understanding of the M&A framework required to be applied taking into consideration the M&A goals and objectives. The framework used to execute pre and post M&A is very crucial to ensur...

Factors Affecting Insurance Penetration In Kenya - An Insurance Agents’ View

ABSTRACT Insurance is a critical component of any country’s economic system. Insurance penetration is one of the measures of relative importance of the insurance sector to the specific country. Insurance penetration in Kenya has been very low at below three percent irrespective of the significant focus by regulators, policymakers and the insurance industry players. The factors impacting insurance penetration in Kenya have been studied over the years. While various studies have been carried...

Influence Of Board Diversity On The Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT This study’s purpose was to explore the effect of board diversity in leadership on corporate financial performance. Specifically, the study aimed at determining the effect of board diversity on financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya to ascertain whether there is a causal association between the specific board characteristics of gender, age and nationality on the financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. Thus, the research adopted an exploratory design. All co...

Factors Influencing The Implementation Of Strategic Plans In Public Secondary Schools In Rongai Sub-county, Kenya

Past research has shown that even though excellent strategic plans have been written in public secondary schools, few have been successfully implemented. Crafting the best strategic plan is not the end in itself. Final results can only be realized once the plan hasbeen successfully implemented. It is a lot easier to craft strategic plans than it is to  implement them. While several studies have underscored the fact that there are challenges regarding strategic plan implementation in seco...

The Influence Of Formal And Informal Mentoring Approaches On Leadership Development: A Study Of Women In Technology In Kenya

ABSTRACT Leadership development is a challenging aspect of talent management within the information communication technology industry in Kenya. As part of the strategies to bridge career development gaps, mentoring is one approach used in organisations. This study adopted an exploratory method to review and establish the effectiveness of mentoring approaches either formal or informal when used as a talent management strategy for leadership development. In order to qualify the premise of the ...

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