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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Employee Perceptions On The Relationship Between Internal Controls And Firm Performance In Kenya

ABSTRACT Internal control is a fundamental component of good corporate governance. It ensures efficiency, effectiveness, reliability and compliance matters are adhered to. The problem stated in this study is that with increased financial scandals in some quoted organizations, financial performance is declining and hence it is worth investigating the role of staff perception on the relationship between internal controls and firm performance plays. The target population of the study was financ...

An Assessment Of The Challenges Affecting Electricity Transmission Network Expansion In Kenya; A Case Study Of Ketraco

ABSTRACT Electricity remains a key economic driver in promoting economic activities such as manufacturing and trade. The Kenyan government in late 2008 introduced KETRACO, as a company with the sole mandate of planning, designing, building, operating and maintaining the national electricity transmission grid in the country. Since its inception, when compared to the planned 16,000km grid expansion, only 1,800km has been achieved by the Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Ltd (KETRACO). It ...

An Assessment Of Factors Influencing Public Participation In Kenya Urban Roads Authority Projects

ABSTRACT Community participation has potential advantages to communities ranging from; empowerment, capacity building, project effectiveness and efficiency, cost sharing and ownership. In Kenya, however, citizen participation is low, involving sharing opinions during public forums rather than participating in decision making as envisioned in the Constitution of Kenya. The objective of this study was to determine the factors influencing the level of public participation in Kenya Urban Roads A...

The Influence Of Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction: A Study Of Container Shipping Lines In Kenya From A Freight Forwarder Perspective

ABSTRACT The containerized shipping industry, the backbone of the global economy, is classified as a service sector as its demand is derived from trade. Global financial trends have rendered cost minimization efforts, and global alliances ineffective in ensuring sustainability of profits for container carriers. The ability of container carriers to determine customers’ needs and deliver quality services that exceed their expectations is key to a sustainable competitive advantage and profita...

An Examination Of Factors Influencing Safety Within The Bodaboda Transport Sector In Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine factors influencing safety within the bodaboda transport sector. The study was restricted to Lang’ata Sub-County as the area typically has a wealth of bodaboda operators. The objectives of the study were to examine to what extent flexibility and accessibility, affordability, employment opportunities and informality influenced safety within the bodaboda transport sector. Data was collected using questionnaires and analysed using descriptive s...

An Assessment Of Factors Influencing Patient Safety Incident Reporting In The Inpatient Department At The Gertrude’s Children Hospital In Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to establish the factors influencing the reporting patient safety incidents at Gertrude's Children hospital. The study employed a descriptive mixed method with both quantitative and qualitative study design. Fifty two nurses from the inpatient units participated in this study. A standard checklist extracted from Q-pulse, a structured questionnaire and in depth interviews guides were used for data collection. Statistical package of social science...

Effect Of Customer Data Analytics On Delivery Of Customer Experience In Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Classical economic theory has for quite some time now assumed that the customer is a very logical thinker who makes purchasing decisions while being influenced by rationality. This is to mean that core product perspective, are seen to be the main tenets that inform consumer decision making bearing in mind the fact that tangible product qualities influence the purchasing decisions of a consumer. Use of data and analytics helps the organizations understand the customers more for examp...

Assessing Factors Influencing The Uptake Of The Health Insurance Subsidy Program: A Case Of Turkana Central Subcounty In Kenya

ABSTRACT The attainment of universal health coverage is a top global priority as advanced by WHO and member countries, including Kenya. Social health insurance schemes, like the Health Insurance Subsidy for the Poor serve as one of the means to achieve the UHC challenges of access to care, equity and affordability of services. The purpose of this study was to assess effectiveness of such SHI programmes in improving satisfaction, access and utilization of healthcare among the beneficiaries in...

Human Resource Disability-Inclusive Practices And The Employment Of Persons With Disabilities By Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT According to the World Health Organization, approximately 15% of the global population have some form of disability and are more likely to be unemployed compared to the general population. In Kenya, there is limited data on the number of persons with disabilities (PWDs) and like most developing countries PWDs experience low levels of employment and are more likely to be discriminated against getting paid employment. It is evident that Employers’ policies and practices play a criti...

Effects Of Marketing Mix Strategies On Intentions To Purchase Hiv Self-Test Kits From Pharmacies In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Given that private institutions issue 91% of pharmaceutical products in the country, they play a critical role in ensuring that HIV self-testing kits are distributed to the populace. To achieve this, pharmacies need to be advised to implement data-driven marketing initiatives. Establishing the impact of each of the 4Ps (product, price, place, and promotion) of the marketing mix would allow creation of a more effective marketing approach; such an approach would benefit multiple stake...

Effect Of Mobile Banking Investment On Financial Profitability: A Case Of Tier One Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The movement from traditional branch banking to mobile banking has caused banks to come up with strategies to attract more customers and retain existing ones. The desire to reduce both operational, administrative cost and competition has driven banks to adopt mobile banking. Technological advancements in the area of telecommunications and information technology have continued to revolutionize the banking industry. The Kenyan banking sector has witnessed many changes since the beginn...

The Effect Of Remission In Schizophrenia On Employee Absenteeism And Presenteeism In The Workplace

ABSTRACT This study aimed to advance insight on remission in schizophrenia in the workplace by examining absenteeism and presenteeism of employees. It measured the absenteeism and presenteeism of employees in businesses in Nairobi with remission in schizophrenia attending Mathari National Teaching & Referral Hospital follow up clinics with the aim of recommending a strong talent management strategy. The study adapted a quantitative method of research. All the questionnaires were filled. The ...

Assessing Out Of Pocket Costs And The Incidence Of Catastrophic Expenditures Among Chronic Disease Households In Kenya

ABSTRACT Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is among the global goals pursued by the Kenyan government. Currently, the country faces the burden of communicable diseases, chronic diseases and non-communicable diseases. To develop policies that ensure access to needed healthcare services and financial protection for all, examining out of pocket costs and the incidence of catastrophic health expenditures among households with chronic disease in Kenya is an important research and policy question. D...

Analysis Of Factors Affecting Adoption Of ICT Solutions In Dairy Farming Cooperative Societies In Meru County

ABSTRACT Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is viewed as a driver for both developed and developing countries. The benefits of ICT adoption by organizations range from opportunity and market access to operational efficiencies and making enterprises more competitive and successful. In assessing the usefulness of ICT in agriculture, significant strides in efficiency can be achieved through the use of modern technology in upstream and downstream processes within cooperative societie...

The relevance of Culture and Personality Studies, National Character Studies, Cultural Determinism and Cultural Diffusion in Twenty-first Century Anthropology: An assessment of their compat

This paper re-examines the core tenets of our “Proactive-interactive-symbiotic approach to long-term cultural change”, also known as the “Symbiotic School of socio-cultural change”, against the backdrop of eminent pre-existing schools of thought such as the Culture and Personality School, Cultural Determinism, Cultural Relativism, and diffusionist schools such as the British School, the German School and the American School, and other ethnographic methods and techniques to revalidate ...

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