The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of micro-finance funding on the performance of small and medium enterprises within Nakuru town. More specifically, the study sought to analyze the effect of MFI’s cost of credit on the performance of SMEs, to determine the effect of non-repayment of MFI’s loans on the performance of SMEs and to evaluate the effect of trainings offered by MFIs on SMEs’ performance in Nakuru town. The population of the study was 84 SME’s owners an...
Over time, children are presented to have borne the brunt of offensive cultural practices and conditions that perpetuate sexual violence especially in Kenya. Research gap shows existing uncertainty on the determinants of sexual violence and how the challenge is manifested in the dynamics of the changing economic conditions. This study examines the correlation between incidents of sexual violence and family income as an indicator of socio-economic inequalities at micro level. The study therefo...
The widespread use of mobile phones, the various information access it provides to its users, and the vast presence and significant impact of mobile phone on users’ daily life make mobile phones important devices to study. The research focused on the determinants of choice of mobile phone brand among university students in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to find out the effect of price variation, social factors, product features, perceived product image, media influence and...
ABSTRACT Over 2.6 billion people of the world’s population prepare their food and heat their homes with biomass fuel mainly woodfuel. Wood fuel is used as a major source of energy without a replacement plan and is partly the cause of deforestation. Among the interventions identified as crucial to slowing down deforestation include promoting alternative sources of energy and using efficient stoves to reduce pressure on forest resources. This study examined wood fuel utilization and efficien...
ABSTRACT Family stability is the nucleus to a functioning society. Wife battering has been recognized as a hindrance to this stability as it not only adversely affects women but also their children who are the future of any society. It was against this background that this study was carried out to examine the dynamics of help seeking among battered women in spousal relationships in Nakuru West Sub County, Kenya. Nakuru West Sub-County was purposively selected because though the vice occurs i...
Most organizational valuable information exists in the form of documents, be it correspondence, memos, policy documents, contractual agreements and reports. Crucial business processes are not only based on but also driven to a great extent by document flows. The purpose of this study was to determine how organizational, technological and human resource factors could affect the adoption levels of Electronic Document Management Systems in Kenya based on the promise of productivity and performan...
The performance of commercial banks in Kenya has been hindered by various internal and external factors. The fact that commercial banks have been facing challenges in respect of their financial performance necessitated the carrying out of this study. The general objective was to determine the influence of selected firm-level characteristics on financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. In particular, the study examined the influence of the bank size, business scope, managerial charac...
ABSTRACT While the creation of a strong reputation and image has been recognized as an important factor in the success or failure of virtually all major organizations for some time, CSR has only recently been acknowledged as one of the most important factors in determining corporate reputation. The study examined the effects of corporate social responsibility on corporate identity of small and medium telecommunication firms in Kenya. The study was guided by four objectives: To examine the ef...
Hazardous-solid waste management, (HSWM) is the collection, treatment, and disposal of waste material that, when improperly handled, can cause substantial harm to human health and safety or to the environment. The main purpose of the study was to assess the selected factors influencing management of hazardous solid waste in Obunga and Migosi estates in Kisumu County, Kenya that was guided by the following specific objectives: (i) To find out the influence of knowledge on the HSWM (ii) To dete...
ABSTRACT Tropical savannas occur prevalently in Africa and they are important for wildlife conservation and human livelihoods. Wild and domestic ungulates often co-occur and share forage and water resources in these savannas. This situation is prevalent in areas with minimal coverage of protected areas like Laikipia. Habitat sharing can result to varied ecological interactions, including competition and facilitation depending on season. This study assessed the responses of wild ungulates to ...
Induction training is absolutely vital for new starters in an organization. Good induction training ensures new recruits are settled down quickly, comfortably and happily to a productive role. Poor induction training for new recruits may increase the risk of the problems like poor performance, low job satisfaction, absenteeism and resignations or dismissals. However, the aspect of induction training and its effect on employee retention among university staff in Kenya has not received consider...
Capacity building focuses on enhancing different organizational abilities, it has also been accepted to be an important tool for implementing strategic programs. Organizations use capacity building strategies such as; internships, formal training, written materials, meetings, e-leaning, appreciative inquiry, coaching sessions and peer groups’ action learning to strengthen employees capacities. The general objective of the study was to establish the influence of capacity building on employee...
ABSTRACT The introduction of county governments with the adoption of the new constitution has brought with it challenges in administration of these new institutions. This is particularly the case with revenue collection in the county governments whereby the revenue collected has in many times been below the projected figures. This has resulted in financial challenges in the delivery of services to the public. The purpose of this study was to establish the factors affecting revenue collection...
Balance Score Card (BSC) is multi-dimensional performance management able to measure both fiscal and non-fiscal indicators for the purposes of improving firms‟ performance. Balance Score Cardhas been used by firms to align their activities to strategic outcomes. The study assessed application of the Balance Score card Strategy on performance of public secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study analyzed the effect of; stakeholders involvement (customer focused strategy), process im...
With the advent of devolution in Kenya, it is possible that most of the conflict in the public sector organizations today stem from the restructuring of government. Many County governments are yet to resolve some teething problems on many fronts which threaten to impede their functions and slow down the devolution process considerably. Some of these problems can be resolved through strategic leadership. However, studies on strategic leadership and organizational behavior have not linked strat...